PCI Compiler

August 2001, ver. 1.0




Data Sheet pci_mt64 , pci_mt32 , pci_t64 , and pci_t32 MegaCore ® functions

– Flexible general-purpose interfaces that can be customized for specific peripheral requirements

– Fully compliant with the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI SIG)

PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2

timing and functional requirements

– 66-MHz compliant when used with 66-MHz PCI-compliant

Altera devices

– Extensively tested with the Phoenix Technology testbench and in hardware using the Altera FLEX ® 10KE and APEX™ 20KE PCI development boards

PCI MegaWizard ® Plug-Ins easily generate a custom instance of the

PCI function

Behavioral models functionally simulate the pci_mt64 , pci_mt32 , pci_t64 , and pci_t32 functions in third-party simulation tools

Verilog HDL and VHDL testbench for simulation in third-party tools

– Easy-to-use commands that can perform basic PCI transactions

– Includes a simple reference design that performs 32- and 64-bit single/burst cycle memory read/write and 32-bit I/O read/write transactions

Reference designs for popular functions implemented on the local side of the PCI MegaCore functions, including:

– DMA engine

– Data path FIFOs

– SDRAM interface

– Local master and target control logic

The Altera PCI compiler provides a complete solution to implement a PCI interface in a design. The compiler includes the master/target and targetonly PCI MegaCore functions for 64- and 32-bit applications, specifically, pci_mt64 , pci_mt32 , pci_t64 , and pci_t32 . The compiler also includes behavioral models and a testbench to verify the design

(including the PCI MegaCore function) in third-party Verilog HDL or

VHDL environments. Additionally, reference designs are provided as examples of popular functions implemented on the local side of a PCI interface.

Altera Corporation




PCI Compiler Data Sheet




The PCI compiler enhances your productivity by allowing you to focus your efforts on the custom logic surrounding the PCI interface. The functions are optimized for Altera APEX, ACEX™, and FLEX devices and are fully tested to meet the requirements of the PCI Special Interest Group

(SIG) PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2

and Compliance

Checklist, Revision 2.2

. The designer can test-drive Altera PCI MegaCore functions using the OpenCore™ feature to compile and simulate the functions within the design’s custom logic. When the designer is ready to license a function, the designer should contact an local Altera sales representative.

In addition to the PCI compiler, Altera provides PCI hardware prototyping platforms with the APEX 20KE PCI Development Kit and

FLEX 10KE PCI Development Kit. The kits include a PCI development board, a reference design (also included in the PCI compiler), software drivers, and a graphical user interface to help the designer evaluate the

PCI solution in a system.

Table 1

shows the speed and approximate device utilization of the PCI

MegaCore functions in an APEX 20KE -1 speed grade device. The device resources utilized are estimated based on the default parameter settings for the MegaCore functions. Using different parameter options may result in additional logic generated within the function. For example, this estimate is based on a PCI function implementing one base address register (BAR) with 1 MByte of space reserved; implementing a second

BAR would generate additional logic in the MegaCore function.

Table 1. PCI MegaCore Function Performance

PCI Function pci_mt64 pci_t64 pci_mt32 pci_t32

Logic Elements






Embedded System

Blocks (ESBs)




0 f



> 66

> 66

> 66

> 66

The PCI compiler contains everything the designer needs to use Altera

PCI solutions including the MegaCore functions, behavioral models, testbench, and reference designs. The compiler also includes a wizarddriven interface, which lets the designer create an instance of the PCI

MegaCore function required for an application with the desired parameterizable features enabled.

Altera Corporation

Altera Corporation

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

PCI MegaCore Functions

The Altera pci_mt64 , pci_t64 , pci_mt32 , and pci_t32 MegaCore functions are hardware-tested, high-performance, flexible implementations of PCI interfaces. These functions handle the complex

PCI protocol and stringent timing requirements internally, and their backend interface is designed for easy integration. Therefore, the designer can focus engineering efforts on value-added custom development, significantly reducing time-to-market.

Optimized for Altera APEX, ACEX, and FLEX device families, the PCI functions support configuration, I/O, and memory operations. With the high density of Altera devices, the designer has ample resources for custom local logic after implementing the PCI interface. The high performance of Altera devices also enables these functions to support unlimited cycles of zero-wait-state memory-burst transactions. These functions can run at either 33-MHz or 66-MHz PCI bus clock speeds; they thus achieve 132 MBytes/second throughput in a 32-bit, 33-MHz PCI bus system and up to 528-MBytes/second throughput in a 64-bit, 66-MHz PCI bus system.

