19-1 notes

Chapter 19
Chemical Bonds
Lesson 1
Chemical Bond
• Strong attractive force between atoms
or ions in a molecule or compound.
• Formed by:
– transferring e- (losing or gaining)
– sharing e-
• Compounds formed
– Properties aren’t anything like
those of the individual
• Sodium chloride
– a compound made from the
elements sodium and chlorine.
Chemical Formulas
• chemical formula
– elements that make up a compound and the exact
number of atoms of each element in a unit of the
• H2O
– contains the symbols H for the element hydrogen
and O for the element oxygen.
• Subscript
– means “written
– tells how many atoms
of that element are
in a unit of the
– no subscript the unit
contains only one
atom of that element
Atomic Stability
• electric forces
– oppositely charged electrons and protons
hold atoms and molecules together
– the forces that cause compounds to form.
• noble gases
– unusually stable.
– Compounds rarely form
– they are almost always less stable than the
original atoms.
• Octet Rule
– most atoms form bonds in order to have
valence e- (This is important)
– full outer energy level
– like the Noble Gases!
• Stability is the driving force behind
bond formation!
The Unique Noble Gases
• Electron dot diagrams
– show only the electrons
in the outer energy
level of an atom.
– Notice that eight dots
surround Kr, Ne, Xe,
Ar, and Rn, and two
dots surround He
Energy Levels and Other
• Hydrogen
– contains one electron in its lone
energy level.
– has a single dot next to its symbol.
– outer energy level is not full.
• It is more stable when it is
part of a compound.
Energy Levels and Other
• Helium
– outer energy level contains two electrons.
– already has a full outer energy level by
itself and is chemically stable.
– rarely forms compounds but, by itself, the
element is a commonly used gas.
Energy Levels and Other
• Groups 13 through 17,
– Each falls short of having a stable energy
Energy Levels and Other
• Each group contains too few electrons
for a stable level of eight electrons.
Outer Levels —Getting Their
• How does hydrogen, or any other
element, trying to become stable, gain
or lose its outer electrons?
– combining with other atoms that also have
partially complete outer energy levels.
– As a result, each achieves stability.
• Transferring e-
• Sharing e-
Outer Levels —Getting Their
• electron dot diagram
– chlorine now has a
stable outer energy
– Sodium had only one
electron in its outer
energy level
– lost to combine with
chlorine in sodium
Stability Is Reached
• Look back to the next, outermost
energy level of sodium.
Stability Is Reached
• atoms
– gain, lose, or share electron
– an attraction forms between the atoms,
pulling them together to form a compound.
• chemical bond
– is the force that holds atoms together in a
Lesson Check
• How many hydrogen atoms are present
in one molecule of ammonium acetate,
NH4C2H3O 2
• An ion is a positively or negatively
charged atom; an ionic bond occurs when
oppositely charged ions attract each
other and an equal exchange of
electrons takes place.