Pre K Newsletter October

Pre K Newsletter
We have been very busy in Pre K! Each day students have an opportunity
to self-select the learning center in which they will be working. The
centers offered each day are math, reading/writing, Play-Doh, blocks,
housekeeping, puzzles, and fine motor.
Important Dates
October 2: Early Release. AM
PreK dismissed at 10:50. NO
October 9: Field Trip to
Homestead Farm. All students
attend 9:05– 1:00.
October 16 – NO SCHOOL
November 2 – NO SCHOOL for
Learning Focus
“My Family”
Students will learn, talk, read and
write about their family.
A pleasant disposition and
concern for others.
Students will speak in complete
sentences when identifying members of
their family.
Examples: This is my Mom. He is my
brother. She is my little sister.
Students will continue to learn the
letters of the alphabet.
At home:
Help them notice letters on buildings,
on signs, in a book, in a magazine. They
LOVE finding the first letter in their
Identifying basic shapes (circle
square , triangle , rectangle
Counting to 10, recognizing the
numerals 0 – 5
At home:
Go on a shape hunt and look for circles
in the kitchen and squares in the
bedroom. Notice numbers on your
house, phone, and buildings.
Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Kober (301) 353-0939