A Note From The Music Department

During math we are focusing on
beginning math skills. We introduced
the calendar activities, number of
the day (thinking about the number
as a whole not just what it looks like5= 5 balls, counting forwards and
backwards and number recognition.
We have been using finger flashes
and our five frames to work on math
fluency, this is a large piece in the
math for kindergarten to focus on
which numbers make up 5.
Social Studies
During social studies the students have
been learning about the Kolmar 3 Be’s“Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be
Safe.” They are learning what each “be”
means and how they are applied at
school as well as at home. We took the
students on a tour of the school and
introduced them to the adults around the
building. We also used the No David
Books to work on classroom rules and
procedures in Kindergarten.
Next Month….
*Literacy- Identify story elements,
explain the role of author and illustrator,
parts of a book, understanding that
written words match the pictures.
*Writing- Opinion writing
*Math- Counting forward and backwards,
sorting, five frame activities, sequencing
numbers, number story theaters, and
problem solving activities.
*Science- Living and Nonliving
Social Studies- School and Community
A Note From The
Music Department
The music teachers of District 123
would like to welcome you to the
new school year, and to tell you
about what your child will be
learning in music class. There are
three music teachers in the district.
They are Ms. Ellingsen, who teaches
at Covington, Hometown and
Kolmar, Mrs. Glikis, who teaches at
Sward and Kolmar, and Mrs.
Hemminger, who teaches at Hannum
and Hometown. To find out more
about us, please see our Teacher
Pages on the district website.
Students attend music class once per
week for forty minutes.
During this time, they work on key
concepts to develop their musical
ability and understanding. Concepts
such as dynamic awareness, tempo
changes, vocal development, note
reading, and instruments will be
taught and consistently reinforced
throughout the year. Students will
learn these concepts through
singing, listening, movement, playing
of instruments, and other
appropriate musical activities.
Students will perform in either the
winter concert for grades K-2, or the
spring concert for grades 3-5.
Chorus members will perform in
both concerts. We hope to see you at
one or both of these exciting events!
Kindergarten Class News
September 2015
Back To School!
Welcome back to our former Kolmar
families and welcome for the first time
to Kolmar our new families!!! The
students came in ready and eager to
learn and we couldn’t be more excited
about what this year will bring! You are
going to see amazing growth and
changes in your child throughout the
year, so keep their work because it is so
exciting to see the growth from
beginning to end  To help you stay
informed, we will be sending out our
monthly grade-level newsletter. This is
the only newsletter that we will be
printing out, all of the rest will be
emailed to you through skyward. Please
check your emails at the beginning of
each month. We’ll include dates for
upcoming events, information from
encores, and important information
about what the students are learning in
class and how you can practice that
learning at home. Please don’t hesitate
to contact us if you have any questions
or concerns. We greatly appreciate your
support and involvement throughout the
upcoming year!
- Mrs. Girardin and
- Mrs. Skordas
Kindergarten has been focusing on
story elements, which are the
following: characters, setting, and
important events when listening to a
story. They also have been learning
about the foundational skills during
read alouds and independent
reading. They are focusing on one to
one pointing when reading, reading
from left to right and return sweep.
Throughout our read alouds we also
discuss the parts of a book (front,
back, title and title page).
We have been focusing on beginning
writing skills with the students. We are
using shared, interactive and
independent writing to help students
begin the writing process. Their focus for
writing is to listen to the sounds they hear
in the words. This means that in the word
cat some students may hear just “c”
others may hear “ct” and yet others may
hear “c-a-t.” As you work with your child
at home continue to focus on the
alphabet letters and sounds, as this will
greatly influence their writing abilities.
September Dates to Remember:
Wednesday Sept 2: Late Start (9:30am)
Thursday Sept 10: Open House
Monday Sept 7: Labor Day (No School)
Tuesday Sept 15: Fall Picture Day
Tuesday, Sept 8- Friday 11: Book Fair
Wednesday Sept 30: Early Childhood