A little bit about me
Facebook: (personal) (professional)
Christy Mannering
Web Developer, University of Delaware
Twitter: @bringmeupmusic (personal)
@UDCANR (professional)
What and Why?
• Understanding how to isolate data from your
networks and websites is important but further
analyzing that data is key.
• Before you start.
• Document your goals, who is your target, how many people
would you like to reach
• Create benchmarks, if your event had 400 people last year
maybe you are hoping for 500 this year.
• Marketing campaigns, have creatives and schedules thought
• Why? ROI. Return on investment (ROI) evaluate your
efforts, measure your successes.
Website Analytics
• Hands down best tools are from Google.
• Google Analytics: Track website traffic, on-site
conversions, and sign-ups originating from social
media campaigns.
• Google Webmaster Tools: Tool to help gain
important SEO insights and improve the visibility of
your site.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics could take over an hour to
really dig through but the areas I use most are
under the “Behaviors” tab.
Google Analytics - Behavior
• All Pages: For detailed interaction data
on all pages.
• Content Drilldown: Data broken down by
• Landing Pages: Pages on which visitors
entered the site.
• Exit Pages: Pages which have been the
final page of a session.
Google Analytics – Behavior Flow
• Essentially, the behavior flow
chart shows you visually and
metrically where your users began
and what their following
interactions were throughout your
• Knowing how users navigate your
site can help you to strategize
where to put relevant content.
Google Webmaster
• This is the dashboard or
console when you login to a
site on Google Webmaster. It
was updated in May 2015.
Google Webmaster – Search Traffic
• Find out who is linking to you, what areas of your
site are cross referencing for better usability and
the keywords people use to get to your content.
Social Media ROI
• Reach – Your followers, fans, connections
• Traffic – Getting the “reach” people to a second
destination, like a link on your website.
• Leads – Who is sharing your content, who is
• Did you get more people interested in attending a
seminar or event?
• Did people sign up for your newsletter?
Facebook Analytics
• The great thing about Facebook is
that the built-in insights are
• Other free analytics tools for
Facebook include:
• Quintly (Free and Paid versions) – Can track Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram
• Agorapulse - Facebook Page Barometer is free, shows how
your pages are doing compared to other pages. Allows you
to run contests.
• Likealyzer – The free tool here will review your page and
identify any possible issues, giving tips on how to improve.
Metrics for Facebook include:
• Likes
• Comments
• Shares
• Reach
Facebook Insights
• Access insights across a horizontal
toolbar while logged in as your “Page”
• A second menu will appear with tabs
for Likes, Reach, Visits, Posts, Videos,
• You can also export all of this
information into a spreadsheet which is
very helpful.
Facebook Insights – Likes vs. Reach
• Page Likes – Here, you can look at how
many Page likes you have this week,
compared to last week. This is a useful
way to keep an eye on any spikes or
• Post Reach – This is the number of
unique people who have seen your
posts over the last week. These could
be fans or friends of fans. If someone
sees your post multiple times, this is
only counted as once for the purpose of
Facebook Insights – Post Specific
• You can see all posts or view the 5
most recent. You’ll see the reach and
the engagement.
• Engagement includes if people are liking,
commenting, sharing or clicking to
see more.
• If you click the link for the post you can
get even more fine-tuned details. Even
negative feedback… like if someone
decided to hide your post.
• Pay close attention to any posts which people
mark as spam.
Facebook Insights – Post Types
• Post Types – See insights
based on what media you
post. If it is a link, photo,
video or plain text status
• You’ll see average counts for
a default time spanning the
last three months.
Facebook Insights – Exports
•Post data – This is the
export we use most often
we providing reports on
campaigns. It allows us to
highlight specific time
frames and present charts
with exported data using
Twitter Analytics
• Twitter used to not offer analytics
but they finally jumped on board
and their free tool is fantastic.
• Other analytics tools for Twitter
Metrics for Twitter include:
• Retweets
• Mentions
• Replies
• Favorites
• Twitalyzer – Unfortunately not free bit it
• Lists
provides 50 different metrics which is great.
• SumAll – This one is more about engaging, less
about analytics, it tweets to your new and
most active followers.
• Riffle – This is a browser extension. It gives a
real-time overlay of your interactions while
logged in.
Twitter Analytics – Built In Tool
• Embedded media clicks: Clicks to view a photo or
video in the Tweet
• Engagements: Total number of times a user
interacted with a Tweet. Clicks anywhere on the
Tweet, including retweets, replies, follows, favorites,
links, cards, hashtags, embedded media, username,
profile photo, or Tweet expansion
• Engagement rate: Number of engagements divided
by impressions
• Favorites: Times a user favorited the Tweet
• Follows: Times a user followed you directly from the
• Hashtag clicks: Clicks on hashtag(s) in the Tweet
• Impressions: Times a user is served a Tweet in
timeline or search results
• Replies: Times a user replied to the Tweet
• Retweets: Times a user retweeted the Tweet
Twitter Analytics – Extra Details
• When you expand tweet details you get
a delightful graph and specific
• See a 28 day period of impressions to
figure out the reach of your account for a
• Find out your top tweets, compares all
tweets, see who replies and engages.
Twitter Analytics – Export
• In addition to the web dashboard tool
you can also download your Tweet
• The CSV export tool will show you data for
up to 3,200 Tweets (up from 500) and
includes a breakdown of all impressions
and other engagement numbers.
Other accounts and tools
• Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram all have their own
analytics tools as well.
• Pinterest – metrics to measure include:
• Repins, likes, comments and clicks through from your website
• Google+ - metrics to measure include:
• Views, +1s, comments and shares, as well as click-throughs
• Instagram – metrics to measure include:
• Likes, comments and followers
Best Paid Tools
• Hootsuite
• SocialOomph
• Social Flow
• Social Bro
• CrowdBooster
Time for Questions
Contact me anytime!
Christy Mannering