Ujian Akhir Semester (session 1) Sesi 12 J0692 - Entrepreneurship

Ujian Akhir Semester
(session 1)
Sesi 12
J0692 - Entrepreneurship
Kriteria Penilaian
40 % Written Business Plan Evaluation
20 % Oral Presentation
40 % Others Factor
TOTAL 100 %
J0692 - Entrepreneurship
Written Business Plan Evaluation
• 30% The Quality of the Idea (Innovative, Attractive)
• 30% The Financial Feasibility (Marketing, Finance,
Operation, Organization, Information Technology)
• 20% The Business Potential
• 20% The Persuasiveness of the Written Plan
J0692 - Entrepreneurship
Oral Presentations
• 20% Are the material presented in a consistent, clear,
logical, sequential and informative manner ?
• 20% How well do the individuals function as a team ?
• 20% Is the team persuasive in its key points ?
• 15% Does the team maintain the interest of the judges ?
• 10% Does the team understand the judges inquiries and
answer the questions posed ?
• 15% Does the team show poise and confidence, and an
ability to think well on their feet ?
J0692 - Entrepreneurship
Others Factor
• 30% Does the team show entrepreneurial spirit ?
• 40% Does the team show commitment to realize the
business ?
• 30% Are financial & non-financial risk addressed
(contigency plan) ?
J0692 - Entrepreneurship
Good Luck !!!
J0692 - Entrepreneurship