Process Integration Platform (PIP) is available at: Register and send Reid Senescu an e-mail at PIP requires Mozilla Firefox Version 3.5 or higher. Download Firefox at The following paper describes PIP in more detail. It has been published at the Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes Conference, July 19-20, 2010 in Cambridge, England. 2 R.R. Senescu, J.R. Haymaker, and D.J. Anderson Chapter 1 PIP: a process communication web tool R.R. Senescu1, J.R. Haymaker, and D.J. Anderson 1.1 Need for process-based communication tools The Process Integration Platform2 (PIP) is a process-based information communication web tool. In PIP, design teams exchange digital informatoin by organizing files according to information dependencies as opposed to folder hierarchies. Organizational Science, Human Computer Interaction, and Process Modeling research fields point to this need for a process-based information communication environment. From this research, the authors conclude that the environment should be computable, distributed, embedded, modular, personalized, scalable, shared, social, transparent, and usable (Senescu and Haymaker, 2009). The first author collected additional evidence for the need of such an environment through professional experience addressing three challenges on a university building design project (Senescu and Haymaker, 2008). In the first challenge, mechanical engineers had to decide how to assign multiple heating/cooling technologies to various building zones. Predicting how heating/cooling options perform with respect to multiple goals required the design team to synthesize information from multiple tools. Comprehending these complex decisions is frequently difficult just within mechanical engineering, but the decisions also impact and are impacted by other disciplines. The owners and designers were not able to systematically consider the complex impacts of one decision on multiple disciplines. Design teams also struggled to maintain consistency between files. Design teams struggled to comprehend and manage their information dependencies; they struggled to collaborate within the project team. 1 For correspondence, please e-mail David Anderson implemented PIP in Ruby on Rails 2.3.2 using MySQL 5.0 running on a Mongrel web application server. PIP's interface is rendered using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an XML-based language for describing graphics on web browsers. Within Mozilla Firefox, visit PIP at 2 PIP: A process communication web tool 3 In a second case, university stakeholders communicated the importance of material responsibility when choosing structural systems. The structural engineer created schematic structural models of steel and concrete options. Despite a 3d object oriented model and a database of the environmental impacts of materials, the structural engineer was unable to find a process for conducting an environmental impact analysis. However, researchers in California and engineers from the same company in Australia had already successfully performed this process (Tobias and Haymaker, 2007). In this case, teams struggled to share processes across projects. To inform the design of the louvers on the university building, daylighting consultants created video simulations of sunlight moving across a space. The consultants used the architect’s building information model. However, the process for utilizing the model in the daylighting simulation was inefficient. Yet, no one developed an improved process. Individual consultants are not incentivized to invest time in process improvement. Their tools do not track their process (and the resulting inefficiency), foster a community to improve the process, nor provide transparent access to other processes on which to make improvements. Managers lack a method for understanding process across the firm/industry and therefore, a monetary justification for encouraging development of alternatives. 1.2 The PIP user experience The mechanical engineering team on the university building project could have used PIP to collaborate around their digital files. After logging in, the user sees two personalized home page windows: a hierarchy view on the left third of the screen and a graph view on the right two thirds (Figure 1.1). In this case, the mechanical engineer wants to use a Revit Architecture model and a Daysim daylighting analysis as input to an energy analysis. The engineer navigates through folder hierarchies to the appropriate process level (via the hierarchy or graph view) of the architecture and daylighting models. He double clicks on each file to open it on his desktop. He imports the Revit model into his energy analysis tool. Looking at the daylighting analysis results, he manually enters the energy required for artificial lighting into the energy analysis tool. After completing the energy analysis, he double clicks in the graph view to create a node and uploads the energy analysis file to that node. As he used the architecture model and daylighting analysis as input to the energy analysis, he also draws arrows from those two nodes to the new energy analysis node to represent this dependency. Now that the energy analysis is complete, he uses the results to create a decision matrix in Microsoft Excel. He uploads the Excel file to a new node and draws an arrow to it. If anyone then uploads a new energy analysis file, the decision matrix file is no longer up-todate (red highlight), because it was created based on an out dated energy analysis file. Using PIP makes the mechanical design process transparent to the entire project team, so they can comprehend information relationships, consider tradeoffs, and make related information consistent. In addition to facilitating collaboration, other teams can also share design processes with the structural engineer on the university building project allowing 4 R.R. Senescu, J.R. Haymaker, and D.J. Anderson Figure 1.1. Navigate to the appropriate process level via the hierarchy view (left) or by double clicking folder icons (right). Users create nodes, upload files to those nodes, and draw arrows to show relationships between the nodes. Green highlights indicate the node is up-to-date, and red indicates an upstream file has changed since the node was uploaded. calculation of the environmental impact of materials. The structural engineer searches for a process where the team started with input “arch .ifc” to denote an architecture model with a Industry Foundation Class file format and output “LCA,” life cycle assessment (Figure 1.2). The results display three projects and the engineer browses to find the most relevant process. The engineer can copy the process as a planning template to his new project and then populate the template with new project-specific files. With PIP, consultants and their managers better understand their processes, so they can identify popular inefficient processes and invest in improvement. Also, PIP offers a process-centric discussion forum for users to discuss and rate processes (Figure 1.3). This community provides the opportunity to discuss where the firm should invest in improvement. Though not yet implemented, a community of daylighting consultants could decide to program a script to extract information from a Revit file and convert it to a format that would be interoperable with the daylighting analysis software. The consultants could then save that program in PIP and drive information flows via PIP. Thus, the tool provides a platform for step-bystep development and distribution of modular interoperability solutions. 1.3 Conclusion PIP promotes collaboration by making information relationships transparent, so entire teams can better consider multi-disciplinary decision tradeoffs. PIP permits process knowledge sharing with minimal process documentation effort and little management. Finally, PIP provides a platform for firms and industries to understand their processes and invest and distribute process improvements, such as software interoperability solutions. The 32 students on eight project teams in Stanford University’s Multidisciplinary Modeling and Analysis class used PIP on their three month PIP: A process communication web tool 5 student design projects. During the quarter, they uploaded 1222 files, downloaded files 1939 times and drew arrows 2057 times. Future work will examine whether students and professionals design more efficiently and effectively with PIP. 1.4 References Senescu RR, Haymaker JR (2008) Requirements for a process integration platform. Social Intelligence Design Workshop, December 3-5, San Juan, Puerto Rico Senescu RR, Haymaker JR (2009) Specifications for a social and technical environment for improving design process communication. In: Dikbas A, Giritli FH (eds.) 26th International Conference, Managing IT in Construction. October 1-3, Istanbul, Turkey Tobias J, Haymaker J (2007) A model-based LCA process on Stanford University’s Green Dorm. International Life Cycle Assessment and Management Conference. October 2-4, Portland, Oregon Figure 1.2. Users search information dependency paths to find processes with the input available and the output desired. Users can then copy processes to new projects. Figure 1.3. PIP tracks some process metrics automatically, so users can evaluate the most popular and time consuming processes. Discussion threads are associated with each node (files and folders), so project teams can discuss individual files or entire processes.