To ensure timing and protocol compliance, PCI MegaCore functions have been vigorously simulated and hardware tested. Simulation was performed using the Phoenix Technologies PCI testbench. Hardware verification was performed in real systems using the HP 2928A PCI Bus

Exerciser and Analyzer with the Altera APEX 20KE PCI development board and FLEX 10KE PCI development board, along with other PCI agents in the system (e.g., host bridge, Ethernet network adapter, and video graphics card). The Altera PCI development boards were programmed with the reference designs included in the PCI compiler.

As parameterized functions, pci_mt64 , pci_mt32 , pci_t64 , and pci_t32 have features and configuration registers that can be modified for the designer’s application needs upon instantiation. These features provide scalability, adaptability, and efficient silicon implementation. As a result, the same MegaCore functions can be used in multiple PCI projects with varying requirements.

Figures 1



show the block diagrams for the pci_mt64 , pci_mt32 , pci_t64 , and pci_t32 functions.


PCI Compiler Data Sheet

Figure 1. pci_mt64 Functional Block Diagram clk rstn idsel pci_mt64




PCI Address/

Data Buffer ad[63..0] cben[7..0] gntn reqn

Local Master


PCI Master


Local Address/


Byte Enable framen req64n irdyn trdyn devseln ack64n stopn intan par par64 perrn serrn

PCI Target


Parity Checker &


Local Target

Control cmd_reg[5..0] stat_reg[5..0] cache[7..0] lm_req32n lm_req64n lm_lastn lm_rdyn lm_ackn lm_adr_ackn lm_dxfrn lm_tsr[9..0] l_disc_64_extn l_adi[63..0] l_cbeni[7..0] l_dato[63..0] l_adro[63..0] l_beno[7..0] l_cmdo[3..0] l_ldat_ackn l_hdat_ackn lt_rdyn lt_discn lt_abortn lirqn lt_framen lt_ackn lt_dxfrn lt_tsr[11..0]

4 Altera Corporation

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

Figure 2. pci_mt32 Functional Block Diagram clk rstn idsel pci_mt32




PCI Address/

Data Buffer ad[31..0] cben[3..0] gntn reqn

Local Master


PCI Master


Local Address/


Byte Enable framen irdyn trdyn devseln stopn intan par par64 perrn serrn

PCI Target


Parity Checker &


Local Target

Control cmd_reg[5..0] stat_reg[5..0] cache[7..0] lm_req32n lm_lastn lm_rdyn lm_ackn lm_adr_ackn lm_dxfrn lm_tsr[9..0] l_adi[31..0] l_cbeni[3..0] l_dato[31..0] l_adro[31..0] l_beno[3..0] l_cmdo[3..0] lt_rdyn lt_discn lt_abortn lirqn lt_framen lt_ackn lt_dxfrn lt_tsr[11..0]

Altera Corporation 5

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

Figure 3. pci_t64 Functional Block Diagram clk rstn idsel pci_t64



Registers ad[63..0] cben[7..0]

PCI Address/

Data Buffer

Local Address/


Byte Enable framen req64n irdyn trdyn devseln ack64n stopn intan par par64 perrn serrn

PCI Target


Parity Checker &


Local Target

Control cmd_reg[5..0] stat_reg[5..0] l_disc_64_extn l_adi[63..0] l_dato[63..0] l_adro[63..0] l_beno[7..0] l_cmdo[3..0] l_ldat_ackn l_hdat_ackn lt_rdyn lt_discn lt_abortn lirqn lt_framen lt_ackn lt_dxfrn lt_tsr[11..0]

6 Altera Corporation

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

Figure 4. pci_t32 Functional Block Diagram clk rstn idsel pci_t32



Registers ad[31..0] cben[3..0]

PCI Address/

Data Buffer

Local Address/


Byte Enable framen irdyn trdyn devseln stopn intan par perrn serrn

PCI Target


Parity Checker &


Local Target

Control cmd_reg[5..0] stat_reg[5..0] l_adi[31..0] l_dato[31..0] l_adro[31..0] l_beno[3..0] l_cmdo[3..0] lt_rdyn lt_discn lt_abortn lirqn lt_framen lt_ackn lt_dxfrn lt_tsr[11..0]

PCI Compiler MegaWizard Plug-In

The PCI compiler MegaWizard Plug-In is a Java-based, platformindependent wizard interface that streamlines the design entry process, making it easier and less time consuming to design with Altera MegaCore functions. The designer can either launch the PCI compiler MegaWizard

Plug-In from within the Quartus™ II or MAX+PLUS ® II software, or from the command line. The PCI compiler wizard is used to generate an Altera hardware description language (AHDL), VHDL, or Verilog HDL instance of the Altera PCI MegaCore function.

