VCSU Student Senate Meeting Minutes August 29, 2011 I. II. III. IV. V. Call to Order a. Krueger calls meeting to order at 7:00pm. Roll Call a. Total: 14 b. Present: Aune, Dahlberg, Davis, Hansen, Henkel, Jilek, Johnson, Kapaun, Krueger, Martin, Oladosu, Shadlock c. Excused: Edinger, Miller, Phillips d. Unexcused: e. Quorum: Met at 92% Approval of Minutes a. Aune moves to approve the minutes. Dahlberg seconds. b. Motion passes. Approval of Agenda a. Aune moves to approve the agenda. Jilek seconds. b. Motion passes. New Business a. Welcome Back! i. Fee Waiver 1. Busy Summer. 2. Welcome to the new members. 3. There will be elections for freshman positions. Petitions turned in by Thursday at midnight, and campaigning will start next week. Freshmen along with upperclassmen can join. b. Summer Updates i. Krueger sat on many committees over the summer. There are updates going on for the current student perspectives that are being taken care of. 1. Main thing that will be discussed this semester is a fee for the student center renovation and the association being funding by students. a. Not sure how much. 2. More details on the renovation next Wednesday. 3. Remodeling and renaming of the football field. 4. Work on the library and music building. 5. Served on North Dakota Higher Education Consortium for Substance Abuse Prevention. a. Prevention material for students concerning alcohol and drugs. ii. Dahlberg served on marketing committee 1. Last week a ceremony recognizing Ag country, money for Medicine Wheel 2. Ribbon cutting during the homecoming game on new turf. 3. Hoping for #1 in Best Top 10 Colleges in the Midwest in the News and World Report 4. Another announcement for $232,000 for professional development on campus VI. VII. 5. Opted not to go with the platform for Red Plum, stick with The Difference is Me. iii. Aune – NDSA 1. SUMMER RETREAT – focus on for this year. 2. Krueger and Aune leave for retreat talking about different funding models for higher education. c. Website and Blackboard i. Davis worked on website and blackboard over the summer. Please take a look and send feedback. d. Treasurer i. Treasurer for the year has resigned over the summer. 1. Any individuals last year that meet requirements please feel free to run for the position. They will be held same time for freshmen positions. Need to attend executive team and chair the finance committee. Unfinished Business a. None available Reports a. President 1. Excited for returning and to see new faces. Encourage you all to bring new ideas and new insights in regards to divisions for things we can discuss this year. b. Vice President i. It’s going to be a great year. c. Treasurer i. NO REPORT d. Secretary i. NO REPORT e. NDSA i. Dates for this year’s NDSAs 1. No clue where they will be yet. a. Sept. 9—10 at UND b. Oct. 14—15 at NDSU c. Nov. 18—19 at VCSU d. Jan. 20—21 TBA e. Feb. 17—18 either Minot or Wahpeton f. Mar. 23—24 at TBA, possibly Bismarck g. April 20-21 at TBA. h. Should know the places for sure. 2. Dress Code a. Friday night is business dress. b. Saturday morning, VCSU senate/normal apparel. Be presentable. f. VCAB i. Events 1. Friday 19th was Vikings After Dark 2. Saturday the 20th was a Free movie night at the Theater 3. 21st – Hypnotic 4. 23nd – Jason LeVasseur performed during lunch. 5. Wednesday was dance 6. Upcoming a. Sunday and Monday is twins at valley fair. 20 students. b. Open meeting next week. Ice cream served. g. IRHC VIII. IX. i. No report h. Viking Ambassadors i. Had a meeting last week. ii. Thursday last week new members trained. Tours coming in! i. Athletics i. Viking Volleyball 1. The Volleyball team traveled to Orange City and lost 4 matches, the Lady Vikings lost to #12 Duane College, #15 Northwestern College, Morningside College and Concordia University. 2. They will be in action on September 2nd and 3rd as they travel to the Dakota Wesleyan tournament. ii. Upcoming Home Events 1. Viking Football a. Thursday, September 1st the Vikings host #5 Morningside College at 7pm 2. Viking Cross Country a. Friday, September 2nd the Cross Country team hosts the Viking Invitation which starts at 4pm, it will be held at the Valley City Country Club. j. Fine Arts i. NO REPORT k. Communication and Social Sciences i. VACANT l. Business and Information Technologies i. NO REPORT m. Education i. VACANT n. Science and Math i. VACANT o. Other Reports i. Currently Krueger is serving on CIFT. Need a new representative for Tuesday morning from 8:30 to 9:30. ii. No meeting next Monday, but the following iii. Divisions will be sent out in the next week. Announcements a. Convocation this Thursday. b. Need to have as many senate members possible there. Adjournment i. Meeting adjourned at 7:27pm