797 / 2015 nlirk hd.ing lel ,4 prool (A) ocs How an (B) im8..n da Finted shet L\e on8ml coft nand sior (l alifls sid€ i5 denoted NP n idl dr imge on bt (r,) (D) A business d d€pa.tment within a printing comPany thar .1@s lhe curi'n& g rnd odr' hr'\,r8oD" r'orr Led cn Frbhn8 Dnr". J_i loldin&.oll.rin& dekdbing the tert rtpography, jdcnhryin8 the A bri.a notce.t rh€ ftd oI a $F {a.. bY Mne alo.8 r'nr' (3) (D) 5_ 'Ite mlir€ rang€ or hts possible rc rePnlu.t on a sPeific syslem, su.h a! vren, oi fN - color printing Pi€ss : (^) color .{ long 7. Gafrut (B) colo chan 'netd 'lb p6s in inb laPer wiin Fi{e red (^) liedcr to a die {B) D.bca numhft oi smal lengL\s of ca.h ciolor s_\'sh (l) co.\p!td color Rrnge rod $al is rhPaddd on b.lh ends d6i8n€d to tse if, lensor: 'nage (A) 6r*arc 3, (c) a mas!€ sbe€l gaP e il .tt€ndr below th. {rlacP (cJ obivate : (D) Deb.* ol diffclent lhi.kness widtk: (B) steeler (c) s€.sor (D) sllr.h.(ku lr.T.o.l plftss ol averaaing b€n{en pirels of dittcFnt colos. This eulb in a sm@lh€r, bloded transiiion b.twftn rh€ edse of rwo aF* Fthe! than a F8g€d or'sta'r6|eP aPFr.re : Th€ 10, (A) FiguP pLceltnt only (D) Fi8ue pGition only Wctsls of6.r ir c wha <@prrd (D) N@ (c) 13. Th€ dete oI (l) tdal *pantid (A) cradient 14. Th€ part of a bok (B) "Tabl€ of 15. sneidd a part of a sland or gad.tion jn lhe EnEe Fntence endn\g d6e line &m bla(l (c) conFast Gradarion Bek (c) Xei cr6s (A) (c) widow c.nr6ts" w.e invented by (B) (D) m6boEl ofi*t inls or lhe above A sintl€ word or h{o lelt at the dd of a paraSraph, or which looP, ovcr lo the n€xr pag€ and (A) P*adow l,o (D) ro a PdagaPh solirtry lnE ehile : (D) T@G6di6t : lotD M.Grcsser Quintur val€ius soratu3 The resislance of a hyd.aulic nuid io mir with wahl I (A) PRipftability {B} Abyssihjhlity (C) srblimtid 15. 17. pfts ol srripping for gd6al onr|lfti.l ofis€l pdnting htu larS.ly b..n €limiFr.d ihr@8h lh€ u* 6r disrbr pEpls l<hnoloSiy lnoM s: Th. (A) Imposilion $thee (c) Conposltio. $ftwe (E r.se hydt (D) Auro fldw $ftwe $nwm Enoving or ryin, nag€nta or )€llow {roh the lhadow l,o limit the roral anounr oI int b€hg appl'ed ro thrl The r4,r ol, heavilyoloed im8. 'ma8e (A) (C) 797/2015 Neulral cold enhancr Moio color diftuP. (B) ro ^ord Unds color removal porhtEl prcdurtio" .x.csiv. PapLflo-blanht s!uc!2e cif r+r'lt in (B) Blankel nnp. e.rion (c) Fr,Emcnhtion 19. Natu 20, thc color pigncnrs lhat arc (AJ OryaDc color pi8tunG (3) (c) Inorgani. .olor pigmenrs (D) A paSe wirh blind folio mds (A) Unpiinted foln' but counted in sequehrr (B) Misir8 tolio shich is nol .autud in r.quen.t (c) 21. paEe which rcnrains orly