Christ the King Catholic Elementary School School Council 2013/2014

Christ the King Catholic Elementary School
3240 Garthwood Rd., Mississauga, ON L5L 5A3
School Council 2013/2014
School council Meeting
Wednesday, September 18, 2013-11-04 6:30 – Staff Room
1. Opening Prayer
- opening prayer led by Joanne Ashton-Lopes
- introductions – Mary, Kelly, Suzanne, Tess, Christine, Luba, Joanne, Manish, Linda, Lorenzo
2. Agenda & Minutes from May 2013
- agenda and minutes from last meeting were approved
3. Treasurer’s Report for 2012/2013 school year (Christine Michisor)
Opening Balance $2,051.15, Current Balance $2292.90
September - $1,109.00
Entertainment for BBQ
Food for BBQ
October - $614.00
Sub Day
Volleyball Ref
November - $7,055.77
World’s Finest Chocolate
Milk Program (from June) $462.99
Bus for Cross Country
Youth Ambassador shirts
Volleyball Ref (Oct.11)
December - $1,337.51
Sub Day
Volleyball Ref (Nov. 26)
Pianist for Advent Mass
Milk Program
January - $1,519.86
USB for intermediate students $324.35
Basketball Ref
Popcorn Supplies
February - $667.87
Advent Practice bus
Milk Program
March - $626.08
Basketball Ref
Subsidy for Montreal trip
Gift for Deb Adkins
April - $1,141.78
Milk Program
Sub Day (Apr. 24)
May - $1,583.77
Confirmation Music
Communion practice bus
Milk Program
June - $1,638.63
Gift for F.Grima
Deposit for Grade 8 trip
Grade 8 Grad expense & subsidy $1000.00
July - $12.50
Bank fees totalling $12.50
August - $101.40
May - $
Movie Night
Sub Day
Milk Program
Agenda costs have not gone through yet.
4. Fundraising Discussion (Manish)
- 158 distributed previous years, $45 profit/box
- 2010 returned 26, 2011 returned 22, 2012 returned 16
- personalization takes 3 weeks
- discounts for Raptors
- alternative choices include
frozen cookie dough (bagged & labelled) $3000 projected income
Christmas merchandise $3000 projected income
Coupon sticker cards $10/card ($5 profit) suggested for Grade 8 trip
5. Election
Chair – Kelly Dupuy (all agree)
Co-Chair – Suzanne Pinto (all agree)
Treasurer – Christine Michisor (all agree)
Parish Rep – Joanne Ashton-Lopes (all agree)
Secretary – Luba Timdale (all agree)
Teacher Rep – Lorenzo Morra (all agree)
Non Teacher Representative – Linda DeAgazio (all agree)
Milk Program Coordinator – Tessa Lofranco (all agree)
Fundraising Team – Luba Timdale & Tessa Lofranco (all agree)
Elected Member – Odilia Scialdone (all agree)
6. School Administration/Principal’s report (Mary McIsaac)
- only 3 students reorganized impacting only 4 classes based on Grade 2 having 21 students
- lighting system
- Gym installation delayed
- more efficient (double wattage with less lights)
- waiting to hear from School Board about permission to sell extra chandeliers
- air conditioner
- sandpit
– construction mix-up regarding sandpit, waiting to hear about new sandpit
- Father Bernard’s opening mass went well, stopped First Communion passport stamping
- Book Fair – Mrs. Stolar
- EQAO 2012 – 2013 results (see attached), need improvements in Math
- Mrs. Adkins will be in until end of October, following which Ms. Colabufalo will be in for
- Starting Terry Fox Walk Friday, Sept. 27t , goal set $100.00, thanks to Mrs. DiRisio, Mrs.
Gawronski, Mrs. Szpakowski, Mrs. Stolar, will have an assembly to launch
- Picture day is on Oct. 2nd
7. New Council Issues (Kelly Dupuy)
- facepainting to be done by Luba Timdale & Suzana Dzamba
- popcorn – Mrs. Michisor
- raffle prizes –lack of raffle prizes, solicitation is required
- food serving – Mr. Morra
- new superintendent, Loyola reps will be attending, 20% more will be ordered to
accommodate them
- Halloween Dance
- students from grade 8 will DJ
- chocolate fundraiser update
- Nestle similar cost profit ($2 less per box)
- Mrs. Timdale will contact Nestle for more information
- Chocolates go home for Thanksgiving and out by Oct. 10th
- Previous campaign included 8 free boxes of chocolate and iPod Shuffle
- council meeting dates will be the first Wednesday of every second month (Nov. 6th, Jan.
15th, Mar. 19th, May 28th – potluck)
- Graduation will be on June 17th
- Sub days are once a month on the last Friday of the month starting in October
- Panago update – free pizza for 1 child/month
- Movie night will be on Oct. 25th and will feature Hotel Transylvania (Erik & Darcy will
make the announcements)
- Milk program profit was $421.74 for 2012/2013 school year
- Calendars
- will include textbox with name to identify artist
- leftovers will be sold for fundraising
- Luke/Adam will sell leftover calendars for $2
- proper sports attire for gym has been mandated
- box of cards (Tessa) for fundraising, will decide during next council meeting
8. Parish Report (Joanne)
- list of date for confirmation/communion
9. Closing prayer
- the closing prayer was led by Joanne Ashton-Lopes