Dialog Design 3 User Profiles User Profiles Different users require different dialog design philosophies Naive Users Dedicated Users Managerial Users Naive User No formal training Low frustration tolerance Remembers little of last session Example: automatic teller machine user Naive Users Need Little chance of misinterpretation Little chance of destroying anything Use Mellow requests Limited responses Always reply Test with representative users Dedicated User Trained Frequent user Harassed environment Rugged Bored Poorly paid Dedicated Users Need Efficiency Accommodate learning Mindless operation Task accomplishment and quality of work life Humanized design Dedicated Users Use Sequence tolerance Content flexibility: synonyms, spelling, learning Procedure tolerance: humble messages, user tested, alternative helps, no selfdestructs, audit trails Pacing Managerial Users No training Comfortable with PEOPLE Impatient Non-rugged Short time segments Casual usage Managerial Users Need Ease of starting Little chance of embarrassment Easy recovery Much change and evolvement Belief that system has value Managerial Users Use Graphics Macros Isolation Hard copies Alternative communication technologies: voice, pen, etc. Issues Position vs Person Flexibility to let users decide dialogue options Detail vs Summary Allow drill down of graphs and summaries and display of selected table data Normal vs Exception Limit amount of data to what can be processed effectively