Uploaded by Udomsit Jeerasitkul

QlikView Hospital Activity Analysis Training Material

The Academic Program is dedicated to ensure you are properly equipped with the right
resources to help you navigate through QlikView. To support you with incorporating QlikView
into your curriculum, we have created a “Getting Started with QlikView” kit for you.
This kit will help you connect theory to real life subjects and provide you with the tools for you
and your students to build, analyze, and understand real life data.
Table of Contents
Navigating the application
Data Model Build
Dashboard creation
Where to go from here
This application is a hospital activity application for the analysis of patient wait times and length of stay.
The application covers a range of hospital criteria such as age group, patient classification, admission
type, healthcare resource group, etc.
The application contains a Desktop sheet and a Mobile sheet. The sheets that are
Presented to the user is determined by the device that is used to analyses the data. A document
extension is utilized to detect the device and then this populates a variable to hide or show the relevant
Data: This application includes sample data on hospital information.
Navigating the Application
A User Interface Application consists of sheets – represented by tabs and individual objects on the
sheet. An Object can be a list box, chart, gauge, table, or text object.
In this case, the human resource application only consists on one sheet.
1. Click on the desired value. Green is the
selected value.
2. White is the associated value. There can
be more than one.
3. Grey are not associated values.
4. Make multiple selections by press Ctrl and
5. Selections carry forward to other sheets.
6. De-select by clicking on a selected value.
7. Click Clear on the toolbar to clear all
selected values.
8. Click the Wait Time tab
Selections carry over from sheet to
sheet. Objects on the sheet reflect
the current selection.
Click the magnifying glass or click
on the Caption box and type
“business” to find the list of values.
This will show all areas of the
organization that has the word
The Current Selection box shows
active selections. You can erase an
individual selection by clicking the
eraser in the Current Selection box.
Each sheet that includes data should include a Current Selection box.
Click a bar on the chart to drill down further.
Before you begin, please click on the link to download the accompanying dataset:
Data Model Build
Opening a New QVW Document
Click File New to open a new document.
Click View – Tool Bars to select appropriate tools bars. Usual ones are
Standard, Navigation, and Design.
Click Settings – User Preferences and Document Preferences to make general
application default selections.
Name and save document in the same folder where your data is save.
Click Edit Script icon. This opens Load Script Editor. From here, all of the ETL
tasks can be completed. There are multiple wizards that guide
you through the process of importing a file from different
a. The QlikCommunity site explains how to work with
the Load Script.
Script Editor
Use the Load Script to:
Call in databases and tables
Change fields
Create fields
Remove fields
Create tables
Manipulate data and tables
Load data into the application
System Variables – appear by default at the top of the Load Script.
There are various methods for bringing in data depending on the file. There are specific wizards for
certain types of files.
There is a tab that has a wizard for creating functions with the Load Script. These are QlikView functions
that allow data transformation and table maintenance.
Loading Hospital Activity Data file
Click the Table Files button to select an Excel file. You can
select File Types that appear on this dialog box. NOTE – a
QVD is a QlikView specific data only file that is created by a
QVW and allows for faster processing. A dialog box appears for selecting the desired file. Use the hospital
activity Data file.
2. The File Wizard displays the first worksheet in the Excel workbook. The
Tables drop down list allows you to select different worksheets within
the workbook. Only one worksheet can be selected at a time.
3. Under the Labels drop down, select Embedded Labels to select the
first row as your table header.
4. Click an X next to the desired field in the header to exclude it from
being loaded into your application.
5. Leave the Transaction table selected.
6. If you click Next, a button appears that allow you to perform
transformation of your Excel data such as convert a cross table for use
in QlikView.
7. Click the Finish button when completed.
8. After the table is selected, lines are added to the Load Script. This
includes a Load statement with fields imported from the Excel worksheet and a From statement that
indicates the file.
9. You can add Comments that are non-executed part of script that makes Load Script easier to read and
understand. It can be used to highlight individual tables or to exclude a portion of code. You can use // to
comment out a line or /* */ to comment out multiple lines.
//*****************Details************* *
10. Labels identify the table. It may be used with certain functions to select the affected table. A : (colon)
indicates a label and it will automatically italicize the label when entered. Brackets are needed if there is a
space in the table name.
11. Repeat steps 1-10 for the following worksheets/tables: Specialties, DateParts, Admission Methods,
Ethnicity and include the appropriate Comment and Label for each.
12. Click the Reload button to execute script and create data fields and the associated values that you can use
with your application. The Sheet Properties dialog box appears if your Load Script runs. It shows the
Available Fields you can use in your application.
If you encounter an error, a dialog box will appear with associated data.
For assistance in resolving errors, use the Debugger feature that is on the Script Editor toolbar.
