Kindergarten Mid­Month Recap  

 Kindergarten Mid­Month Recap Date: 12/17/15 Dear Families, We’ve been very busy in kindergarten! Here is some of our recent learning: LITERACY: ­Finishing Fiction Unit in Reading Fundamentals ­Character’s feelings ­Problem/Solution ­Continuing to use Jolly Phonics in reading and writing. Please continue to practice at home with your child. ­Sight words introduced so far: I, a, like, my, on, the, to, see, like, are, at, was, it, of MATH: ­Matching numbers to number words ­Active addition ­Patterning ​
SCIENCE: ­5 senses ­How we observe objects SOCIAL STUDIES: ­Learning about holidays celebrated in December REMINDERS: NO SCHOOL­ Monday, December 21st­ Friday, January 1st Please make sure your child brings appropriate winter gear to go outside for recess. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, The Kindergarten Team (Ms. Lyons, Mrs. Behm, Mrs. Moyer, and Mrs. Bauerle) 