NAME_________________________________ Mrs. Behm-American Government I.

Mrs. Behm-American Government
Introduction to the Supreme Court
Nation’s Highest ______________________________
___________ Supreme Court Justices
Appointed by the President
Confirmed by the __________________________
They serve for life (or until they retire)
The ____________________ is the top member of the Court
Supreme Court
Usually hears cases on ____________________
Cases come from ______________ federal courts
Cases come from state courts
___________________________: the authority to hear the original trial in a case, in
other words to hear the case for the first time
___________________________: the authority to hear the case on appeal, or after the
original trial has been held
___________________________: the power of the Supreme Court to decide if a law is
constitutional or unconstitutional
PA Court System
_________________ Level
Consists of the ___________ Courts or Minor _______________
o __________________, non-jury criminal and civil cases, and all traffic cases
o Matters regarding bail
o Hearings to decide whether a ______________________ should go to the Court of
Common Pleas
Mid-Level are the Court of Common Pleas
All major _________________________________
Appeals from the special courts in ________________________________________
Most matters involving families and children
Next Level-two appellate courts-Superior Court and Commonwealth Court
Superior Court
o ________________________and certain civil appeals from the Courts of Common Pleas
o Appeals from the Courts of Common Pleas on matters involving ____________________
Commonwealth Court
o Original cases brought by state and agencies and from the _____________________
involving the Commonwealth and local agencies
PA Court System
 Top of the Pyramid-Supreme Court
o _____________member court
o Hears appeals from the superior and commonwealth courts at its discretion
o Hears direct appeals from the courts of common pleas in cases specified by statute
including all death penalty cases
May hear a case from any level in certain circumstances
Very few cases begin in the _______________________
Types of Law
_____________________: law involving a dispute between two or more private parties
(individuals and companies, ect.) disputes may be over damages, property ownership,
violation of a contract, ect.
_____________________: law established by your elected lawmakers; in these cases the
state brings charges against one of its citizens for violation of the law; your locally elected
District Attorney is the prosecution in these cases
Types of Criminal Law
___________________: minor crimes, punishments range from fines to up to 90 days in jail
___________________: moderate crimes; maximum punishments range from 5 years in jail
for a 1st degree misdemeanor to as little as 1 year maximum for a 3rd degree misdemeanor
___________________: the most serious type of crime; punishable by death or life in prison
for certain crimes; other 1st degree felonies can receive up to 20 years in jail maximum while
3rd degree felonies face up to 7 years maximum