$, {krqftgrer{ trtsffi strut'tt t-xivr:r*ity$rant$ Cotnmissi*ri ja i'',jli ;ri;t}\fi lry;T6 *T{ilsIE ft€T{l .T"srgq.s}rttt *{{4't{) iii-l'i\l i)l iniltly ;rf llllrtrarrfi tsrture*$*reltpnr*tlt',{i*rt, i}f }n(li{i q ll'.rtl idqrflq,;Wrrin r.l .t *iqtft,fE;,gol *'tt r,.aev Fu*e -" 4l l${l? lVe:i{ernR*ginnal Offiee, Ca'*cshkhinelo : i:i ..".:.i i?r l; 'h"*rn*r 93r.trd.ltrr$$,i l)*1iut-rSetr*txr_r qtqqq qcn ' *" 0. No"F.?-$Sl14{Si r* ular/1#RQ} Phr S20- 25691t78, ?5696897 Ftx: il!{l *7*691477 l . '' ' : ,'' December?9, 2016 To The Registrarl$irsstor { B€UCI}1 Dean{eSC} sf lhe Universitiesin h{shelssblta" Si,is{sL&Qss :inhi*i:t Farli*nrettt A$$$ranca against Rajya Sabha Unstarr*d i,Ic"1361 replied on 10.11.901Sresarding Questinn instructions issusd by the ilopartmbnt of PEreonnel & Training for e*tting uP of $Cl$T Cells and namination of Li*issn Officsre. il*ar $irlMacl*rn, 'ihrs cated 22"t Januaty,?016 of iri with rafer*n*eto ietterl.lo,11-?801$/2/?014-E-H the ilepartrn*nl cr{ i-'ligherHducatian Ministry r:f Human Rssource Oevel*pment, (]*vernnentaf in,Ji*,*n the eubjsctcitedab*ve. r\ Fsrliarr-rr*nt *Lresti*r seekirrginfornrationabout whetlrer ReservgtionCells are rxistirrg iinC Liar**r *fficere nominated or not ln ths Universitiesllnslilutes/Subordrnateiilifices unrler the administraliveeonlrol of the Mini$t,Ywa$ ffii$ed. The was rnformatir>n $CIu$ht by the l-i*n'bleMP beingnot readilyavallahle,an &$$urance 6ivenby the Mir:i*tryxhich is nowrequiredto be fulfilled \.'rr.rare. thersfore, reguested tc kindly furnish the inforrnationin lhe enclosed {orrnaras well as soft copy in M$-6xcel format on wriruqqt0qma,il,com, nrescrik:ed i:;i*rlby 03 32.t*1n ihis may krndlybe lrer:lesl er$t"iR$ENT Withregards, Yourssincerely, ri.:. ,/""rt''1,,,, {'f ;11'l i !.s I i l i r . R M a * c j K u r n a l lJ : 3 i i ; i ' * l*oL:tv :le,;retar.,, Enci:As above !r!,.1 Sl,g:1! &"':' .,."",...'#.* celv2015-16/| t{8\ Ref.no.: SUS/BCUD/Special Date: F 3 FEB7N1h To, The Principal,/Directors, All Affiliated Aided Colleges/Institutions' Solapur Universityo Solapur. Sir, In view of abovereferenceUGC letterNo.F.2-30l14(Circular/WRo) dated2gDec.,2016,you are urgentlyto the UniversityOffice. requested to sendthe requiestinformationup to dt.05/02/2016 F.No1t-2B0LVZ4CrM-E-H Ahhg\urel i arn Fr eorsure au, r'J,,ffitt$irqffiL * ' . r . i ' IF rp, rea;oh {hercfor an{ i I i I