Uploaded by Ian Roberts

Swimming Techniques: BLABT Method & Stroke Practices

Ask the question what is BLABT?
B – Body
L – Legs and feet
A – Arms and hands
B – Breathing
T - Timing
On front, back and side
To the wall and away from the wall
Arms at side (on Back) and arms extended on front
Aim for horizontal and streamlined
Face in the water when on front and side
Fault, cause and correction
Front-crawl – Related Practices
Body position and kicking – develop together - kicking with arms extended
Introduce arms in standing position
Push, glide, kick, add one arm stroke; two, three etc – no breathing at this stage
Develop breathing technique; at rail; standing; walking
Full stroke with one breath, two breaths etc
Develop arms and legs using sectional practices
Fault, causes and correction
Backcrawl – Related Practices
• Body position and kicking – develop together – arms at side; arms extended
• Introduce arms in standing position
• Push, glide, kick, arms at side, one arm pulls back to side, repeat with other arm,
pause and kick between arm strokes
• Gradually work towards alternating action; windmill
• Develop arms and legs using sectional practices
Faults, causes and corrections
Breaststroke – Related Practices
Work from kicking; on side, at rail, with floats, on front and back
Develop arm action; standing, walking
Combine – push and glide, pull, breathe, kick and glide
Gradually increase number of strokes; emphasise glide between strokes
Develop arms and legs using sectional practices
Faults, causes and corrections
Teaching points
Front Crawl
Long stretched body, head
on a pillow
Long legs, splashy toes –
no naughty knees!
Long stretched body
Body slightly sloped –
feet under the water
Long legs, toes pointed
Heels up towards seat,
turn feet out, follow a
circular pattern
Stretch forward, catch the
water, pull to your hip
Little finger first,
s shaped pull
Ear on your shoulder – see the
fishy, hear the fishy
Flat body position, eyes looking
Body moves in a wave action
Or wiggly worms
Legs together, kicking together
Around the pizza, chop it
in half
Breathe your hands in,
blow them away
Pull, breathe, kick, glide