Case discussion leader instructions and rating form

Case Discussion Leader Responsibilities and Rating Form
Discussion Leader Full Name: _____________________________________________
Chapter and Assignment: _______________________________________________
As Discussion Leader, you will lead a small-group discussion on the topic for which you have prepared.
Your responsibility as group leader is to:
1. Introduce yourself to the group first, then have each group member introduce themselves to the rest of
the members. Write all team names (first and last) on the form below.
2. Refresh memories by summarizing the case topic briefly. Present only the concepts and questions in
the case, do NOT discuss answers.
3. Ask each individual group member to read or summarize their work, allowing about 1 minute per
person. Share your work last. Record each person’s individual prep work points at this time.
4. Ask a different person start each answer sharing round.
5. Stimulate discussion to ensure balanced participation and coverage of all material elements.
6. Write up a short group answer for your case considering, but not necessarily including all opinions on
each question. Solicit input, but you the group leader have the final say on the answers. You are not
required to make everyone happy.
7. Present any required question(s) to the class. Respond as a team to any questions on your answer(s).
8. Complete the group participation rating form below and turn it into the instructor.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Group Participation Rating Form
For this grade, you must accurately rate the preparedness and participation of your group members.
Studies show that in group work it is almost impossible for everyone to do the same amount of work. You
and your group members will lose points if you give all of your group members the same score. Rate
your group members according to the following scale:
Group member name
(first and last)
Prep work
done in
0= weak
3= fair job
+ Discussion
0= little or no meaningful contribution
3 = average participation, average content
5= high participation, high quality content,
outstanding team focused effort
= Total points
(0 to 10 per
5= well done
Eg: Mary Schapiro