Thank you to all of those who are planning to attend our opening School Advisory Council meeting on Thursday
October 8th at 7:00pm. As always, our meeting will be held in the staff room of St. Herbert School. We hope to see
you there! Also please consider joining our entire St. Herbert school family as we celebrate mass together in
thanksgiving on Tuesday October 13th at 10:00am at St. Joseph’s parish. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Thank you so much to Mrs. March, Mrs. Zammit, Mrs. Pranschke, Mrs.Murzydlo and Mrs. D’costa
for volunteering to help with our very popular Pizza Wednesdays which started in September. Without your help this
wonderful lunch program would not be possible. If you would still like to volunteer to help with pizza days or other
areas please contact the school and we thank you again! If you did not submit an order form for pizza (which is every
Wednesday from now until December 16th) you can still obtain a form from the office and submit it and we will add
you to the list.
Our primary fundraiser of the school year has begun. On behalf of every student, and member of the St. Herbert
school community we thank you sincerely for your support of our chocolate fundraiser. The proceeds are all used
directly this academic year to make events like our upcoming Halloween School Dance on Friday October 30th, and
many other enriching experiences possible. Please remember our early draw for prizes and our School Spirit Mustache
Day is on Monday October 5th!!!! The fundraiser will conclude on October 14th. Thanks for participating!
October 1st is the Feast Day of St. Therese of the Child Jesus
St. Therese, the little flower, please pick a rose from the heavenly garden and send it to me with a message of love.
Ask God today to grant me the favor I ask and tell Him I will love Him each day more and more. Amen.
October 2nd is the Feast of our Guardian Angels.
O Angel of God my Guardian Dear to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light and
guard and rule and guide. Amen.