til llrodhh Wodkfln LEICESTER DAA (l6in,24inl COMBINED S URFACING AND THICKNESS ING MACHINE INSTRUCTION MANUAL No. 3O'I2 PREFACE IMPORTANT poltcy ANO THAT OF OUR SUppLtERs ro gg!!I_l!!Ly REvtEw rHE oEstcN AIo CApactry o;-oui wrH rHts tN Mtilo wE wourD REMti;6;i llg_Dg.gTs. cusro-MEls rHAT wHrLE THE orMEflsrolts Ano peneoil,niii r_r^-Lg_gu.-!! DATA cofiTaTNED HERET ARE cURRENT AT THE TIME oi Gdr-G TopREllr rr rs possrBLETHAT ouETorHE rnconpo alrroi 11_q_9IE9I DEvELopMET{rs DIME ro srols Al{o supplrERg ILLUSTRATED 6i penroiuaiii, E HAr{c€ MAy vARy raoru rxoii T}IIS MATIUAL 13 WRITTEN As A GEI.IERA! GuIoE. A TYPICAL MACHINE IS SHOwl{ TO ILLUSTRATE THE MII TCITUNCS. Failure to comply with instn ctions in this book may invalidate the Euarantee BE CAREFUL THIS MACHINE CAN BE DANGEROUS IF IMPROPERLY USED Always use Guards Keep clear until rotation has ceased Always operate as instructed and in accordance with good practice Fead lnstruction Manual as cor.ect assenbly, erecr.icar insral!a!!oh, p.ope. adjusthen! .f suar The looduo.king a.e isorared belo.e ulesE pa.trciparins (tr.B. Ihis pdag.aph is only r.lcvdt d., hearth by lnh.latton con.ent.at!orc any pldins f,achine rever of eo dB(A) slgnE ReauLations enctosue, in {hich case should be 3o!aht. Leic€sl€r. LE5 4PF Enoland Tel€ohone: 0533 769111 T6l6i: 34646 Wadkln G Fax: 0533 742310 This machine, under cedain conditions, will€mt nolse levels in e,ces3 oi 90dB(a). Nois€ lsvels will b6 aiiecred by the envionment in which the machina operaies, me timber b€ing machin€d, loolino mschln€ s€iunq Funher nlormation avar able fom wadkin (at rhe abov€ addrcss) on requ€st ',€ a manuJadLrgr it i! Wadkln's policy . to rsdlcs lhs noiss lsvel as iar as is ll:trAr.ctodtAkaAd lor sudace ptaning and thicknessing DELIVEFY: Wt-6trer to, srporl or desthaton $,thin h6 United Kh.d.m 1 lre main pan er€cl€d ready to, Ls€ and at th-ri s 16c€ssary s co.ledo4 10 tte mar.s suppty On Iah 10 del vefr ot a nacnrr€ I sroLd b€ ca erLity €iamled tor anv dahaoe.r m,, h:;a rece,ved dunrs rra.st haddrror ths -act-i.€ ano its acce;sor€s cn€crco agansl ary Despa.ci or aovrce Not€ qemovo rle$6ud Da compoundwhch we appryof rh€ bight parrs ollh€ machine b;to;td;;a6: ;r; a.l-;; FnsJre rhar rle macn 16 :s pos,rbr€d o. a ,ar ard reve L!!I1!!4IloN: oas€ ar rnat lhe bas€ ot t50 has -act-rr€ coitacl wnh the toJrdaton ar arl s ore'6aed rha. ile facr..re srro:ro oe oorreo oowr, -ie 9! .r ptar€r rabt€s "lT-g,g r€v€r o. tr€ sp 1r aro pac{ tT oaso or te€t o. the ,actme r; onng r€ld betore secunng i. posrio. wrlh coach scr€ss nto a {ooo rioo; 'r orrag oorrs grouted rn aconcr€ie floor. I GUAFDS AND SAFETY OEVTCES: Maci.ss ,hco.oo€t€ satorv dosidn rearL,€s. sa e r devcss. gLard rs a?a.qem€lls ard ai€ suoorreo Jvrrn s,in irrormairon as ro tt€ir sale op€raLon alo Lse. thal w6 bst,€ie, so rar as,l s 'osolaory o?cl.cabe. th€y a.e sat6 and n comolance wilh rh6 ted,r reqJtrenefls o.Heal " ard satel/al son\€lc Acl .9i4. su-ards aro sat6ry d€vices a€ suppt.