folio A shoi pi{e writicn by somedrc other thar thr ruthor \'lnrh min work is caued : (A) Alr.mord (B) (c) Aurhosord (D) Foeward 22, Wl'ch of the lollowinS pio€ss nploys lo N'l f'.L,Je !onrs\i h rh. ptudle iMSe psrts a FnFsorJ dry tyPeol pri..ss that do not !s..ivchemicaLd ? (B) Inst nt inrge lror Frpcr (D) (r)) 24. Th€ term rhit delin6 lhe limits ol dr€ (q 25. Rffrn1B hea! olor nodcl (B) Model 6n8. llni.ul Sytltd color tmn ln.onsntenrposilioflngol (A) sp& bad(lp G) lP.r.o.l Nan. lho pnnting !rce$ wnich urrlizes a EF{ial sikone rubb.r coated prinling (D) Rubbe! h?nsrd pre$ (D) ate lsed as a light sorre Ior ?late dak'ng proc.ss not s!8ge ed du€ to a d€lect : carbon.r.lanls 28. Swally cr (c) Radiatior (A) (3) Hish (P) In earlier tircs nnmilh p6s 3r, D'fitr-r bi.hmmare ba* (A) 640 dpi 't oI6rc ud dtt (c) mrx'trlmrhetsia to pnnr mltiple cant €88 albunin Es u*d ld m*ing Plbtosensitiv€ emuhion Ext nd€' emJsion lroh left lo dsht lsing th. smc side guid* (Bl prinr€d on a 2400 dFi Printd, the ouiPur will LE tlE foll@ing 2.100 dpi {c) Devi.c tiat .onverls light (B) (D) /mr5 is (B) wott and toPPle (D) work and swaP an.l A 300 dpi litmap imaSe dP mbin€d wilh (B) (D) twist (c) work and tu'n 19, sing Printing on€ side of a shet and tuming it ov€i and Flat€ lor printing tl* s@nd side : (A) Wo* 32. by Mu r'plespread (A) Filnba* (c) ftie lghr sort€ lD) of a p.inting 30. Emission VJ 3{0 dPi dmmtlatoui whe.€ nF r! lh is 8ratur lnan ihe l,eight: {A) rjnds.ape P) rnnd.rd. (C) Pdrrait 3,1- a 35. fd n€rwol bacluF thi.h (B) oigital litutr tap. DLT Dnvs are .obnrt and durable medium tape (q Digibl logtuitnmi. lype (A) qrnamic line (D) 36. Pioi{ciion of fewer copi.s th.n od€ptl (A) coun' (B) BFak av€r 37. Low Darksi A rcncluding doc (B) sdtid in : Bioadat The pages o. part.t . bool lhal mlrer (q ront narter (A) dols (C) (B) (D) (c) F-diroENob 39. (c) Unde! rui Diagonal bm!" typially writlen by (A) A(b^io.d a P€6on (D) Non€orrhc$ : dd (D) None of the .lmb.ftd *ith i o lin€a. mohon oi 756 unrt prov'Jrs rJui 13) rona. Pdl1 ope.er A wolk (I) rmhrunr lowercase chapld rparalm 41. (A) 236 : dr* A ne.hanical lnkaAe lsed ?sPP.ially in hansfodin8 totary motion .(B) Finesl dots oihd tlm the aulhor 40, sheet conbins ts eiFanded as l Elub are lradilionallt (B) {D) Fortuited LpnShr DuaLllnea' tape HigNighh oi a prini€d lulftone ol illlstralion is repre*nted by ils (A) f,3. (D) onnuni.ali.n from man tn mr.lMe. rnpul unir lc) ourpur uni (Dl MPmm ufll tP.r.o.t !t3. Whi.h is the defank lmnon lor svng a 6te (A) 44. 45, My ? ddmenr (B) My.ompnl* (C) CDdnv€ hi@ft €{€l lil€ also hovn 6 (3) wo't sher (a) File The hdizontdl Tid€ I!