The PCI MegaCore functions offer parameters to customize the function for an application. The instance of the PCI MegaCore function created with the wizard includes all of the parameter settings specific to the required design; the designer should implement this instance as a module in the design.

Altera Corporation 7

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

The wizard also includes a utility to generate device-specific constraint files for the Quartus II and MAX+PLUS II software to ensure that the PCI

MegaCore function achieves PCI timing requirements in the design. More information on the recommended devices for 33 or 66 MHz PCI systems is available in the device family data sheets and on the IP MegaStore section of the Altera web site.

Figure 5

shows page 3 of the wizard, where the designer can choose which

PCI MegaCore function is implemented in the design, as well as the technology and application speed capabilities.

Figure 5. PCI Compiler Wizard


Third-Party Tool Simulation

The designer can simulate Altera PCI MegaCore functions in third-party simulation tools, as well as in the Altera Quartus II and MAX+PLUS II software. The Altera PCI testbench and behavioral models provide a fast and efficient way to develop and test designs utilizing Altera PCI

MegaCore functions. The testbench is a functional simulation environment that allows the designer to verify the PCI transactions used in an application with other PCI agents.

The PCI testbench and behavioral models are provided for both

Verilog HDL and VHDL environments and can be used with the

OpenCore evaluation feature. The designer can use the PCI testbench to perform pre- and post-synthesis simulation of an application. The testbench provides test modules to communicate with an application as a target or master. The testbench also includes a bus monitor and arbitration modules as shown in

Figure 6 .

Altera Corporation

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

Figure 6. Altera PCI Testbench Block Diagram

Testbench Modules




Altera PCI Testbench





Clock Generator


Pull Ups

Altera Device

Altera PCI





Altera Corporation

Reference Designs

The reference designs included with the PCI compiler are design examples illustrating how to interface local logic to the pci_mt64 and pci_mt32 MegaCore functions. The logic relevant to the local target interface can also be used as an example when working with the pci_t64 or pci_t32 functions. The reference designs include a target and a master interface to the PCI function, DMA engine, FIFO buffers, and an SDRAM memory controller. The DMA engine has standard and scatter gather modes and controls the master mode operation of the pci_mt64 or pci_mt32 functions. The FIFO buffers allow zero-wait state transfers between the SDRAM memory and the PCI bus.

Figure 7

shows a block diagram of the reference design. The reference design consists of the following elements:

Master control logic

Target control logic

DMA engine

Data path FIFO functions

SDRAM interface


PCI Compiler Data Sheet

Figure 7. Reference Design Block Diagram

PCI Master/Target Function






Reference Design




































DMA Engine

DMA Control Logic

DMA Registers

DMA Descriptor FIFO

Data Path FIFOs



Obtaining &

Installing the

PCI Compiler

Before the designer can start using Altera MegaCore functions, the designer must obtain the PCI compiler and install it. The following instructions describe this process.


The PCI compiler, including the MegaCore functions, is available for evaluation with the OpenCore feature. The OpenCore feature allows the designer to instantiate the MegaCore functions in a design, synthesize the design, verify timing through static timing analysis, and functionally simulate the design using Altera software or third-party tools. A license is required to generate programming files; when the designer is ready to program an Altera device with a design that includes a PCI MegaCore function, the designer should contact a local Altera or distributor sales office to obtain a license.

1 Although all of the Altera PCI MegaCore functions are included with the PCI compiler, the PCI MegaCore functions are individually licensed.

10 Altera Corporation

Altera Corporation

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

Software Requirements

The PCI compiler requires:

The Altera Quartus II software version 1.1 or later to compile a design that targets any Altera device family recommended for use with the

PCI MegaCore functions except the FLEX and ACEX device families.

The Altera MAX+PLUS II software version 10.1 or later to compiler a design that targets the FLEX or ACEX device families.

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.3.0 is required for the

PCI compiler wizard. The JRE is installed automatically during the

PCI compiler installation process.

The PCI behavioral models can be used in most third-party EDA simulation tools. Refer to AN 169 (Simulating the PCI MegaCore

Function Behavioral Models) for more information on the supported tools.

Installing the PCI compiler on UNIX systems requires the GNU zip utility.

Obtaining the PCI Compiler MegaCore Function

If the designer has Internet access, he or she can download the PCI compiler from the Altera web site at http://www.altera.com

. If the designer does not have Internet access, he or she can obtain the compiler from an local Altera or distributor representative. Follow the instructions below to obtain the PCI compiler via the Internet.


