AP World History: Review ________________ 1910 CE

AP World History: Review
WHAP Important Dates – Contemporary Period
1910 CE
1914 CE
_____________ _____________
____________ _____________
1919 CE
1927 CE
1912 CE
1917 CE
1923 CE
1929 CE
1939 CE
1945 CE
1948 CE
1950 CE
1956 CE
1959 CE
1979 CE
1930ff CE
1947 CE
1949 CE
1952 CE
1957 CE
Cold War
1965 CE
1980s CE
1985 CE
1989 CE
1991 CE
1994 CE
Word Bank
Apartheid begins
Apartheid ends
Berlin Wall falls
China’s May 4th Movement
Chinese Nationalist est. control
China’s Tiananmen Sq massacre
Cuban Revolution
Deng Xiaoping’s reign begins
Egyptian Revolt against British
Egypt overthrows Khedives
Fascism spreads
Gandhi’s civil disobedience begins
Ghana’s independence
Gorbachev’s reign begins
India partitioned
Iranian Revolution
Israel created
Korean War begins
Latin Amer democracy re-est.
Mao Zedong’s reign begins
Mexican Revolution begins
Middle East Mandates occupied
Pan-African Nationalism begins
Qing Dynasty ends
Russian Revolution
Russian De-Stalinization begins
Stalin’s reign begins
Stock market crash
Turkey established
U.S. as sole superpower
Vietnam declares independence
Vietnam War begins
WWI begins
WWII begins
AP World History: Review
Categorize the events into 20th century sub-periods.
After reviewing the completed timeline, answer the following questions.
1. At the side of timeline, sub-periods are labeled. What additional sub-periods exist? Look
for common developments. What might be some appropriate names for the sub-periods?
2. Place eight of the terms in the word chain below by placing terms that you see
connections between in adjoining links. Then, on the bottom, write a brief paragraph
explaining how the terms are connected.
AP World History: Review
1910 = Mexican Revolution starts
1912 = Qing Dynasty falls
1914 = WWI starts
1916 = Arabs revolt against Ottomans
1917 = Russian Revolution
1919 = Egypt revolt against British rule; Pan-African nationalism begins;
Gandhi leads nonviolent protest in India; May 4th Movement
1922 = Britain & France create Middle East mandates
1923 = Turkey established; Middle East mandates occupied
1927 = Stalin’s reign begins; Nationalist control in China
1929 = Stock market crash in New York
1930ff = Fascism spreads; Salt March
1939 = WWII begins
1942 = Holocaust
1945 = United Nations created; Vietnamese communists declare
1947 = Indian independence & partition
1948 = Israel created; Apartheid begins
1949 = Mao Zedong’s reign begins
1950 = Korean War begins
1952 = Egypt overthrows Khedives
1956 = De-Stalinization in USSR begins;
1957 = Ghana wins independence
1958 = Great Leap Forward begins
1959 = Cuban Revolution
1962 = Algeria declares independence
1965 = Vietnam conflict involves U.S.; Cultural Revolution begins
1979 = Iranian Revolution; Deng Xiaoping’s reign begins
1980s = Latin American democracy spreads
1985 = Gorbachev’s reign begins
1989 = Berlin Wall falls; Tiananmen Square massacre
1991 = USSR collapses; U.S. rises as sole superpower
1994 = Apartheid ends