Reading Comprehension Strategy Area: Reading Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing by Drawing Appropriate Grade Level: K-12th grade Procedures/Steps: 1.) Give students informational reading passages at their reading level (this could be a section from the science or social studies text book, or an article from another source). 2.) Have students read the passage silently, in groups, or read the passage together as a class. 3.) Give students paper and have them draw pictures that depict the main points of the reading passage. The picture should either be an overall scenario of what the article was teaching or a sequence of events. 4.) Have students answer comprehension questions about the passage using only their pictures as a guide. Comments and/or tips: This strategy works great with science and social studies texts where a lot of information is given that students need to remember. The pictures can become a study guide and linking the picture to the information works as a mnemonic device that students have created on their own. Source: Elliot, J. (2007). Summarizing with drawing a reading-comprehension strategy. Science Scope, 30, 23-27.