- r rhc bonom of bd (B) s.rcll (c) wo*lPre -. (Hn ih. br {c) rdk b.r (D) is an esmple ot (a) 49, h!€n Dos or dr.r book Menu bar facilrty. Book d*k {7. Th..horldl u.ed tm nierirng PaSe brol h (C) Cirl + U (A) Ctrl + mrer (B) Cr +K 48, (D) wmt E alled 16. laation b wdd documat .an b€ ndmed usjng (c) (A) c'os rereMce (B) style (D) None olthes (D) Cbl+z Appli..lion eltwaE. (D) !1/'ndo$ (q Linur (D) us (E Pase bre.rs (c) chaf (D) flctm a bbl€ mto lhe r.,ls ERI dmm.nt Ine €xt€roion name of a painr fil€ ls (A) 51. R€.yd. bin A (A) 50. (D) (B) lpc Footnote comnd (A) lnsen i5 dE is .ins prent (B) in Pase (c) .dp -. Inydt .bmp msnu. (c) view (D) Rd4w - om@nd. shondr ot p.sle (A) CFj+Z (B) Cbr+V oMd (A) Undo h€lF to FFat rhe l&t chdise tude in 797/2013 (D) (B) Rrdo (C) Clrl+U (C) Ctrl+ U (D) Crl+s , dlml. tD) NoftolLlH 54, End not co manLl inserts (Al File 0) (E) (B) lhuglus cdl EnSalb{i (B) 57. {c) (B) Spelling and Sranmr (A) 17 59. (D) F2 (D) F2 can (c) (B) F3 lsP lntftl (B) Swic€ Provider lntchel ssre Potcol (c) The graphical renre*ntation oI a Prosrdn (Al Lon (B) Fold€r d@mdt (B) sch on a desktoP is callcd (c) Mv comPuter u€d (A) and (B)(D) All in rhe eme tile nam wilh sav€ as (c) Both 0) 'lMu n€m h In a word documenl P68€ nunber G The nurgjn o, rh. $dd dtrunenl cd !e Pt (A) nui pdiew (B) save as bv (c) t91/ 2m5 lP.T,O,l 'lhe venicaL alignment cn be done (A) Left {B) Riehr rop (c) {D) (D) (B) 57. An opabrg rtstem is a large Pr and conPuter sFt€n (A) Programd 53. (A) {C) 69. By single us of__ {D) 1{4 Mb whkh ir which ote.atinS synem a]lfls (B) onry oe Multi us u,* to em* 'Sher 1', 'shet (c) Both (A) and z, Sh*r (B) 3', (B) dEy.R 'stftr,y, t 'slEr y, (D) (D) Wni.h is dE followirS 197/Xn' . .mplrer opdating eystea ar€ rhee worksheek in a wor} bool and (A) (A) on MulIi raskirg opealDs systdn def.ut &d. Orfice M! are.n prewrinh t(mulas call.d 72. 244 (B) liBpl6r oFBting sFlem Th€ (c) 100 Mb is Rows and tut valid ve6in ot M.5. Offi.e 2007 (B) Otrice 2010 (c) 10 ollj'tr ? Office 2003 'sheer named d, ar a tim {B) (D) (^) 't024 75- An dsmbll langnage prc8Em (A) High level language (c) M&hine lanSlage The rmgible parr oI . @mpuler slsbm is .alle.t : (A) Hardware (B) ouqur dara (c) soltudc 77, Dlta can b€ pemanently (A) Priru.J- held wth the helP oJ sbnE. (B) (D) (c) Bios : s€cndary sto'ase Mmo,-T kspm8 rhe left mous bDtun (B) trls.J is called ora€iging 79. Wht h FDF srand fdr ? (A) (C) 31, Pre Desibed FiLe r,ortabl€ D@menr F()lrDt (B) Poriable Do.lnanl File (D) Pre Dduent Fd'nrai {A) Hari shanknr &nlm Chitl El{tion commi$iorer of India (A) v.s 9npJih (C) v.s. Pimdfli 11 P.r-o-l 32, Prathi.krh. Rakna DaM Sabha (PRDS) ws I lounded by l (A) Aylankari (B) Panpady Jdhn Jopph (c) (D) Sahodaran Ayyappan Poikayil Yohmn the lsd6 of'savaim jarhJ, o€anize<l from vaikon ro Trivm&um by ev.ma Hindu! who suForred th€.gitarion oi Vailom SalhyaghJaham ? 