13. To see a graphic representation of the associative data
model, click the Table Viewer icon. This icon is also
available on the main QlikView screen. You can also press
Ctrl – T to see the Table Viewer.
14. The Table Viewer will show the selected tables and their
respective fields. It also shows the fields that link the
tables together. Tables are linked by identically named
fields called Key Fields.
15. To see a sample of the data in the table, right click on a
table and select Preview.
Dashboard Creation
The User Interface utilizes the fields created in the Load Script. QlikCommunity site helps explain how to create an
effective User Interface. A quick review of the main components:
Sheets – each screen has a tab. This sheet has one object that has already been created.
Tabs – name the sheet.
Objects exist on a sheet.
Click the Add Sheet icon to add another sheet to the document.
Right click on a sheet to make changes to a sheet. Do not click an object to affect a sheet.
Template Overview
The Hospital Acticity - Starter.qvw provided has two tabs
available where you will be creating your first dashboard in.
The first tab labeled ‘Main’ will hold a description of the
App you are building. The second tab labeled ‘Dashboard’
will be used to create the actual user interface that will be
used to analyze the data.
Main Tab Overview
Let’s begin by changing the lorem ipsum text with a
description of the application that we will be creating.
Right-click anywhere on the text of lorem ipsum and click
on ‘Properties…’
Next to the text box is a button with 3 dots (…). Click here and replace the string inside the text box with
the following:
This application is a hospital activity application for the analysis of patient wait times
and length of stay. The application covers a range of hospital criteria such as age
group, patient classification, admission type, healthcare resource group, etc.
Next press ok in both the Edit Expression and Text Object
Properties windows.
Nice job, you have created a nice landing page.
Wait Time Overview
Next Click on the Dashboard tab. The dashboard tab will be blank which you will begin to create your
Let start by adding a search object to the dashboard. The search object
allows the user to search across a defined set of fields or all fields
loaded into the dashboard. The search object is one of the most
powerful and unique feature available in QlikView.
Right click anywhere on the sheet and click on New Sheet Object ->
Search Object
A ‘New Search Object’ Window will pop up. For now, leave the defaults
on the general tab and go to the ‘Presentation Tab’. In the presentation tab, within the Visual Style
section, there is an Appearance drop down. Click on the drop down
and select Squared. Press OK.
A new search object will appear in the sheet. Position the new
search object right below the QlikView logo.
Current Selection Box
Current Selection box allows you to see what selections you have made within
your dashboard. This is very useful to have a point of reference on what you are
looking within the graph.
Right click anywhere on the sheet and click on New Sheet Object -> Current
Selections Box…
A ‘New Current Selections Box’ window will pop up. Leave the defaults and
Press OK
A new Current Selection box will appear in the sheet. Position the new
current selection object right below the Search Object previously created.
List Box
List box allows you filter the data and recalculate the charts in the dashboard.
Right click anywhere on the sheet and click on New Sheet Object -> List Box…
A ‘New List Box’ window will pop up. In the ‘General’ tab under the field section is a drop down. Click on
the drop down and select Age Group.
A new List box will appear in the sheet. Position the new List Box object right below the Current
Selections Object previously created.
Repeat steps 1-4 for the following fields:
a. Admission Method Group
b. Admission Type
c. Patient Classification
When done, there should be 4 total list box (including Level)
Now let’s add the year across the top of the dashboard.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 mentioned above and the ‘new List Box’
appears. In the ‘General’ tab under the field selections is a drop
down. Click on the drop down and select Fiscal Year Name.
9. Next click on Presentation tab and uncheck ‘Single Column’. By
unchecking ‘Single Column’ you will be able to resize the list box
to display the data with multiple columns.
10. Reduce the height and increase the width of the list box and all
the years will be displayed horizontal.
11. Repeat steps 8-10 for Month.
Multi Box
Multi box allows you to filter the data and recalculate the charts in
the dashboard.
Right click anywhere on the sheet and click on New Sheet Object > Multi Box…
A ‘Multi Box’ window will pop up. In the ‘General’ tab under the
Available fields section add the following fields: PCT Country, PCG,
PCT Name
Bar Chart (Specialties)
Bar chart allows you to look at data distribution.
Right click anywhere on the sheet and click on New Sheet Object > Chart…
A new ‘General’ window will pop up. For the Window Title and
Show Title in Chart inputs add ‘Specialties - Avg Duration of Wait
Times’. Under Chart Type click on the bar picture and click on Next
The ‘Dimensions’ window is shown. On the bottom left hand corner
there is an Edit Groups… button. Select this and click on New …
Name the Groups Name as the following Surg Spec-Ethnicity and
select the cycle group radio button.
Finally add the following fields to this group, Surgical Specialties,
Ethnic Group, Ethnicity.
