The Summary Process

The Summary Process
Read the notes on the video segment titled “Brewers”. The words have
already been changed from those in the video. Only key words remain the
same. Rewrite them in paragraph form. Remember to include the title and the
directors. In the first sentence.
Look at the bottom of the page for the video labeled “Brewers.” Let the video
load before playing it if you have problems playing it.
1. Video segment: Brewers
2. Episode 1: The Roots of Prohibition
3. Series: Prohibition
4. Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
5. Immigrants came to the United States from Europe
after Civil War
6. Immigrants from Europe wanted to start new lives but
keep culture.
7. Native-born residents thought they knew best how to
be American, including what people should drink and
how much.
8. New Immigrants brought new ideas about drinking.
9. German-American brewers such as Busch, Miller, and
Schaefer became rich selling beer to immigrants.
10. Formed a political lobbying group to protect their
11. Americans feared the political power of the brewers
and the amount of beer the immigrants drank.
12. Native-born Americans started to talk about
temperance for the first time since before the Civil