1{rww" H ;i w ;} [. g f - ,e() rT] 20r3 I { r000 | Us $ 50 srPTEi[BER nm'rn: IiEI tr $tuilU ffi rn, dirllr r,r, , l l{ 6.n11no.lt, {4 fc Includef Runway AirportRepla{ement New StormWater ElrainagcSyrtem SyAdvanwd DrainagtSystemEInt" ior a large$eclionol the herequirunn*n8 n€(i{6[0rmwaterdrainageqf$t4mv{efe mgt wltr an aulhonredalternglivelo rsrnfo{Esd $uor$ rorwrutspse. Ihe useof an en0ineer-sd, Forstormwater lines system drainage located aroundthe nearly airportrunwali, HF fivenrilesof SaniTite polypropylene sewer pipewasused. *W$Legrrcn0n{,CtfTl and easproinstallpipe al the Fort Cdurnbus lni€malirril Airport alff redwsd csds" sped inr{rlistionand incrnasedworlcr *rk4y on lhe $31,4 mi$ioft!|lojocl" H$rc trConfifiir*lt0.rt "$hsttinq d6,vn *n *i!"p*rt evsrx f$r ii$ $wn elqptR$i0fl 5irfidy c*nnd{ he done,' stale,dF1'anlenlwwrca. FF rnarlef rnanagerfor &dsancedOrainage 91sternr"Inc. {AD6} {hlitliard,Ohio}, rnonu{a*hlrerof qhe5snilTi'te*FS ppe, {ortheff0jeci. nh*h wers$elBrtsd '?*rrwedsdm.oom 'Ma,:lrnusn rs thegssl oi anyprqmt lbr anyfield.The Fsnlrficln( efliqie.ncl, tfralb.ec*u*+ curpips, Sfiro}.explained G**rueJ. hel & Co.,tnc,{Coiurnbus, theyv,tre rettions,werBoasifyr,naneuwrable, e.,eflthe 6&inshdmrneter qurcklywhichled tc an ifiereage ift pd{tc1tutty, ra$e'lodo the iflslallnllon Theyo/enlimedonesec[ro]!, f]ullingiir 300 {eeto.{36+nchpipeinjucl9S rninirles"" Arrpun(C[lH) pitvidg'$ngady1S0dtift TheFortftilurnbuelntorn;rt$flal fif,uri 2 tmr*ngnr' f]f-f ilft &. {-"ASl51tlft fii fiC[{ i-'l{:F.n\,''il'h; !r.Tn,I r G[i Thil,T {":..s. ,,q{:T ilA {""LY \'Vff $qK 5 if *hrt Hlgh pcrfotrttniti Fromlrr wiih o|rr I ffi wG f l A R T R I F G E $F O R W A T H RT R F A T H E N T A C T I V A T fS i f , A . F , & O NE L $ C K CASG rr* Cl&!g llf frs,fii (os,oltut 6|rDon !lt(* GA gG - lrtffltnd lrfln 0"1 ro i ml*on rhrll,ftli|atlo* Cf.ft Hf - lcti.yrtrd .rrfs,n bfoc|r frstn oocofiur dirtl rtrd fiollilv,fllr. 0,15 md 0,01 fi}cn$florr.Ffirut6fi ndtrd(r,And!|crnrt|l, - |{dylnrd fltDon bloBl( ffiDfn co{oil{rt E!*EC lron l ro lO mleran$rfl,fhrtrlffr A$fitl.r s?rdufiirr* fbr rril* ||ildar rnqfit In lurugo. tr$ed tffilpllit ||rd t.fi*fLd Fro*l{t||ftt CFEC lrsillnr ($ ya* io lt{tltA by GfrFrft| Produ*r fy**rfti t Stl, lk*tripcrdrh f+nrph* Nlvan6ylr&Ahtrl**!|d" Gqirnt" lndl|, \ltikbtlto: mru6nyl*i.cm }hitin*olBftFrni,iom Crll uri$ tl - 71 - l*"i{ Itll r,Jwa,€a*al*r,ccm - *k1'^ urf IdlrD t ''!mtr,.*^:",,- . . .*{" fttr* -,.