Create 2 more groups repeating steps 1 – 6.
a. Second Group Criteria:
i. Group Name: Ethnicity Drill
ii. Group Type: Drill-down Group
iii. Used Fields: Ethnic Group, Ethnicity
b. Third Group Criteria:
i. Group Name: Age Group Drill Down
ii. Group Type: Drill-down Group
iii. Used Fields: Age Group, Age on Admission Date
Add the new group created labeled Surg Spec-Ethnicity to Used
Dimension and click Next.
The ‘Edit Expression’ window will open. Please paste the
following expression and press OK
10. In the Label input box enter Avg. Elective Wait.
11. Leave the Style as is and click Next >
12. Leave the Presentation as is and click Next >
13. Leave the Colors as is and click Next >
14. In the Number window, select the radio button label Integer and
click Next >
15. Leave the Font as is and click Next >
16. Leave the Layout as is and click Next >
17. Leave the Caption as is and click Finish
Bar Chart (# of Spells)
Right click anywhere on the sheet and click on New Sheet
Object -> Chart…
A new ‘General’ window will pop up. For the Window Title and
Show Title in Chart type # of Spells. Under Chart Type click on the
bar chart picture and click on Next.
The ‘Dimensions’ window is shown. From the ‘Available
Fields/Groups’ list find Ethnicity Drill and Add > it to the Used
Dimensions list and click Next >
The ‘Edit Expression’ window will open. Please paste the
following expression and press OK
=COUNT(DISTINCT [Spell Number])
In the Label input box enter # of Spells and click Next.
In the Colors tab please check multicolor and press finish.
Straight Table (Avg Duration of Wait Time)
Right click anywhere on the sheet and click on New Sheet Object
-> Chart…
A new ‘General’ window will pop up. For the Window Title and
Show Title in Chart input the ‘Avg Duration of Wait Times’. Under
Chart Type click on the Straight table picture and click on Next.
The ‘Dimensions’ window is shown. Add the Patient
Classification and click next.
In the Expression window Add the following 3 expressions:
=Avg(DurationOfElectiveWait) With No Label
a. In the middle of the window select Mini Chart in the
b. Next click on Mini Chart Settings
c. In the dimension select Month and mode Bars.
=Avg(DurationOfElectiveWait) With Label: Avg. Wait Times
= Avg(DurationOfElectiveWait) With No Label
a. In the middle of the window select Linear Gauge in
the Representation
b. Next click on Gauge Settings
c. Setup the segment to
only have 1
i. Min = 0
ii. Max = 1
d. Press Ok.
Finally Press finish
Gauge Charts
Gauge chart allows you to look at data with thresholds.
Right click anywhere on the sheet and click on New Sheet Object ->
A new ‘General’ window will pop up. For the Window Title and Show
Title in Chart inputs add ‘Avg Duration of Wait Times’. Under Chart Type
click on the gauge picture and click on Next
Next in the Dimensions tab keep it blank and go to your expressions tab.
In the Expressions tab add the following definition:
Expression: =Avg(DurationOfElectiveWait)
Label: Duration of Elective Wait
Then click next
6. Click next in the sort tab
7. In the Style select the following look:
8. In the presentation tab doing the
following settings:
a. Gauge Settings
i. Min: 0
ii. Max: 150
b. Segments Setup -> Add...
i. Label: Segment 1
1. Lower Bound: 0
ii. Label: Segment 2
1. Lower Bound: 75
iii. Label: Segment 3
1. Lower Bound: 126
c. Show Scale should be checked with 6 Major Units, Show
Labels on Every 1 Major Unit should be check as well.
d. Finally add Text in Chart and add this in the text input:
='Avg Wait: ' & num(Avg(DurationOfElectiveWait), '#,##0.00') & ' days'
Click next, keep all the defaults until the end and click finish.
Length of Stay Tab
Before we begin, copy all the objects from the Wait Time tab and paste it in the length of Stay (excluding all
the charts that were just created).
Container Object
Right Click on the white background and
click on New Sheet Object->Container…
Repeat step 1 and create another
container. Position these two containers
right next to each other near the top.
In the first container we will be adding two
charts, the first will be a bar chart and the
second will be a straight table.
Combo Chart (Avg LOS by Speciality)
Right click create a New Sheet object and click on Chart…
Select a combo chart and add the following for the Window
Title: Avg LOS by Specialty
Click next and for Dimension use Surgical Specialties Chart.
In the expression tab, add the following two expressions:
a. =Avg(LOS) with Label: Avg. LOS and Select Bar for
Display Options
b. ='Spells = ' & count(DISTINCT [Spell Number]) with Label
Spells and Select Line for Display Options
Click Next and under Sort select the Y-Value Descending
Click Next and in the presentation section do the following
a. Bar Distance: 5
b. Cluster Distance 1
Click Next on Axes and all other until finish
Lastly, add this new combo chart to one of the containers you
created earlier. Just drop the object over it and it will jump in.
