Name__________________________ Period________ ... “Where I’m From” Template/Draft

“Where I’m From” Template/Draft
Directions: Fill in the blanks. You will copy the entire poem with your words filled in and create a
visual to go with it. (You will not use the words contained in the parentheses. Leave those out.)
First Stanza:
I am from (specific ordinary item)_________________________________________________________
from (2 products/smells/chemical names)________________________and ________________________.
I am from the (detail of home + prepositional phrase)_________________________________________.
(2 adjectives or participles that describe the above home detail) _______________, _______________
It (tastes/d, sounds/ed, looks/ed , feels/felt–choose one) ... ..
I am from the (plant, flower, or natural item)_______________________________________________,
the (another name for the plant, flower, or natural item)___________________________________
whose (Description of natural item)_______________________________________________________.
Second Stanza:
I’m from (family tradition)________________________and (family trait)_________________________
from (name of family member)_______________and (name of family member)___________________
I’m from the (hyphenated description of family or friends) _________________________________
and the (another hyphenated description of family or friends)______________________________
From (something you were told as a child)______________________________________________ and
(another thing you were told as a child)____________________________________________________
I’m from (remembered quotation, verse, or saying)__________________________________________,
With (further description of setting/experience in which this was said)
_______________________________________ and _________________________________________.
Third Stanza:
I’m from (2 places of birth, memories, or family ancestry)_____________________________________,
(two food items that represent your heritage)____________________and _______________________.
From the (specific family story with a detail about a specific person)_____________________________
the (another detail of another family member)______________________________________________.
Fourth Stanza:
(Location of family memories…You pick the preposition) _______________________________________
(2 appositive phrases for location of family memories)
(infinitive phrase describing what those memories are doing)
to _________________________________________________________________________________
I am from (refer back to that collection of memories) ________________________________________,
(metaphor describing you as you connect to the memories, your family, the world – your choice )