Overview of Basic principles of Public Health PHILOSOPHY OF PUBLIC HEALTH DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH AND DISEASE. INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH SYSTEM HEALTH CARE AND HEALTH RISK PRIMARY HEALTH CARE. SECONDARY AND TERTIARY HEALTH CARE HEALTH FINANCING MEDICAL RECORD. OVERVIEW……….. SCHEDULE & LECTURER 1. OVERVIEW…………………………………………..DSA 2. PHYLOSOPHY & DEVELOPMENT OF PH…..DSA 3. PHYLOSOPHY & DEVELOPMENT OF PH…..DSA 4. DETERMINANT OF HEALTH & DISEASE ….DSA 5. DETERMINANT OF HEALTH & DISEASE…..DSA 6. INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH SYSTEM…….DSA 7. HEALTH CARE AND HEALTH RISK………….DSA MID-TERM EXAMINATION OVERVIEW ……. 8. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE (PHC)………… …SS 9. SECONDARY & TERTIARY HEALTH CARE….DSA 10. HEALTH FINANCING……………………………….RKS 11. HEALTH FINANCING……………………………….RKS 12. HEALTH FINANCING……………………………….RKS 13. MEDICAL RECORD………………………………….YF 14. MEDICAL RECORD………………………………….YF FINAL SEMESTER EXAMINATION DEFINITION HEALTH (W.H.O) : a complete state of physical ,mental ,and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. PUBLIC HEALTH (JOHN LAST): One of the efforts by society to protect, promote and restore the people’s health. DEFINITION …………con’t It is combination of sciences, skills, and believes that is directed to the maintenance and improvement of the health of the people through collective social action. DEFINITION………….con’t Public health activities change with changing technologies and social value but the goal remain the same: -to reduce amount of disease. -to reduce amount of premature death -to reduce a disease produced discom fort. -to reduce disability in population. DEFINITON…………..cont’ PUBLIC HEALTH (WINSLOW) The science and art of Preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting physical health and efficiency through organized effort for ;the sanitation of the environment, the control of community infection, the education of individual in principal of personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing service……… Public health……….cont’ for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease , and the development of social machinery which will ensure to every individual in the community a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health. So organizing this benefit as to enable every citizen to realize his birthright of health and longevity. PHOP BEFORE WAS COMMUNITY HEALTH ORIENTED PROGRAM (CHOP) PHOP 1 -BASIC PRINCIPLE OF P.H and HEALTH SERVICE MANAGEMENT PHOPPUBLIC HEALTH ORIENTED PROGRAM (PHOP) BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PH 14 x LECTURES 1 CREDIT SEMESTER (50 MINUTES) AFTER 7 LECTURES-EXAMINATION LECTURES , QUESTION & ANSWER. 2012 LECTURERS Dadi S Argadiredja dr,DTM&H, MPH Suparman Supriadi,dr, M.Kes R Kince Sakinah dr. Yudi Feriandi dr.