*- ! f I ar$ Con1ftiftet ilil s4l$;|ift.! $,rJrl mijier',Alnand rfislh{d6 tha[ prwxde [he -The g{f;alefl o1,ps{tur"rty for empicryee satetp"iw said. enulyrnarauterable. rn{:rego iiqhtv.t$ht iltpc $cfti0ngpr{r,,i{ifdtho$4benefitgl$ 0$r e{npif0yec1 iiditei0rdroducls." lh;rn c{-}ry:Dshh'v*, lge{rqalr;r*dcffrr'errqr*rthroirghb*th hn4 and malfirialsosls,bolh sl,,!hiqtr .+r'{,u IInrdl{lygan('flt4l lh['#trpor,l 6;cr11'rpx-'ttt'd. ''Frscalmspronsrtuhlynrnrportant at Fsft Cehrnbuslrltqrn"!tr4,nalAirpsn." ssid fii:rvidfiotsr:hall.s&ri$r ririlnagenFl*nning afiri Conslrucl.rc.fl furninistmilun supplierr ef Cl,,tl.l,"lnl.rucjunnq compehhonarnrrrgconlrnclorsand nraeerial thrergh carnpehlivcbrddrngis one tray to ensurcour pro;eclscorne wlhrn llj.rdqct.fd$t'i"ffy$tr{: ($$t$ dild 5,0hed{iling a cont*rn, {'}ulmfrrftlenflflcesi' iraflicv,'"rshigh on the pri,r:rily)istwiltr C]vlf{.Thereiore,we uiereencourage'd .]h1hlyto 51.:gernatenalsal liErr o,$fi facrl'lresand ro 5eElhe nnanlrfaclurer's d*lwrr#g. This irn{rrlryed+a{+tylor 6pr p4pple, plan*s {.rffid*.Just"ul.!in'.e and prswngers i.nd elirnrn.itrdufiftr(;Eirir) $[{reikpile$ on th,efield," Fldlttaa -AD$ *rnrTr(c HP is appe,rwr!bv 0hra ftOT an+iLh+C,ly ol Columbur ftv r!$rrn ,and$rnitirFlu$e,proriding an 'dqu,rlirll0rnaliBslo the RCPClass lV prp*," he slfrfed,'AD6 SanrTiteHP prFe prmrded the r€quired 5tiffnes,$" lcdgrdl and lur;,ll funrJrng{;(ir1lrfl}.r$tp d'r,in{iill,rehurltjrnrd cur rp;1fl116yr. srmnEth and prr,t pcrfonnance ,,!htlc being rnanufacturu'dto be easrly This rnn+*rtr*qpraqluctig rnade{rornsn edvanr;edgilad$0[ brrcNgg5"r"rds*rrtr g\igl*m$rgrtr"nrlt,r prrrrvry focvs, Arl0rJrtrgvildii/tli0n *r$rNrr,JYtr(abl,*r$ n-oerc€pl,on" In 011, lhe FAAI-qtrrrrpcrtlrnpro,rementPrcgram (AlF) polypopf.ene resrfiAfidv,'iisspecrl4ailyer"giheeredlo $erre fh* Eravrtyflon, niloarlrd rnorc th;ln $l] $ ir,tl,m oi (0n5trr{:!on qr".notsnaloft!.ride. san.l,r1sr*rr,rrd qtDrrnrrilcr or.trnlgcnr':rknts.' "f he si*te 0f lhe n;rtrun't rnfrilglrui:luru(rlntir\rrdtilrj ht] ,iiifiiil'lporhirlt|0p.(: 'As ffl,rthe rsnslr,rctionrnd.r..;try nnd lhe generalpubh(,'' :ii,ltfd lenkervicr. Fecrpientulihu th* frurt C*lunrl>u*Intdr'rirliilnalArrrrortarrr ruquirtd t<rl* prLrdenirvhilen"':rinrrrinqeffi':rencyand snsurinqpublicsaietx-:Th*tt frsca)19 go,rhl1qreache'r'cdlhroueht.!rc'utr ni o,,rrprp€for slnrrmr,raterrJrain;lgeon " r(sr.)i(rtll'ul tAy t:r[.tin$'40 Frl.r"i'(tr: "8on6 a Coh;mbu$nrff! b,rsEdr{lcnpiny lira ira esFf.crflil!ple"asedla hs inc{u{icdIn tn's prrlrri llrat ',!illtrr{rflrj4lfor th$ contrnuerlgr$$Jth0f our i!r*,t"" slated Tirri nurli*|, drltldtsr ui warl*trrg ior ADS, "A05 h;rs more th$n B0 plus cffrcri Jqrots Nnrlh,andSttulh Arnerrc*and we rell healrlyr:n facrlrlres the Fofl