Program Level Outcome (PLO) Assessment Report Summary

Program Level Outcome (PLO) Assessment Report Summary
Program Level Outcomes for Spanish:
Upon successful completion of the Spanish program, a student should be able to
converse and write in Spanish at the intermediate level with effective use of grammar,
vocabulary, comprehensible pronunciation, and syntax on a range of topics such as
personal and family lives, school or work, and current events.
read and understand authentic texts in Spanish such as letters, essays, newspaper
articles, poems, and/ or short stories.
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the linguistic, literary, and cultural
contributions of the Spanish speaking world.
What we looked at:
We looked at PLO 1, specifically focusing on effective writing and the use of grammar and
What we found:
Across the board, we found there was a high-rate of success in students’ writing skills
expectation. Overall, we noticed that students had excellent command of grammar and
vocabulary to level. However, we also found that we need to strengthen students’ understanding
and use of accents across all levels.
What our next steps are:
Greater emphasis will be placed on appropriate use of accents in writing. We are going to have
greater writing component.