€d as srandaro wnh _-Tl"j.olLol -suracs Plan 19"9 and lhicknessirE machi.es ano rhevanoLtd oe oosit.oned on rre fach.es b€.ore ca.rylg oJt a.y op6,aion. Adustab,€ FDd .(ic\bach uuaro, Hear p Bnod6 ar€r-c Jard,All 5.gs.s,Ftear 66tr cJad oelachab-o rhrcxn6ssrng Hood Guad to hickn6ss|nq oitv - -Wh€. Flobat T Slaw Type cLalls a.e ,€qJ reo whrci cal be suppried as ELECTnICAL EAUIPMENT: Surac€ paniro and Tictnoss,ro t\Iach.n€s are r,neo.w n btary enctosed rotors to pr€v€.t dust entering. Thl moro. w ed to the cornrot g6ar betore d€spatch and isotator m:v abo b6 , r6d os m€ machrn€ rr lh's has besn o/d6'6d or I it nas b€sn sLbpt€d as stano.d w ;; W-/!E!!!9: 4!w4YS MAKE SURE rHAr THE gr4TlONARylqUD CUTTERBLOCK tS THE ELECTRTCAL EOU|PMENT tS iSOLAiED;FOM rHE-VArN ELEC'IB|CAL SUppLy BEFOFE MAKTNG ANV aOlUSir,,retrs TO ANY PAFIT OF THE MACHINF' OPEBATING THE MACHINE: SUFFACE PLANING:8otn sJrjaca ptarc abtos hav€ ns6 and ta movomsnr a1d D€rore plan lhe baci tab e s.oLto b€ set tevet with the cuts6 al rhe lop ol lhe cJn T circ e rr lh6 $al,ora.y cLfl€rb ock. Tt6 tont tabte snau o b; low€red io lte dspll. or lhe cd Bqu.€d - roTalv .o mor€ tla. 4mm D€ow rn€ rop o' rrr€ cuflinE cnc €. T Posltion aod s€cur€ th6 pta.er lenc€ ro sut th€ width oi the timb€r jo b€ mr.hire.i ser rhe andqe crard n posr.or, -a{rro sur€ thal g-ard a.d lenca at g-ard aid nmoer ooetnor €rcaeo lOini sh€. flan..o a.d t56 gap boM€er gua! at fimb€. ar g-a.d aro taot€ oo€s not €rcee; 10mm when edgrnq wher planrrq sl-on wide s€cio.s o'lrmb€r wn.ch do not atos rn6 bndde gua'd lo be ad usred a5 above a sJitabte pJsl.btock tifieo with qood haio holds should bs mads and used byth€ opordbr. nEBATING: A shaw typ€ gLard hLst be used ,or tis ope€r.on ano r Borh tie lence ad rro-t pta-er shou d be set to lts wdrtr and lne oeorn 't€Siaw rype suaro srou,o oe s€cLred lo rt-e bach Draie. o'rebare reou ed. The 'able a.d lie pressu'e pads adtrsreo to hold l1e nmoe'tiray rn posrloh o!F. the cune6o.k and ad.rirsr rh.lirn.F CHAMFEBING: Pos;o. r.e tor.pa.e'rab€ ro rro oeDth or rne cul reou r€d and ca.l lh€ '|€nc6 ro rhe oesned anqre o, h€ cha-t6r. sel e t-er lhe onooe grad oril'€ sl^3w lvDe no-ld T gLard - t red w t' a b€verteo press-rc pad . into