Education Course map for students commencing study in 2014 4232 Master in Education for Sustainability Monash Online This is the standard unit pattern. Should students defer or vary their enrolment, including taking intermission or failing a unit, the pattern of study will change. 96 CREDIT UNIT TRACK MONASH ONLINE TEACHING PERIOD YEAR 4 JUL-14 EDF4606 5 SEP-14 EDF4608 EDF4608 6 NOV-14 EDF4607 EDF4607 EDF4607 1 JAN-15 EDF4609 EDF4609 EDF4609 EDF4609 2 MAR-15 EDF5581 EDF4606 EDF4606 EDF4606 EDF4606 3 MAY-15 EDF5582 EDF5582 EDF4608 EDF4608 EDF4608 EDF4608 4 JUL-15 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF4607 EDF4607 EDF4607 EDF4607 5 SEP-15 EDF5587 EDF5581 EDF5581 EDF5581 EDF4609 EDF4609 EDF4609 EDF4609 6 NOV-15 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5582 EDF5582 EDF5582 EDF4606 EDF4606 EDF4606 EDF4606 1 JAN-16 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF4608 EDF4608 EDF4608 EDF4608 2 MAR-16 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5581 EDF5581 EDF5581 EDF4607 EDF4607 EDF4607 3 MAY-16 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5582 EDF5582 EDF5582 EDF4609 EDF4609 4 JUL-16 EDF5590 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF4606 5 SEP-16 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5581 EDF5581 EDF5581 6 NOV-16 EDF5592 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5582 EDF5582 1 JAN-17 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5580 2 MAR-17 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 3 MAY-17 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 4 JUL-17 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 5 SEP-17 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5585 EDF5585 6 NOV-17 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5584 1 JAN-18 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5591 EDF5591 ADMISSION GROUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This is a conceptual outline only. Enquiries regarding the course structure should be directed to the Course Adviser or to the Student Services Office at your home campus. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct at the time of publication. Monash University reserves the right to alter this information as required. Course Version 1. May 2014. 10 1 of 4 Education Course map for students commencing study in 2014 72 CREDIT UNIT TRACK MONASH ONLINE TEACHING PERIOD YEAR 4 JUL-14 EDF5580 5 SEP-14 EDF5581 EDF5581 6 NOV-14 EDF5582 EDF5582 EDF5582 1 JAN-15 EDF5583 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF5580 2 MAR-15 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5581 EDF5581 EDF5581 3 MAY-15 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5582 EDF5582 EDF5582 4 JUL-15 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF5580 5 SEP-15 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5581 EDF5581 EDF5581 6 NOV-15 EDF5590 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5582 EDF5582 EDF5582 1 JAN-16 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5580 EDF5580 EDF5580 2 MAR-16 EDF5592 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5581 EDF5581 3 MAY-16 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5582 4 JUL-16 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5587 5 SEP-16 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5583 6 NOV-16 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5585 1 JAN-17 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5584 EDF5584 2 MAR-17 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5586 3 MAY-17 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5591 EDF5590 4 JUL-17 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5591 5 SEP-17 EDF5593 EDF5592 6 NOV-17 ADMISSION GROUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EDF5593 This is a conceptual outline only. Enquiries regarding the course structure should be directed to the Course Adviser or to the Student Services Office at your home campus. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct at the time of publication. Monash University reserves the right to alter this information as required. Course Version 1. May 2014. 2 of 4 Education Course map for students commencing study in 2014 48 CREDIT UNIT TRACK MONASH ONLINE TEACHING PERIOD YEAR 4 JUL-14 EDF5580 5 SEP-14 EDF5581 EDF5581 6 NOV-14 EDF5587 EDF5582 EDF5582 1 JAN-15 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5580 EDF5580 2 MAR-15 EDF5590 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5581 EDF5581 3 MAY-15 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5582 EDF5582 4 JUL-15 EDF5592 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5586 EDF5586 EDF5580 EDF5580 5 SEP-15 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5587 EDF5587 EDF5581 EDF5581 6 NOV-15 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5583 EDF5583 EDF5582 EDF5582 1 JAN-16 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5585 EDF5585 EDF5580 EDF5580 2 MAR-16 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5584 EDF5584 EDF5581 3 MAY-16 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5593 EDF5592 EDF5586 EDF5586 4 JUL-16 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5593 EDF5590 EDF5587 5 SEP-16 EDF5591 EDF5590 EDF5591 EDF5590 6 NOV-16 EDF5591 EDF5592 EDF5591 1 JAN-17 EDF5593 EDF5592 2 MAR-17 ADMISSION GROUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EDF5593 This is a conceptual outline only. Enquiries regarding the course structure should be directed to the Course Adviser or to the Student Services Office at your home campus. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct at the time of publication. Monash University reserves the right to alter this information as required. Course Version 1. May 2014. 3 of 4 Education Course map for students commencing study in 2014 Unit requirements Unit code and name Credit points Bridge EDF4608 Investigating education issues 1 6 EDF4606 Interacting with research in education 1 6 EDF4609 Investigating education issues 2 6 EDF4607 Interacting with research in education 2 6 Theme 1: Education and Sustainability EDF5580 Sustainability: Concepts, challenges and responses 6 EDF5581 Learning for and about sustainability 6 EDF5582 Education, globalisation and sustainability 6 Theme 2: Designing Learning for Sustainability EDF5583 Developing learners and learning 6 EDF5584 Designing learning for sustainability 6 EDF5585 Learning to lead and change 6 Theme 3: Leading Change for Sustainability EDF5586 Leading change for sustainability 6 EDF5587 Sustainability: Communicating a case for change 6 Research – Part I EDF5590 Designing research in education for sustainability 6 EDF5591 Project 1 6 Research – Part II EDF5592 Undertaking research in education for sustainability 6 EDF5593 Project 2 6 This is a conceptual outline only. Enquiries regarding the course structure should be directed to the Course Adviser or to the Student Services Office at your home campus. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct at the time of publication. Monash University reserves the right to alter this information as required. Course Version 1. May 2014. 4 of 4