Interact: Ch16-18 Study Guide NAME: ____________________________ Rise of Europe (Ch. 16-18) about exploring the cultural, political, and economical revival of many western European countries following its relative weakness during the postclassical era. As a result of Europe's rise to a position of global power, Russia begins to increasingly enter the European realm. Overarching Ideas: Humans need to adapt to environments has necessitated technological innovation. Cultures spread through syncretism. Economic conditions and religion are key components in legitimizing or undermining government. Ever intensifying trade is a powerful force for social and political change. Social inequality is source of conflict yet ever-present in civilizations. Objectives: 1. Trace the early exploration of the world by the West. 2. Analyze the changes established by the Colombian Exchange. 3. Describe ways that the global economy of the 16th and 17th centuries differed from previous (explain who is inside the new global economy and who is outside) 4. Analyze the connection between the economic changes of period with social changes taking place. 5. Describe the major political changes in Western Europe in this era. 6. Define the Scientific Revolution and its influence on the Enlightenment. 7. Describe the nature of Russia serfdom and the basis for mass Russian culture. 8. Evaluate the extent to which Russia’s westernization bridged the gap between Russia and the West. Key Concepts: Explain the definition, role, and significance of… Chapter 16 Prince Henry the Navigator Christopher Columbus Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Portugal Spain Netherlands England Dutch East India Company British East India Company Colombian Exchange Small Pox Nagasaki Mercantilism Seven Years War East Indies West Indies Coercive Labor Core-Dependent Zones North American colonies Latin American colonies Chapter 17 Humanism European-style families Calvinism Jesuits Thirty Years War Commercial Revolution Proletariat Johannes Gutenberg Martin Luther Edict of Nantes Copernicus Galileo Isaac Newton John Locke Absolute Monarchy Parliamentary Monarchy Louis XIV Enlightened Despotism Frederick the Great Adam Smith Witchcraft persecution Cottage Industries Chapter 18 Mongols Ivan the Great Ivan the Terrible Cossacks Boyars Romanovs Peter the Great Catherine the Great The World Economy Key Places: Locate on the map… Iberian Peninsula Portugal Spain Venice Britain Netherlands Cape of Good Hope Goa Macao Brazil Mexico Peru West Indies Indonesia / East Indies / Spice Islands Philippines China Japan Nagasaki India Calcutta Ceylon Guided Timeline: Portugal 1450 Spain Netherlands England 13941460 1497-1498 1492 1514 1509 1542 1519-1521 1562 1588 1588 1608 1641 1652 1750 17561764 17751783 Europe Key Places: Locate on the map… Iberian Peninsula Italy Venice Genoa Rome France England German Holy Roman Empire Habsburg Austria-Hungary Prussia Guided Timeline: World Portugal explores African coast 1450 Europe 1300 – 1500 1455 = 1517 = Portugal sails East, Spain sails West 1500 – 1600 1600 – 1700 1543-1642 = 1642-1727 = 1643-1715 = 1688-1690 = Dutch in Africa & SE Asia, British in Americas & India 1712-1786 = 1750 1700 – 1800 1776 = Russia Key Places: Locate on the map… Moscow Ural Mtns Caspian Sea Siberia Black Sea Baltic Sea St. Petersburg Poland Guided Timeline: World 1450 Europe Russia Portugal explores Renaissance African coast 1350-1500 1462 Portugal sails East, Spain sails Reformation & West Commerce 1500-1600 1533 – 1584 1604 – 1613 Scientific Revolution 1600-1700 Dutch in Africa & SE Asia, British in Americas & India 1750 1649 = 1689 – 1725 Enlightenment 1700-1800 1762 – 1796 1785 = Europe & World Economy 1450 15 16 1750 18 Discussion Questions: Considering the relative decline of serfdom in Western Europe, what forces do you think led creation of coerced labor systems in colonies around the world? What are the similarities and differences between the Iberian empires and Russian empire?