Qlikview first app ENG 723G25.doc

Linköpings Universitet
The ICT-Studio
Fredrik Nordin
Build your first Qlikview Dashboard
Sales, profits, margins, production costs ... In today’s organizations lots of data are stored in various
forms divided on both local departments and geographically dispersed ones. This gives rise to the
problem area that Business Intelligence (BI) claims to handle.
The concept of BI refers to technologies used to identify, collect and analyze data in businesses or
other organizations. The purpose of BI is to make data available and present it in an easy to
understand way so that it can be used to make informed decisions.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide an understanding of the use and value of BI in
organizations. You will be working in a BI application called Qlikview to complete the task described
You have just started as controller assistant for a wholesale company within the food industry. Your
boss tells you and your newly hired colleague to assist the sales director in developing a basis for the
monthly meeting with the company sales managers. She wants the following data to present;
• An overall comparison (total sales) for the 2010-2012. (Money)
• A similar development by region. (Money)
• The sales trend (monthly) 2012 compared with 2011. (Money)
• Which products have been bestsellers. (Quantity)
• Which products had the greatest increase in sales last (2010-2011). (Money)
You are allowed to change the name of the graph but make sure that the expression is visible
Do you see anything else in the sales data you find particularly interesting and would like to suggest
for her to mention on the meeting?
Submission and discussion
1. Your Qlikview Dashboard should be saved according to the instructions below.
2. Summarize your findings and e-mail them to freno823@student.liu.se, subject “723G25 QV” or
show the dashboard to me before leaving.
To get started, you will be offered a connection guide, a start-up guide and an example of how to
create an interface object.
More information and examples can be found on the QlikView Web;
Connection guide
1. Launch Remote Desktop on a Windows computer (Start-Accessories-Remote Desktop).
2. Connect to address gate01.cfa.handels.gu.se: 4055 or with username
linuser and password brajest28Uy5ke
3. Start "QlikviewSRV07" from the desktop and confirm the connection with username CFA01
and password L4bb41.
The system is using single-sig-on. Please remember to log out of each session when you exit to
reduce the load on the server and make it easier for future groups. Thank you.
Startup guide
1. Copy source, Name the file according to group members LiU-ID (Ex:
"johdo446johdo594.qvw"), navigate to the same folder as the source file and then press
2. Open the file
If faulty or gone, download from (Download and open http://tinyurl.com/pf2ukyb)
Guide to create a new interface object
Interface Construction
Select Layout and select fields. Fields are used as filters for graphs and tables if you want to narrow
down the displayed data.
Choose to display the fields below.
It is now time to develop the first graph. Right-click anywhere on the sheet and select to create a
“New Sheet Object”. Select the chart and then the bar graph in the first dialog box and click next.
In the next dialog box, choose which dimensions to use. Since we are going to create a bar chart
showing sales per year, we only use the Year dimension. Press next.
It is now time to define our measurements (facts). Since the sales table has one row per sale we need
to summarize the Sales Amount to get all the data.
You have now done all the basic settings and can complete the interface object. The fields you chose
earlier can now help you filter sales per year by region, division, customer type or product.
Good luck!