PART I (30 Points). Mark the correct statement by “T” and the wrong

PART I (30 Points).
Mark the correct statement by “T” and the wrong statement by “F”. A false statement
should be corrected otherwise it will not be graded as a correct answer.
1- ( F ) During the evaluation of alternatives, it frequently is desirable to select two
solutions: (1) The ideal solution, (2) the one that is preferred for immediate use.
2- ( T) To improve a process, we may reduce the numbers of storage activities in the
process chart, if it is possible.
3- ( F ) According to the principles of motion economy, where each finger performs
some specific movement, such as in typewriting, the load should be distributed
equally among the fingers.
4- ( F) Simo charts can be either man type or material type. Moreover, a combination
of both types can not be used.
5- ( T) Time study should be repeated, when any changes in the work method is done to
improve it.
6- ( T ) Method and Time study aims at increasing the productivity, and developing the
better methods to perform a specific task.
7- ( F) If a time standard is to be established on a new job. The supervisor should see
that the operator has thoroughly learned the job and that he/she is following the
prescribed method. The supervisor should not inform the operator in advance that a
time study is to be made.
8- ( F) According to the principles of motion economy, hand and body motions should
be confined to the highest classification with which it is possible to perform the work
9- ( F) According to the principles of motion economy, eye fixations should be as much
and as close together as possible.
10- ( T) According to the principles of motion economy, the hands should be relieved of
all works that can be done more advantageously by a jig, or a foot-operated device.
11- ( F) There are two methods of reading a stopwatch during time study are: a)
Continuous timing, and b) Repetitive timing.
12- ( T) The process chart, flow diagram, activity chart, man and machine chart,
operation chart, and simo chart are merely tools to be used as needed in method
13- ( F) Simo chart can be used in process analysis.
14- ( F) Assembly process chart can be used as an aid in studying the activities of a
group of people working together. This chart is a composite of individual member
process charts, arranged to permit thorough analysis.
15- ( T) To improve an operation, we may reduce the number of transportation activities
in the operation chart, if it is possible.
PART II (20 Points). Fill in the blank/s with appropriate word/s.
1- The following approaches should be considered in developing possible solutions from
which the preferred work method will be selected:
1. Eliminate unnecessary work
2. Combine necessary work
3. Change the sequence of necessary work
4. Simplify work.
2- Use: is the basic hand motion for manipulating a tool, device, or piece of apparatus
for the purpose for which it was intended.
3- Inspect: is defined as examining an object to determine whether or not it complies
with standard size, shape, color, or other qualities previously determined.
4- Pre-position: is a basic hand motion, which refers to locating an object in a
predetermined place, or locating it in the correct position for some subsequent
5- The over-all process of putting a new product into production can be divided into
three parts or phases.
1. Planning,
2. Pre-production,
3. Production.
6- Micro-motion Study is the study of the fundamental element or sub-divisions of an
operation by means of a motion picture camera and a timing device, which
accurately indicates the time intervals on the motion picture film.
7- Benefits of „Eliminating Unnecessary Work‟ in developing the preferred work
method are:
1- There is no need to spend money on installing an improved method.
2- No interruption or delay is caused while the improved method is being developed,
tested, and installed.
3- It is not necessary to train new operators on the new method.
4- The problem of resistance to change is minimized when a job or activity that is
found to be unnecessary is eliminated.
8- Assemble: is defined as the placement of one object into or on another object with
which it becomes an integral part.
9- Planning is a decision making process in that a goal or objective has been
determined and a choice has been made from alternatives.
10- A clearer picture of the relationship of the operator‟s working time and the machine
time can be obtained by showing the information graphically to scale by a chart,
which is called Man-Machine Chart.