University Environmental Sustainability Plan 2015/16 No. 1 Actions Due Date Owner Progress: Red/Amber/Green/White* EMS (Policy, Strategy, Standards and Compliance) 1.1 Work with Campus Services to complete ISO14001 surveillance audit Apr-16 KG 1.2 Create ISO14001:2015 transition plan May-16 KG 1.3 Review and publish Environmental Sustainability Policy in line with the format of the Health and Safety Policy Jul-16 KG 1.4 Develop, consult and publish a standard outlining “Environmental Sustainability Management within Colleges and Professional Services” Jun-16 KG 1.5 Updatethe Aspects and Impacts Register Complete KG/AS 1.6 Update the Legal Register Complete KG 1.7 Complete Environmental Risk Profiles for Professional Services and Colleges Jul-16 KG 1.8 Create plan for addressing health, safety and environment issues associated with contractors Jul-16 KG 1.8 Develop a Consultative Risk Register Apr-16 KG Complete GM 2 Waste and Recycling 2.1 Establish a contract for skips 2.2 Review the lamp recycling service Jul-16 GM 2.3 Publish the Waste and Recycling Strategy Jun-16 GM 2.4 Improve housekeeping and security arrangements at Higher Hoopern Farm Apr-16 HB 2.5 Review waste documentation Complete HB 2.6 Complete three student waste audits Complete AP 3 Biodiversity 3.1 Publish an updated Biodiversity Strategy Jul-16 IP 3.2 Improvement of pond areas in Taddiforde/Higher Hoopern as part of the Jubilee celebrations Jul-16 IP 3.3 Installation of bird and bat boxes in Grassway Woods and the area surrounding the Sports Centre Jul-16 IP 3.4 New wild flower meadow to be created around Living Systems Building/Geoffrey Pope Jul-16 IP 3.5 Investment in the planting and naturalisation of bulbs Jun-16 IP Jul-16 FV 4 4.1 5 Construction and Refurbishment Review application of the RICS Ska (environmental assessment method, benchmark and standard for nondomestic fit-outs) rating for refurbishments Travel 5.1 Publish the Sustainable Transport plan 2016-2020 May-16 AH 5.2 Develop an Electric Vehicle Strategy Jun-16 AH 5.3 Develop a programme of fleet conversion to sustainable fuel Jun-16 AH 6 Water 6.1 Assess waterless rest rooms Jun-16 AS 6.2 Review rainwater harvesting potential for Streatham Campus Jul-16 AS 6.3 Develop a Water Reduction Strategy Jul-16 AS 7 Energy & Carbon 7.1 Develop Zero Carbon Campus strategy Jul-16 AS 7.2 Replace inaccurate heat meters Jul-16 AS 7.3 Develop improved data visibility platform Jun-16 AS 8 Communication 8.1 Identify required updates for the People and Planet University League Apr-16 KG 8.2 Review the process for receipt and response to Student Ideas Jun-16 KG 8.3 Update the website in readiness for the University League Jun-16 ALL 8.4 Provide communications regarding paper recycling Jul-16 HB 8.5 Provide communications regarding furniture recycling Jul-16 HB 8.6 Launch Green Impact (Mark II) May-16 KG 8.7 Launch the Diamond Waterways project May-16 KG May-16 AS Complete RO 9 MONITORING 9.1 Coordinate participation in AUDE Balanced Score Card 9.2 Submit HESA Data Performance Information: 39 Actions, 100% on target / completed, 0% amber, 0% red. Overall Performance status is GREEN Last updated: 19/4/16 *Key Risk to project completion or project delay has significant impact Risk to project timeline or potential risk to project implementation identified l Project on target Closed. Action not feasible / relevant Complete UNIVERSITY OF EXETER 1