83. who sa! M€non (c) K. K.lappan (A) 8!. K,P (sava (3) (D) Mamrhu (c) 86. Padmanabhan Publ'shq of lhe magazine'Mslih in tlie year 1906 in Tr.vincore (A) vaklan Maulavi ll5, Changanacherry Palam6wdan Pillai PP. (B) (D) UMKoIa Wrter who *lrrpd for dE ln.npirh Aw.rJ Muhared Abdumhinan Nlakthi TtEngrl lo mla (A) tu,uma8raj (B) V.S Khand€kar (c) (l) Blachandra Nemade v,v, thivad*ar MGNREGA is impteftnt€.t lor : (A) enh.ncins livelihood (B) o (c) €inancins gldrth (D) 37. Y€f Encing agriollural poduchon enharcing cohmunity heal& in whid MalaJ'-ale Mmoriat tuhmiu€d to rhe Raja of (A) 1896 88. Arffir (B) 1891 aSibhon wa3 tq Tri!tue (C) 1903 ? lD) 7924 (D) 2007 I ph6 {) Right to t awel in poblk (g Schodl Education (D) tughr ol thei. wotrM to dress lile rppe! cdte Hind! women 39, Yar i. which Natiml Food S.<lriry Ad .am. ido fore ? (A) 2013 (C) 2011 {B) 2005 t91/2075 ? t2 90. Antlor ,r. of lhe Dtama'rlhr &x'miyanxu': (A) c l ll,0na (D) lhoppil (c) KT Muhanmed (l)) Swad.shabhituni Rahlkishnapiuai (c) M.S MaN Ktmudi Nflspaper: Kunhnaman Idendfy thc Christian Piiest who hanslaied the Holy Qlrb.na lron Syriac lo Mabyalah lanSuaSe known .s 'A.a Kurbana' , valpa. (c) (r. Yohrun (A) 93. N.n KaumudiBalakrishnan (D) cv 92, Edasen covind.n l\rho mong the fou@ing ir rhc f'rund€r ol KeraL (A) (B) Bhasi (B) (D) Abdham Authd of'Aimopad€sa Satdkan I leman Gnndsrt Edward Brenren ? (B) P.X. aabkkhn.n A"nikcile (c) chinmayananrha S$'thikil (D) S€ NaEyaM Guru (A) Sukumr (A) Kodungall@r Kunhikutlan (B) AR RoF RaF vdm. (c) ThamPuran Ke)rb Varma valiyd KofithanPuin (D) Ull6rs. Pan6*da l}d 95. Nam the NovLt goi Vayal.i Award ld the yor 20ra (B) Adayalr (A) AradDr (D) Thaltakam (c) Kcsdwantre vil.pam 96, vctu. oi ncrt (A) fok/o Ol}rnpc (B) r.ondon (c) Rellins (D) Rio De laneto r97/mt' lf.T.o.l 97, r ftich .lMg lh€ tonowing loined (A) krnachll Pradesh (!) NePal (c) S'lLin (D) Tibet 98. Fo{6 to PrEliin d€.g4y in hdl! i! ELd (^) PridMid!16 (c) c.btf,t setarr 99. Yd in wli:h rlE lge or AdDlt la, rr77 I Indi6 Udd in 1975 i f,'ith : (D) union c.bnEr (D) PtEitLnt F dclE (E 1989 t€d@d to 18 laF : (g 1950 Fq<btMtdl right w rE|d.d 6oh N @turftutid in 1r8 (A) Iiiiht to Propsty (E) Ri6tu b idn asdadld .nd uii@ (C) Rrttu b tll@ 6Ely ttNught 0! brdtdy of lndi. (D) Right b asnble F..e{uUy :d Pittml ffi 1OO, Tldr 79/4L ll (D) : 1949