First Reading: Second Reading: Pass: Other: September 8, 2015 September 15, 2015 YES Bill 3-15-F Funding for Study Away Scholarships PURPOSE: For the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University to allocate $1,200.00 from Academic Affairs Committee funding to assist students in funding their Study Away experiences. WHEREAS: Western Kentucky University’s Study Away Office provides students with learning opportunities throughout the United States, and WHEREAS: The Study Away Program serves the community by engaging students, faculty, and staff in educational and cultural experiences beyond the campus borders, and WEHREAS: Such experiences offer innovative learning opportunities that seek to provide students with differing perspectives of America and the world, and WHEREAS: This funding will be allocated to the Study Away Office to create a combination of scholarships that they deem most effective, and these scholarships will only be awarded to Western Kentucky University students, and WHEREAS: This funding will be granted to students participating in Study Away courses during the 2015-2016 academic year. THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University allocate $1,200.00 from Academic Affairs Committee funding to the Study Away Office to facilitate the creation of scholarships to assist Study Away participants. AUTHORS: Barrett Greenwell SPONSOR: Academic Affairs CONTACTS: Jerry Barnaby Stephanie Scott Kate Hart