Biology Prep Lesson Plan 9/15 Assessment: Students take

Biology Prep Lesson Plan
9A(R): SWBAT compare the
structure and functions of
different types of
biomolecules including
carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, and nucleic acids.
Assessment: Students take
Biomolecules Exam
Guided Practice: As students
complete their exam, they will be
given time to work on their Analogy
projects. Example analogies activity
will also be given today.
4B(R): SWBAT Investigate
and explain cellular
processes including
Diffusion Lab Set-up
homeostasis, energy
conversions, transport of
molecules, and synthesis of
new molecules.
9/16 4A(S): SWBAT Compare
Opening: List 3 organelles and give an
and contrast prokaryotic and analogy to compare for each.
eukaryotic cells.
New Material: Cell transport notes
4B(R): SWBAT Investigate
Guided Practice: Diffusion/Osmosis
and explain cellular
processes including
homeostasis, energy
conversions, transport of
molecules, and synthesis of
new molecules.
9/17- 4A(S): SWBAT Compare
Warm-up: Organelle Chart
9/18 and contrast prokaryotic and New Material: Continue Cell
Transport Notes-Active & Passive
eukaryotic cells.
Transport, Endo/Exocytosis,
Iso/Hypo/Hyper Notes
4B(R): SWBAT Investigate
Assessment: Why does an animal cell
and explain cellular
burst and why doesn’t a plant cell
processes including
burst when too much water enters the
homeostasis, energy
conversions, transport of
molecules, and synthesis of
new molecules.
4B(R): SWBAT Investigate
and explain cellular
processes including
homeostasis, energy
conversions, transport of
molecules, and synthesis of
new molecules.
Due: Analogy project due
September 22, 2014
Opening: Students get 15 minutes in
class to ask any final questions about
projects. If no questions, students will
work on their project while I go
around the room to check for correct
Guided Practice: Cell Transport
Assessment and Closing: Review Cell
Structure and Function/Cell Transport
Due: Analogy project due
September 22, 2014
Due: Analogy project due
September 22, 2014
Due: Analogy project due
September 22, 2014
Test on Cells September
Plans are subject to change to support the needs of the classroom.