Short Story Unit Unit Purpose:


Short Story Unit

Anita Fossum

Unit Purpose:

The purpose of this short story unit is to understand the elements of short stories while reading a variety of examples. This short story unit will have the students demonstrate their ability to read, interpret, and make conclusions from what they read. This unit will also give the students the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity with a variety of writing assignments developed throughout the unit using the elements of short stories. The students will be aware of the varieties of styles that authors use in writing short stories.

Unit Objectives:

Students will interpret and understand the stories read for class.

Students will make their own deductions, conclusions, and opinions of the short stories.

Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the elements of short stories.

Students will expand their vocabulary, understanding the elements of short stories, as well as some words throughout their reading.



Students will have in-class participation with class discussions.

Group/Class orientated.


Students will complete daily worksheets demonstrating their understanding of the short story.


Students will have a working short story throughout this unit. It will be revised numerous times and handed in for participation points.


There will be a final test over the short stories as well as the elements of short stories.
