 Many Ts use the board only for writing. But simple pictures drawn on
the board can help to increase the interest of a lesson, and are often a
good way of showing meaning and conveying situations to the class.
One picture is often worth many unnecessary words. You need
pictures for :
 quick explanation of vocabulary items,
 setting up a discussion or a dialogue or roleplay,etc.
 It is important to draw quickly, so as to keep the interest of the
class. It also helps for Ts to talk as they draw : in this way the class will
be more involved, and will understand the picture on the board both
from seeing it and from listening to the T.
Board drawings should be as simple as possible, showing only the
most important details. It is not necessary to be a good artist to draw
successfully on the board.
The basic skill is to draw people in some form, and stick people are
in many ways better than detailed figures because they are so quick
to do :
 add character by giving different shapes of head, fattening up the
bodies a little, drawing in simple clothes, adding expression in
the mouth and eyes.
 add locations by a few simple props, for example a railway line
and a platform makes a station; a table, knife, fork and a vase of
flowers makes a restaurant.
 Faces :
Heads should be large enough to be seen from the back of
the class.
 To indicate expression, change the shape of the mouth.
 to indicate other expressions ( eg surprise, anger ), raise
eyebrows, use a frown.
 to indicate which way the speaker is facing, change the
 to indicate sex or age, draw hair.
 Stick figures :
The body should be about twice as long as the head; the
arms are the same length as the body; the legs are slightly
 to indicate actions, bend the legs and arms.
 Places :
To indicate buildings, towns, and directions, use a
combination of pictures and words.