Assessment Committee Meeting Report for March 7, 2008. Attendees: Jen Phenici (guest), Janet Boeckman, Paul Sukys, Rob Slabodnick, Anne Vinson, Mike Allen, Chris Stevesn, Kate Peresie Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS CLO assessment update Culture & Community: Paul reported that the Team supported adding little and no improvement to the graduate survey question responses. The Team also supported developing a more holistic assessment to be used on assessment day (assesses whole college experience) – will require development of writing prompts and re-vamping the rubric. For spring, the team will pilot the essay at the department level in humanities/social sciences courses as previously planned. Pilot department level essay/rubric assessment; develop prompts and rubric for institutionwide assessment. Computer L:iteracy: Kate reported that the Team has decided to use the Skill Check tool even though it is more expensive. The rationale is that it better matches the outcomes established, will be customizable, and will also work for entrance assessment allowing pre and post data. Rob and Anne volunteered respiratory care and CRJ students for the pilot for total of 24 students. The goal is 30 students. Project proposal should go to PAC, Caucus, Denas Plus, MAC. Committee agreed that presentation could focus on information on Student Success Plan. Scheduled for 5/28. Assessment Day CLO presentation to Board of Trustees CLO Syllabus Project Next meetings PERSONS RESPONSIBLE C&C CLO Team (Sukys) TIME-LINE Contact Lynn Damberger, Dig Media program, for more students. Kate March 21 Draft proposal. Kate Develop presentation Kate For next meeting For 5/28 meeting. Develop cover letter. Kate Schedule meetings. Kate spring quarter Committee continued work on syllabi from education department with the help of Jen. Feedback to program faculty will include Bloom’s information as well as a cover letter. Solicit spring quarter schedules and set meetings. CLO Syllabus project – Technology Dept then Gen Ed Depts. For next meeting. Next week