Leaf,ershi IAMCSIOWTL TL jr-.s

you are a group of investors in the joint-stock Virginia Company and in two days you must
approach fing jr-.s I and his prir,y Council to seek permission to establish a colony in the
Chesapeak" r6gton of the New world. Your company will hire a crew, obtain supplies and
advertise in orler to attract peopleto live in this new colony. BecauseJamestown is over 2ooo
miles away fi,om London across the Atlantic ocean, the King and Parliament will not have
effedive iontrol over this new English territory. In order for the colony to be successful,
the Virginia Company has
Jamestown needs a strong authority figure. Another problem that
attempted to colonize the New World before. They exped to find gold and freefarmland.
(But virginia in the 17th century was a wilderness with no roads and populated with Native
Americai people who had already been livingthere for hundreds ofyears.) tf the colony is to
survive, there'must be able leadership. The leader should be an experienced person, someone
who can make good decisions - lifesaving decisions. The leader must be able to lead (and
sometimes disciplin e) men. He should also have vision and be loyal to the mission of the
company and its goals. Last but not least, the leader must be a person who could be diplomatic
with the native pioples or know who to defend the colony if they became hostile.
your group's mission is to select the leader ofJamestown settlement. Debate the relative merits
of eaJh applicant, and make a ratings analysis chart for the three candidates. Them defend your
selection in front of the King. You must give at least three reasons why you chose your selected
leader. Remembe r,you are responsible for picking aleader who will getthe settlers through the
hardships of the first years of the colony.
CnrupronrE A:
seryed as an aPPrentice to a merchant
yedd books on warfare and leadership
surryived a shipwreck
served several years in the English army - was taken into slaver but killed his master to
had contempt of men who could not work and pull their own weight
travelled to the Netherlands, France, Egypt and Austria (and joined the imperial army)
w;ls captured by the Turks and escaped
killed three Turks at one time in hand to hand combat
CnruoronrE B:
sailed with Sir Francis Drake as afreebooter who raided Spanish ships
searched for gold and the nonexistent Anian Srait for England
survived a shipwreck
has a greal skill in maritime matters
W?s a soldier in the English aYmY
has a financial stake in the colony because he is a member of the Virginia Company
was knighted by the Queen for service provided to England
has traded goods with native Americans
CnruotoRrr C:
r sell/ed in the English ar:mY
. fought in Irelani (which was colonizedby the English long before the New World)
, served on the King's prily Council (like a cabinet that could issue executive orders)
. studied at Oxford Universifr
, is a nobleman (he inherited his title from his father)
. had served in Parliament
. is distantly related toJames I on his father's side
Rnnruc ArunuYsts CHnnr
Experience in
the New World
Candidate A
Connections in