MANAGEMENT OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS ASSIGNMENT 2 1. What is "method study”? What are its objectives? 2. Discuss the principles of motion economy. How these are related to "design of tools and equipment”? 3. Define standard time of an operation. List its various uses. 4. Discuss briefly the functions of production planning and control. Differentiate between loading and scheduling. 5. What is SIMO chart? Explain with an example of writing a letter. How it is different from two handed chart? 6. Explain stop watch metod of time study. 7. Following is the data of work sampling study of a long cycle non repetitive operation Total no of activities = 1350 Productive activities = 950 Hours of work study/day = 8 Total time of study = 12 days Manually controlled elements = 600 Machine controlled element = 400 Rating factor = 110% Unavoidable delays = 100 Find standard time.