Point a web browser to http://www.altera.com/IPmegastore .


Enter PCI compiler in the Keywords box of the IP MegaSearch area and click Submit .


Click the link for the Altera PCI compiler MegaCore function.


Follow the on-line instructions to download the compiler and save it to hard disk.

Installing the PCI Compiler Files

To install on Windows PCs, follow the instructions below:


Choose Run (Start menu).


Type < path name > \ < filename > .exe

, where < path name > is the location of the downloaded PCI compiler and < filename > is the filename of the function.


PCI Compiler Data Sheet


Click OK . The MegaCore Installer dialog box appears. Follow the on-line instructions to finish installation.


After the designer has finished installing the compiler files, the designer must specify the directory in which they were installed

(e.g., < path > /pci_compiler_2.0.0/lib ) as a user library in the

MAX+PLUS II or Quartus II software. Search for “User Libraries” in

MAX+PLUS II or Quartus II Help for instructions on how to add these libraries.

1 The designer must add the proper operation of the PCI compiler wizard and for compilation.

lib directory as a user library for

To install PCI compiler on or UNIX machines, change to the directory in which the downloaded PCI compiler function was saved and type the following commands:


gunzip < filename >.




tar xvf < filename > .tar


The PCI compiler installs into the current directory.

PCI Compiler Directory Structure

The PCI compiler installs the directories shown in

Figure 8 . Many of the

directories contain subdirectories, which are described in the documentation for each PCI compiler component. Refer to


Documentation” on page 13

for a list of PCI compiler documents.

12 Altera Corporation

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

Figure 8. PCI Compiler Directory Structure


Contains a common elements used by Altera MegaCore functions.


Contains the Java Runtime Environment version 1.3.0.

pci_compiler_v < version number >

Contains all of the PCI compiler files. < version number > is the core version number (e.g., 2.0.0).


Contains all PCI compiler documentation, including user guides, application notes, and

white papers.


Contains the encrypted lower-level design files and the PCI compiler wizard files. After

installing the PCI compiler, the designer should add a user library in the Quartus II or

MAX+PLUS II software that points to this directory. This library allows the designer to use

all of the PCI MegaCore functions and the PCI compiler wizard in a project.


Contains the pci_mt32 MegaCore function files.


Contains the pci_mt64 MegaCore function files.


Contains the pci_t32 MegaCore function files.


Contains the pci_t64 MegaCore function files.


Contains the behavioral models for the pci_mt32 , pci_mt64 , pci_t32 , and pci_t64 MegaCore functions.


Contains the Verilog HDL and VHDL testbenches for the pci_mt32 , pci_mt64 , pci_t32 , and pci_t64 MegaCore functions.


Contains reference designs for common functions implemented with the PCI MegaCore




Altera provides additional technical documentation for the PCI

MegaCore functions, the PCI testbench and behavioral models, and the reference designs.

PCI MegaCore Function User Guide —Provides a detailed technical description of the pci_mt64 , pci_t64 , pci_mt32 , and pci_t32 functions.

64-Bit Options for the PCI/MT64 & PCI/T64 MegaCore Functions White

Paper —Describes the features specific to the pci_mt64 and pci_t64 functions.

PCI Testbench User Guide —Describes the VHDL and Verilog HDL testbench and how to use them with the pci_mt64 , pci_t64 , pci_mt32 , and pci_t32 MegaCore functions.

Altera Corporation 13

PCI Compiler Data Sheet

AN 169 (Simulating the PCI MegaCore Function Behavioral Models) —

Describes how to use the Verilog HDL and VHDL pci_mt64 , pci_t64 , pci_mt32 , and pci_t32 behavioral models in thirdparty simulation tools.

Tips for 66-MHz PCI Designs White Paper —Provides design tips for integrating the PCI MegaCore functions in an application and achieving a 66-MHz f



FS 10 (pci_mt64 MegaCore Function Reference Design) —Describes the pci_mt64 reference design modules.

FS 12 (pci_mt32 MegaCore Function Reference Design) —Describes the pci_mt32 reference design modules.

SDR SDRAM Controller White Paper —Describes the SDRAM controller used in the PCI reference design.

101 Innovation Drive

San Jose, CA 95134

(408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com

Applications Hotline:

(800) 800-EPLD

Customer Marketing:

(408) 544-7104

Literature Services: lit_req@altera.com


Printed on Recycled Paper.

Copyright  2001 Altera Corporation. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation.

Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.

All rights reserved.

Altera Corporation