Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Sorcerer 5: Chapters 11 - 14
JK Rowling
Chapter 11 – Quidditch
FALSE Harry is completely comfortable and confident about playing quidditch.
2. Hermione has begun breaking rules. What is one way that she has done this?
3. What happens to Harry during the quidditch match?
4. Before Hermione reaches Snape in the stands, who does she knock over? ______________________
FALSE Hagrid doesn’t believe that Professor Snape was trying to hurt Harry.
6. Harry, Ron and Hermione learn a special name at the end of the chapter; what is it?
Chapter 12 – The Mirror of Erised
7. How have the three friends been spending their time?
8. Name one of the presents that Harry receives for Christmas.
9. Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi? What do these words mean?
10. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.” What does this mean?
11. When Dumbledore looks in the Mirror of Erised, what does he see?
Chapter 13 – Nicolas Flamel
12. What’s the bad news for the Gryffindor quidditch team? Why?
13. TRUE
FALSE Harry insults Neville by comparing him to Malfoy when he says, “You’re worth
twelve of Malfoy”.
14. TRUE
FALSE Harry first saw the name Nicolas Flamel on the Hogwarts train.
15. Harry follows Snape into the forest. Who does he meet and what are they talking about?
Chapter 14 – Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
16. What does Hagrid have and why is it a secret?
17. Which professors put enchantments to guard the sorcerer’s stone?
18. Besides Harry, Ron and Hermione, who has seen the dragon?
19. Hermione is very happy on page 241. Why?
20. TRUE
FALSE Harry and Hermione managed to get rid of Norbert without any problems.