First Reading: April 2, 2013 Second Reading: April 9, 2013 Passed Bill 12-13-S Funding for the Creation of Three Additional Summer Session Scholarships PURPOSE: For the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University to allocate $1,059 from legislative discretionary funding to create three additional $353 summer session scholarships. WHEREAS: The funding will create three additional summer session scholarships, for a total of six scholarships, and WHEREAS: Each scholarship will cover the cost of one credit hour of undergraduate credit for the summer session, and WHEREAS: These scholarships will be open to both undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a summer course at the main campus, a satellite campus, or online, and WHEREAS: Students attending Study Away or Study Abroad programs will be ineligible, and WHEREAS: Within 24 hours of the summer session scholarship application going online, over 100 applications were received, and WHEREAS: Doubling the number of scholarships available to students will allow the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University to better meet the demand for this funding. THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University will allocate $1,059 from legislative discretionary funding to create three additional $353 summer session scholarships. AUTHORS: Brittany Crowley SPONSOR: Academic Affairs Committee CONTACTS: Cory Dodds Roy Ratliff Hannah Garland Laura Ricke Sarah Hazelip Cain Alvey Drew Mitchell