Phase Changes E D C

Phase Changes
Period_______ Date____________________
1. Does the temperature increase during melting?
2. Is energy required for both melting and boiling?
3. Can both liquid water and steam exist at 100°C?
4. What must be changed, temperature or heat energy during condensation? How? ____________
5. How would you describe the change in arrangement of particles as heat energy and temperature
increase from solid to liquid for water? _______________________________________________
6. How would you describe the change in arrangement of particles as heat energy and temperature
increase from liquid to vapor for water? ______________________________________________
7. During melting & boiling temperature __________________________________ and heat energy
_______________, during condensation and freezing temperature _________________________
and heat energy __________________.
8. After ice melts, what happens to the temperature of the water between its melting and boiling
point? ______________________
9. Which contains more heat, boiling water or steam (vapor)? _______________________________
10. On the diagram as you move from point A to point E, what happens to the motion of the particles?
11. At point D, what changes during boiling, temperature or heat energy? ______________________
12. What happens to the density of water as it moves from point A to point C? __________________
13. What happens to the density of water as it moves from point C to point E? __________________
14. Are the particles at point A totally motionless? __________
15. Name the letter where the particles are moving the fastest (have the most kinetic energy)_______
Two students performed the following experiment. They heated a beaker of ice and measured its temperature
every one minute. After the ice melted, they continued measuring the temperature until it remained constant for
a period of time. This is the graph of their results:
16. What is the starting temperature?
17. How long did this temperature remain constant?
18. What was the final temperature?
19. What is happening in the beaker at 0°C? ___________________ at 100°C? __________________
20. At these temperatures, what was happening to the heat energy being added to the system?
21. How long did it take the students to reach 50°C ?
22. What was the temperature after 8 minutes?
23. How much did the temperature rise between 8 and 17 minutes?