(slides 11MB)

Live from the
It’s Carnegie Hall Cultural Exchange
A Program of
Quincy Brown, Greg Walsh, Allison Druin, Jen Golbeck, Ben Bederson
Human-Computer Interaction Lab, University of Maryland
Sarah Johnson, Misty Tolle, Christopher Amos
Weill Music Institute at Carnegie Hall
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant # 0937060 to the Computing Research
Association for the CIFellows Project. Sony Corporation is the proud leading sponsor of Carnegie Halls’ Online Exchange
Communities. Carnegie Hall Cultural Exchange is sponsored by MetLife Foundation. Carnegie hall Cultural Exchange is supported,
in part, by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State. Delivery of the Weil Music Institute’s
programs to a nationwide audience is supported, in part, by the US Department of Education and by an endowment grant from the
Citi Foundation. Cultural Exchange concert experiences are supported, in part, by The Tishman Fund for Education through
Technology and by an endowment grant from the Citi Foundation.
Exploring New Paths
• Typical HCIL Collaborations
New Technologies… Co-Design Methods
• New Domains
Curricular programs… Concert performances
The Weill Music Institute at Carnegie Hall
• Education & community programming:
• School programs: Pre-K to Grade 12
• Professional training: young musicians, teaching artists, & educators
• Community & family programs
• Cultural Exchange:
• 2 Strands
NY– New Delhi… NY– Mexico City
• 25 High Schools: ~2000 Students
• Live concerts… Online community… Music visualization
Co-Design Methodology
• Lo-Tech Prototyping
Bags of art supplies… Paper
• Evaluating & Critiquing
Post-It notes
Live Concert Performances
• NY– New Delhi
New York Jazz and Indian Fusion Music
Maurice Brown Effect… Indian Ocean
• NY – Mexico City
New York Jazz & Mexican Son Jarocho Music
Miguel Zenon Quartet… Celso Duarte Sextet
Listening Maps Redesign
Lo-Tech Prototypes
Listening Maps Come to Life
Online Identity
profile info
photo albums
video uploads
“A Real Cultural Exchange”
Cultural Exchange Future
• Research to improve people’s lives
• Empower students
• Refocus online community on music
• Maximize scalability and geographic reach
• Increase integration with other social media platforms
Building Global Bridges