posilion belore stadinqlh€ operation. THTKNESSING: ro €rsLre erclert op€ral,on 116 nacn le snoL d oe (eDr as clean as possibl., wlh soeca' atterl or ovsn to rhe ltLloo and oarn tdo 'or€ls a.o ro lhe rhrcf€sser raols ro'l€,s. litre caso ol th€ ta.osr macn,nes ll€ i&les have draw-back aonon a.o ll-6 back rab,e shouto o; orawn bac^ wher thlckressi.g. tTh6 ls lhs taote al th6 toeorng i. end or tt-e macrir€ ,oiih€ when rh cknessinqJ T1ls o.v€s add€d cearance shav nos. chrbs and poss bl6 wiic. coJld da.aqe th€ lab €. Macnrn€s a€ riti€o ste€r ^nors lips at lhs eadirq sdo€ o, eacn rabte in ord€r lld rr he €vent ot damao€ ih€s€ can be'eo'acod without 4avng lo r€ptace rr€ corp,et€ labts. TFe plan€r lence sl^ould b€ ser c €a' at ln€ back edoo oi the oia.er laotes,nd rr.c<less'19 looo guad sec- ed rn positon o. fd nacn,ne. wf T56 leed speed is osre _rreo rhroLqh a q€ar oor $hrci i turn onves rt^e 'eed rollers lh'o,9i an eroEss cha'n Tl-e cnarrs r€qutre lensro.r.q perod elly, aotLsta€nl be,1a mad€ FroJqn lhe mov€aoto ctah brack€t trii not adv;sab € you run tie charn tiqll and J id€d cofi€ctty shouo havs app-oxiFal€ly 6TT play ro alow tle cna n wt€ots lo hi when a oiec€ ot nmber 's b6.O ted rhroJql 116 rlrckr€ss€r. Trc clains .6oL.rs o. ino tor lime lo rn€. B-olh l€ed rciers ano orossur€ bars are sorino r6nsion6d'6arrv ad-Lslabl€ b always Oresd oslo.e d€sDatcn trom ou'wo+; Th€ thicknsssei iablo roll€rs have v€nral adtl,stT€fl lhroJOh lh6 snatt hano sh€et tocateo ar I'ro in-feod €rd ol lho rable. These shourd always De s€t proud ot th€ surtacs or lhe lable. lhe arnounr b€irg dsp€ndam on lyp6 ol rimbsr b€lg t6 MAINTENANCE PLANEB KNIFE SETING: n oder thal any thicknesser can lunction properly lhe culleB must be s61 @roctly ln lhe cun€rblock. This is a slrnple rsx on a Facl-rres shrc5 ar€ suppleo wih ll'le senrrq Oeces Afte' sl-arp€.rng or wl'en 4d nq .ew crnsrs, prsl r$se rflo rr block ald s€cur€ o.ly ligLlrLy Scr€w dow. lhe k1l€ senir! prec6s Ar rh,s srage l5€ c-ne6 car be las'ened secL'oy.'f€ k.'€ s€lri.q Osces'emov€d and ri€ opera1rol repoaied lor rhe remaining cdi€ls. nE-S€TTING THE THICKNESSEF: It dificully is exp€henced in power ie€ding tihb€.1hrough the thlckn€ss€r, lilst check that th€ rolets are clean and lree iiom resin and thal th€ cuftels hav€ been sel in lhe block coirecl y rles€ aro n ord6'and ss-Tnq rhar lhe chai. d'ive a.d le€d rolets ar" s"r and wo.h.1a o.ooenv, rl-er cons,der Ile rlrchn€sse'raols: 11 First lak6 hoLd ol rhe cast ton arms attached to lhe th ckn€sser tab e wh ch rhe e{o$ioi role6 drd c'ecl lo'ary tee -ov€-enl l rho rable s.oes To correcr