Straight Table (Avg LOS by Speciality)
Right click create a New Sheet object and click on Chart…
Select a straight table and add the following for the Window Title: Avg LOS by Specialty
Click Next and for Dimension use Surgical Specialties Chart.
In the expression tab, add the following two expressions:
a. =Avg(LOS) with Label: Avg. LOS and Select Bar for Display Options
b. ='Spells = ' & count(DISTINCT [Spell Number]) with Label Spells and Select Line for Display Options
Click Next until finish
Lastly, add this new combo chart to one of the containers you created earlier. Just drop the object over it
and it will jump in.
Combo Chart (Avg LOS by Age)
Right click create a New Sheet object and click on
Select a combo chart and add the following for
the Window Title: Avg LOS by Specialty
Click next and for Dimension use Age Group Drill
In the expression tab, add the following two
a. =Avg(LOS) with Label: Avg. LOS and
Select Bar for Display Options
b. =count(DISTINCT [Spell Number]) with
Label Spells
Click Next and under Sort select the Y-Value
Click Next and in the presentation section do the following changes:
a. Bar Distance: 2
b. Cluster Distance 5
Click Next on Axes and ensure that the Avg. LOS Expression is position in the Left (Bottom) and Spells is
position in the Right (Top)
Click next until the end and press finish.
Lastly, add this new combo chart to one of the containers you created earlier. Just drop the object over it
and it will jump in.
Straight Table (Avg LOS by Speciality)
Right click create a New Sheet object and click on Chart…
Select a straight table and add the following for the Window Title: Avg LOS by Specialty
Click Next and for Dimension use Age Group Drill Down.
In the expression tab, add the following two expressions:
a. =Avg(LOS) with Label: Avg. LOS and Select Bar for Display Options
b. ='Spells = ' & count(DISTINCT [Spell Number]) with Label Spells and Select Line for Display Options
Click Next until finish
Lastly, add this new combo chart to one of the containers you created earlier. Just drop the object over it
and it will jump in.
Final Dashboard Review
After following all the steps above, your dashboard should look similar to the one below:
1. What specialty had the least duration of wait times?
2. What was the average wait time for Pain Management patients in December of 20082009?
3. What is the average wait time for plastic surgery patient’s ages 19 -30?
4. What was the average wait time for day case admission in October of 2009 – 2010
5. How many oral surgery patients were white during September 2009- 2010?
6. What was the average length of stay for a patient in neurology, both elective and nonelective in August 2009 – 2010?
7. What was the average length of stay for patients in the 81 to 95 age group in August
2008 – 2009?
8. What specialty has an average length of stay of 10.22 days?
9. For age group 0 – 12, what is the average length of stay?
10. How many spells did emergency pediatrics have from 2007 – 2010?
QlikView Training
QlikView will supply you with free training! Our free training can be found on the QlikView
website at Free training.
Available Courses
How Does QlikView Work
Business users do not require months, weeks or even one full day of training to begin
interacting with QlikView applications. We recommend that all QlikView users spend 30
minutes to review this on-demand training course, which is designed to give business users a
starting point for interacting with powerful Business Discovery tools.
This e-learning course consists of two modules: How Does QlikView Work? and Navigating in
QlikView. It is an excellent introduction for business users who want to learn to navigate and
get started in QlikView.
Build Your First QlikView
This on-demand, e-learning course takes the user through a typical QlikView project from
requirements to a distributed final version with focus on objects, and with detailed exercise
descriptions. The course structure is broken down into four modules: Overview, Load the Data,
Interface Design, and Distributing QlikView. The modules include hands-on exercises.
What's New in QlikView 11
This on-demand e-learning course will walk you through the new features, functions and
capabilities for QlikView 11.
This e-learning course consists of three modules: What's New in QlikView Desktop, What's New
in the QlikView Ajax Client, and What's New in QlikView Server and Publisher. It is an excellent
overview of the new and improved options available in QlikView.
QlikView Tutorial
This self-study course consists of three parts. In part 1 you learn about working with the
different sheet objects in QlikView. In part 2 you build your own application based on the data
sources included in the course. Part 3 gives you a short introduction to some more advanced
features in QlikView. The entire course takes approximately 8 hours.
System Management Overview
This e-learning course is designed to give a quick overview of QlikView Server and its
importance in the QlikView platform architecture.
Other Useful Resources
QlikView Interactive Tutorial:
Qlik Demos: http://us.demo.qlikview.com
Qlik Market: http://market.qlikview.com/
QlikCommunity: http://community.qlikview.com/index.jspa