DSA Assessment Plan

DSA Assessment Plan
Dean of Students Office
Department Name:
Assessment Plan for Academic
Dr. William F. Munson
Assessment Contact(s)
(if not the director):
The University of Houston Dean of Students Office creates a culture of care for students, their families, and
Department Mission Statement: faculty and staff by providing programs and services that are designed to enhance students’ academic and
personal success.
The University of Houston Dean of Students Office will be recognized for exemplary programs and services,
Department Vision Statement: grounded in ethical and moral principles, which promote student advocacy, campus engagement, and holistic
student development.
1. Hire and train Case Manager position as provided by SFAC in FY14. (DSA Initiative: Student Success, Innovation)
Department Goals:
2.Work with the Division of Student Affairs Information Technology Unit to identify technology needs and
implement technology strategies to support electronic office operations. (DSA Initiative: Student Experience)
3. Maintain student conduct database software (Maxient). (DSA Initiative: Innovation)
4. Collaborate with other UH units regarding the applicability of Maxient to support their functions (Student
Housing and Residential Life, Equal Opportunity Services, Academic Program Management, Human Resources,
5.Develop a marketing document describing general Dean of Students Office services and continue marketing
individual programs and services. (DSA Initiative: Collective Identity)
6. Identify and fund staff professional development opportunities. (DSA Initiative: Strategic Partnerships)
7. Develop and offer student advocacy training programs in partnership with institutional stakeholders. (DSA
Initiative: Student Success, Strategic Partnerships)
8. Continue collaborative efforts with other UH units to enhance UH parent/family programs. (DSA Initiative:
Strategic Partnerships)
9. Implement Map-Works, in collaboration with Student Housing and Residential Life, to provide an early
intervention with at-risk commuter students. (DSA Initiative: Student Success, Strategic Partnerships)
10. Develop and implement a pilot program for commuter peer mentoring to help first year commuter students
successfully transition to the university. (DSA Initiative: Student Success, Strategic Partnerships)
11. Engage with other UH units/offices as appropriate to support transfer student engagement and success. (DSA
Initiative: Student Success)
DSA Assessment Plan
Program or Services Being Assessed: Commuter Student Services
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
Commuter Students who participate in
MapWorks will increase their
knowledge about University resources
and develop a greater connection to the
campus community.
First year commuter students Annual
will be encouraged to take the
Map-Works survey at the end
of September. The survey
responses, calculated by MapWorks, will determine a
student's "risk-level" and help
to coordinate early
intervention efforts by DOS
with identified commuter
students. Participants will also
receive a customized report to
identifing behaviors necessary
to succeed and information
helping them to connect to
campus resources/support
services. A second survey will
be given in November to
assess any change in these
students' behaviors and
Surveys distributed during
Fall semester (September,
December). Assessment of
Map-Works impact on
Commuter Students will
take place in the spring
To establish a base-line for the
Map-Works program with first
year commuter students. To
determine the impact of
Mapworks on participating
commuter students.
Goal(s) Supported
DOS goal #9 (listed above)
and DSA Initiatives: Student
Success, Strategic
DSA Assessment Plan
Program or Services Being Assessed: Student Conduct Process Evaluation & Outcomes
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
Students referred for alleged violations
of the Student Code of Conduct will be
able to discuss the disciplinary process,
from beginning to end, as well as their
rights and responsibilities as members
of the UH community.
An electronic survey
consisting of fill in the
blank responses will be
used to determine how
well students know the
disciplinary process. The
assessment will be
available for referred
students to complete,
while in the presence of
their Hearing Officer,
before their case is
considered closed.
For the Fall 2013, referred
students information will
be collected and they will
be randomly selected to
participate in the
electronic survey at the
beginning of the Spring
2014. Beginning in the
Spring 2014, the referred
student must complete the
disciplinary process
assessment in the
presence of their Hearing
We will pilot this
assessment in the Dean of
Students Office for the
students referred during
the 2013-2014 academic
year. We will expand the
assessment to include
Student Housing &
Residential Life hearing
officers in the Fall 2014.
Program or Services Being Assessed: DOS Student Advocacy & Support Services
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
To establish a baseline for how students An electronic Student
utilize and learn about our advocacy
Advocacy form has been
services in the Dean of Students Office. created through
CampusLabs designed to
capture demographic
information about the
student, the service they
utilized through the Dean
of Students Office, and
how they heard about our
office services. A modified
form has been created for
phone calls we receive
about our services.
Every time a student
comes into the DOS
Office, they will have to
complete the survey to
determine the purpose for
visiting and how they
heard about our services.
At the end of the 20132014 academic year, we
will review the data for
themes, trends, and
The purpose of this
assessment is to provide
our office with a better
understanding of how
students interpret our
conduct process as well as
their rights &
The purpose of this
assessment is to establish
a baseline of data that
would provide insight on
how students utilize and
are referred to our student
advocacy & support
Goal(s) Supported
DOS Goal #1 & #3 (Listed
Above) and DSA
Initiatives: Student
Success & Innovation
Goal(s) Supported
DOS Goal #4 & #7 (Listed
Above) and DSA
Initiatives: Student
Success & Strategic