a4y rov€f€1l - rl-ese sL'des adLsr rl-e rhre€ sc6wsor eirher side ol lhe labls which acl o. the maklng'up slrips. Th6 tabe shouLd be ralsed or lowered ife€ly wilh th€ hand wh€€l w lholt any lre€ mov€h€nt n the €'r! To adjust th€ rhickf,€sser labie ior paal€llsm ro th€ curierblock, li6l sc ews rrrrrg rh€ ar96 brackeB carryrnq rhe rrG car.on rdol6- ars'no scr6w ve']cal adtrsrfenr can rl^e. b€ -ade rlrougl rte l-eragol t6ad screw ocared r. lhs a.9€ brack€r ald ading o. rte plaler sde The sc.€ws li/19 r\e a.qle bEc\ors shorld rlen b€ 'e eae rT rwo leyaqor rad DFIVE: Tl.e d.iv€ o lhe cuter blocx is eiln€r lFrougn a ' al ry on be r lhe 'r cas€ oJ l€ smalls machrnss or rLlmroi v6€ bells on rl'e larqe'maciles Adjustm€nr is made by liliinq lh€ moioion th€ hinEsd brackel. This wil glv€ simllra.€ols adiusimenr ro rh€ J€€d b€h on rh6 smaller machines blt whsre a o?mf€r o€r s used. rensol caa 06 mairrar.€o by rl^€ '€moval ol oT o. wh€el siow 19 mo'€ li.<s. Th€ rh chlesser rable .s €sed o'lowercd by the thckness otthe r mbsr being machined. iat lU B BTAnON: O.ly sirp e rai.rena.ca ,s 16cessary l1e -a,^ raco' be 19 rlar rh€ mad .€ sloL d aways b€ {opl as cean as possrble. Ti€ -acli.e. wl.cl^ has b€el tun ano l€s eo rl orr wods bslore desparch, is sert olrr wilh greas€ in lhe ball beanngs and oil in th€ Eear box. ll is suggosled lhat lhe machins should be pdtowod< beio€ anyaddilona gr€assoroll s added. The amount ol oiling and greasinE rsqiu€d will dep€nd on ih€ amoud the maclile is used. Bri a cl-ec< shbub oo f,aoe on hs rcuenqs ol ll"6 cull€roloc^ lbm ta€ ro Imo lo 6rsrr€ l1al ftey ar€ rcl rLnnrng Fol Begular anedon ro oreas,no and olrro shorld bs oiv€n bu il musl b€ rem€mber€d tl-ar roo muci qFas; can caLs'e ov€h€a nq-. FlJl€d and plarn roler l'o,s 19s, b€ing plain bearinQs, .eqiur€ gr€6€ rnor€ ollen, Th€ €vel oi oil in iho goar bor should be check€d al say monrhly inl€ryals andloPP€d !P il necessary, Recodm6nd6d Gr€ass: castbl Sohe€bl'S Recornmended oil torGsar Boii B.P.Eieqol EM150. 4.0 s 8.1 EEs lnstrlctions Wh6n Ord€nnd Soar6/Rebra6m6rn Pans The und€mentioned inlo.rfiatlo. should b6 giv€n wirh att ord€rs r6qu6sting spare/.6Placem€ pans. a) b) c) l4achin€ typ€. Machine seial numb6r. lf no manuai avaiable, giv6 as tull a desciption as possibte oi the req! rsd pan, lncluding loca on whhin rhe machin€. d) Od numb3r and tullcompany narn6 and address. a) Company ac.ount numb€r, wifr wadkh, il known. r) All t€l€phon€ ord€6 o!!l bs lcrllow6d by an oificial oder, cloaiy marked .Connmaiidn Ord6r. rOTE: Th6 company op€rab a 'Mirimtrn ord€r Cbrg€'on ail sparu/r6placem6 panod8l€.