What to do when a student reports a sexual assault to you…

What to do when
a student reports a
sexual assault to you…
Linda Anderson
Carrie Giese
How big is this problem…
 Over
the course of an average college
career, the percentage of completed or
attempted sexual assaults among women is as
high as 25%.
The Sexual Victimization of College Women, U.S. Department of Justice, January 2001
statistics equals one
female students.
 This
in four
Important factors
in response
 Begin
with safety
 Acknowledge you believe her or him
 Support with active listening
 Empower her or his choices for healing
 Refer to on and off campus resources
Support and/or
Reporting Options…
 Counseling/Consultation (SASS) 737-7604
Online anonymous report form
First responder packet
 Police
(criminal) 737-3010
 Student Conduct (OSU process)737-3656
 Center Against Rape Domestic Violence (541)
754-0110 or 1-800-927-0197
24 hour hotline and on-site advocacy