First Reading: April 2, 2013 Second Reading: April 9, 2013 Passed

First Reading: April 2, 2013
Second Reading: April 9, 2013
Bill 12-13-S
Funding for the Creation of Three Additional Summer Session Scholarships
For the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University to
allocate $1,059 from legislative discretionary funding to create three additional
$353 summer session scholarships.
WHEREAS: The funding will create three additional summer session scholarships, for a total
of six scholarships, and
WHEREAS: Each scholarship will cover the cost of one credit hour of undergraduate credit for
the summer session, and
WHEREAS: These scholarships will be open to both undergraduate and graduate students
enrolled in a summer course at the main campus, a satellite campus, or online, and
WHEREAS: Students attending Study Away or Study Abroad programs will be ineligible, and
WHEREAS: Within 24 hours of the summer session scholarship application going online, over
100 applications were received, and
WHEREAS: Doubling the number of scholarships available to students will allow the Student
Government Association of Western Kentucky University to better meet the
demand for this funding.
Be it resolved that the Student Government Association of Western
Kentucky University will allocate $1,059 from legislative discretionary
funding to create three additional $353 summer session scholarships.
Brittany Crowley
Academic Affairs Committee
Cory Dodds
Roy Ratliff
Hannah Garland
Laura Ricke
Sarah Hazelip
Cain Alvey
Drew Mitchell