Colurnhlrglnttrnalrtnal Arrp"trlltr ourl$!n c0nilrtrttr:qiln.il filr thc trit$fln$ed$0l $iJ!srd$lr." SaniTrte F{P 3oinch (o 60"inrh {7501"1500finil d'anrelet pip4 rr€e1e AST|*1F2764, The 60-inch diam$er p.rpehas a lnplwraltr rconslrurtron lhel prouwje$a sflnoothinterrorand qi{teasr ',vi.1ldos{gn,$uppqrled by a (?4e lor imprned ltxrines& *nd ga$ter be#m g.Fe,ngth. coriuI|frted$lNucl(|rsl trghtn€ss With dLral-qaskols and a handrd m*nfsrcedb€ll,itcrue€dsther,r,aler '10.3 rflqil!mmcn$of A$Thl O3? 1J. Ttrep{pc is ararlebleIn }0 {ootand fotlt lenuth$from An$ !0 ir{(*mmfilatPvarrou$ trEnchbox drrmen*r*ng, $iBnqiard HP prpe mtlnufacluredrn rjramelersfrom 1? inchcs to 30 rnchos SanrTrl.e {30&?S0rnm) meets,A$?i,tF? }3S aftd rc.nl;de w(h dual-l'rallconstruclion lil pfcrid[ perfor'nranc* rillrnl lh;rt €,icr'*d mdfl! of loda]''s iridL]qry for grarrly|i04f$anrtary5€!r,Er5, Fc(rthf stivm n?t[..rdri,rir!;rgt$y$le{nhrr*sloc;lled;]}fi}iltli]lhf tumlity, ndri]{iy strandards f&,emiluti ul ASS 5,aniTrle l"lp F:ul|pnr$ilen*$rp.rerpirt rws uriM. ftouf fficSmirf0utsr "'[h* usec{SinrTrtr HFppr: als;tl,nd'n ksf,pinglhf ingl;itli!},$n as f{flci*nt rs (to$sble,"st$tNi .i$n Pr:h:heonr:fGfrr*t J, lgel & Co..l*r:.,lire conslru{:trtrr rj{.tr,?EtrJt re$:{n$ib1cfor lhe tnsti]l,.a1if.]fl $f the Stofl'nr'raferdraiflage$y5trrn, htlchecn e,{pl*rnedlh;it befl.lirg{,thr o"tic, eren ihe 60-rnclr dramelsr $0([ion], r,cr* liEhl.w*ghl, ci!9ilynran$uutrahl{r,irnd .*siirrrlt to lhe harsh rnrqronmentof pirsirtes,the crt'vr.rus able to rr,stalllhn 18.00Gplus leet <il itorm 5ellfr pipe.lt m,arirnlmpfir'iuc'l$n r.?les. "We are rr$t uniy f$nrerlted wilh prrxjustiun *ifrcr,en*ieg,"i1e Filrd, "\rts e;,tr*: e,}\!ii*r:{*.fl rt {li* rrrrrtll ,hrsrdit grudb{e. rd Drrirr|gs SFlan+ lne, (l0$l ,drr,flg,d r*rru'_eiu:lrd.H$Pf ptpd. Fi;runttfd,/i f $d6'. dfi'4fi tir5io$fldftd*$!f*eitLxli$duglrt Itr'*ugtb ,r slo8tii urtfiru/6 of $5 do,.ilrlsllr""ii.4d'flttlfliflfi$odl fl,1ilLil$luft1$ d0*15 $nd cp4h'rii fl ilrr$1'tilrnto ,ts ,.fustr,p l$ 1?* ,r.rpr. ,*.d HP S',r,ftJ{, Jnd i I Cjrsf.'rC,Bl,r$ .Siorril p'pr', ltrt, i$DlpfiI *Ifrls .t crNltpbf|' lfE, (rl ,{rftrry|$sfd ofltg d{'{o$s{.lfrc4 [r[iu61,n!r Sldrnfad/i.! 1f$rfi rr*frr s.h&t*'ers, .Ni1oph*f' dil]rqAgrt drLLluft\', [1tS5fIA lff ", JilLvfli tri]h'r ftrthJwn, d).fJ iid rsq$u$ gt|dfuidrlt!$: trf 'tnd* rrl$G dbcul lilts crvfnhili{J{ ysalc;tfr !!fll*'td,(r5. []ur lbg,:l$n{* ,:5Bghsrfid,flfld 5fi6r{$ bp sedf df ryr"*!@f*rffilerco,e. Plrbls'bed lbfi*r$ rn e;M'hrseuewll g*t a onPl?"lr {:{'wp}matt"l. sr,,hscnp,lip.rol fter}d?,n$B{Soutl"+ldtsf,riCqtfinine.