SC MAPS Correlation to SC Social Studies Standards Revised version - January 2005 (Correlation by grade 4/ unit level) Compiled by Ted and Iris Aschenbrand Correlation based on SC MAPS pages and activities in the Teaching Manual – Fourth Edition, January 2000 1 SC MAPS CORRELATION TO SC SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS GRADE FOUR SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY 1-58 1-3.01 Trace President Washington’s SC visit in 1701 1-59 1-3.06 List influential people Washington mentioned in his diary 1-62 1-3.13 Locate Native American national territories 1-3.15 Analyze effects of landforms on Revolutionary War campaigns 3-1.E4 Choose a Native American Nation to research 2-1.03 Compare Native American and modern hunting practices 2B-1.13 Compare modern and pioneer life 1-62 1-63 2-18 2B-13 3-28 3-1.12 Reconstruct pioneer diet from Act of 1743 CONTENT STANDARDS LITERACY ELEMENTS 4-4.4: Compare the roles and accomplishments of early leaders in the development of the new nation, including George Washington. 4-4.4: Compare the roles and accomplishments of early leaders in the development of the new nation, including George Washington. 4-2.2: Compare the physical environment and culture of major Native American groupings. 4-3.4: Summarize the events and key battles of the Revolutionary War. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. 4-2.2: Compare the everyday life, physical environment and culture of the major Native American groups. 4-2.2: Compare the everyday life, physical environment and culture of the major Native American groups. 4-2.4: Compare the European settlements in North America in terms of their economic activities and lifestyles. 4-2.4: Compare the European settlements in North America in terms of lifestyles. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. E: Explain change and continuity over time. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. E- Explain change and continuity over time F-Ask geographic questions. I-Use maps to observe and interpret. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 2 SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY 3B-5 3B-1.02 Research crime and punishment, past and present 3C-13 3C-2.01 Locate features at battle site 3C-13 3C-2.02 Calculate slope of Kings Mountain 3C-13 3C-2.03 Analyze choice of Kings Mountain as British outpost 3C-2.04 Describe the battle of Kings Mountain 3C-14 3C-14 3C-2.05 Analyze the newspaper article 3C-14 3C-2.06 Discuss the effects of speeches on public opinion 3C-2.E1 Research AfricanAmerican military heroes 3C-15 3C-16 3C-2.E2 Document importance of Kings Mountain Battle CONTENT STANDARDS LITERACY ELEMENTS 4-4.5: Provide examples of how American constitutional democracy places important responsibilities on citizens to take an active role in the civil process. 4-3.4: Summarize the events and key battles of the Revolutionary War. 4-3.4: Summarize the events and key battles of the Revolutionary War. 4-3.4: Summarize the events and key battles of the Revolutionary War. 4-3.4: Summarize the events and key battles of the Revolutionary War. 4-3.6: Compare the daily life and roles of diverse groups of Americans in the Revolutionary War, including African Americans. 4-3.1: Explain the political and economic factors leading to the American Revolution. 4-3.6: Compare the daily life and roles of diverse groups of Americans in the Revolutionary War, including African Americans. 4-3.4: Summarize the events and key battles of the Revolutionary War. E: Explain change and continuity over time. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 3 SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY CONTENT STANDARDS 4-22 4-1.06 Locate towns important to cotton 4-1.09 Locate Civil War landmarks and retell stories 4-1.10 Locate site where Sherman fired on capital 6-1.05 Trace Alonzo Jackson’s route and write account of escape 6-1.06 Trace possible escape route for slaves on the Underground RR 9-1.07 Locate de Ayllon’s settlement and trace his travel route 9-1.08 Identify places names for English proprietors 9A-1.06: Analyze newspaper article (Hunley) 9A-1.08 Determine distance cannonball traveled to Fort Sumter 10-1.E2 Find out how people lived and worked on plantations 4-6.1: Compare the industrial North and the agricultural South. 4-6.3: Explain how specific events and issues led to the Civil War. 4-6.4: Summarize significant key battles, strategies of Civil War. 4-6.4: The role of African Americans in the war. 4-6.2: Summarize roles of abolitionist leaders and the Underground RR. 4-1.3: Use a map to identify the routes of various sea and land expeditions to the New World. 4-2.3: Identify the English, Spanish, and French colonies in North America. 4-6.4: Summarize key battles, strategies of Civil War. 4-6.4: Summarize key battles, strategies, and turning points of the Civil War. 4-6.1: Compare the industrial North and the agricultural South prior to the Civil War. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary sources. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 10A-1.05 Locate several plantation sites 4-6.1: Compare the industrial North and the agricultural South prior to the Civil War. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. 4-22 4-23 6-15 6-16 9-21 9-21 9A-8 9A-8 10-17 10A-10 LITERACY ELEMENTS 4 SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY 10A-11 10A-1.11 Analyze why escape was difficult for slaves 10A-1.E1 Determine effect of end of slavery on rice cultivation 10A-13 CONTENT STANDARDS 4-6.3: Explain how specific issues led to the Civil War. 4-6.6: Explain the impact of the Civil War on the nation. LITERACY ELEMENTS F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. K Use texts, photos, and documents to observe and interpret trends and relationships. 5 Literacy Elements In addition to the previously mentioned content standards, the following activities in SCMAPS meet one or more additional Literacy Elements. SC MAPS ACTIVITY NUMBER 1-PT 1-1.01 1-1.02 1-1.05 1-1.E1 1-1.E3 1-2.01 1-2.E1 1-3.05 1-3.06 1-3.08 1-3.10 1-3.16 1-3.E1 1-4.01 1-4.E3 1-4.E5 2-PT 2-1.01 2A-1.01 2A-1.02 2A-1.10 2B-1.01 2B-1.02 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X R S T U V W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 SC MAPS ACTIVITY NUMBER 2B-1.12 2B-1.13 2B-2.03 2B-2.E3 2B-2.E4 3-1.01 3-1.11 3A-1.01 3A-1.03 3A-1.E1 3B-1.01 4-1.01 4-1.08 4-1.E1 4A-1.01 4A-1.02 4A-2.11 4A-2.E2 4B-1.01 4B-2.02 4C-1.01 4C-1.E1 4C-2.E2 5-1.01 5-1.02 5-1.09 5-1.E6 5A-1.01 5A-1.08 5A-2.10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 SC MAPS ACTIVITY NUMBER 5B-1.01 6-1.01 6-1.03 6A-1.01 6A-1.06 6A-1.07 6A-1.09 6A-2.04 6A-2.05 6A-2.E1 8-1.E3 8A-1.8 9-1.01 9-1.03 9-1.08 9-1.E2 9A-1.01 9A-1.02 9A-1.03 9A-1.05 9A-1.12 10A-1.01 10A-1.02 10A-1.04 A B C D E F G H X X I J K L M N O X X X X X P Q R S T U V W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8