SAC Meeting Call to Order: Roll Call

SAC Meeting
Call to Order: (3:00PM)
Roll Call: All present
Prayer: Given by Colleen Reynolds, LeeAnn Scherbauer to give prayer at next meeting.
Approval of minutes: 4-18-12 minutes were approved without change
Public Forum
Joe Jabour: Senator, working on promotional kiosks on campus. Should be up by the end of
Tapuwa Chikwinya: senate member at large for BSA, also SAC member at large until
appointed. Will be attending. BSA meeting at 5pm - ice cream social. AJ $15 per student.
LeeAnn: Be Great Cincinnati, event this weekend.
Jacquelyn Reineke: Message from Meghan Savercool - UC 'Stay Classy'
Tim Whelms: working in collaboration with U4U, extreme fans. Home coming dance - sept
28th. Week long fest.
Kevin Tighe: SGA Antonio Johnson, hang out at Randy’s at 5pm for SAC/Senate bonding time.
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
(Budget Passed around)
Report of the SGA Executive
Report of the Executives
Constitutional Review Committee Since this is the last meeting of the year I wanted to announce the members of the
Constitutional Review Committee and explain some of the format of the committee. Pending
their agreement, the members will be: Adam Lamb, Ryan Martin, and Shelby Alig from Senate
and Morgan Zuziak, Jacquelyn Reineke and Colleen Reynolds from SAC. This committee will be
set up with 3 members from each branch of SGA and we will meet to discuss each part of the
three major documents (Constitution, Senate Rules of Order and SAC Rules of Order) per
Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution. Throughout the year we will report to both boards
about our discussions so that by the end of the semester (ideally) we will be able to propose
the documents to the boards for approval. Additionally, anyone who is not on the committee
but would like to bring up areas of any document that should be changed please review the
documents and send me any thoughts you have - I will send them on to the committee. We
will take suggestions from anyone on either boards through mid-July. Thank you!
Rollover - $55,700
This summer, the three of us will be here working very hard to cover most, if not all, of our
platform points. For that however, we are going to need access to some of this year’s rollover.
Therefore, we are hoping to do a straw poll for all the rollover we predict we will need this
summer. This number seems huge, and we know that. We tried to overestimate because it is
too soon to know how much everything will cost. We have started initial research on all of this,
but not enough to know exact numbers. This is not to say that we will use all of it, but without
requesting rollover from both boards, we can’t touch any of it. We would be happy to answer
questions on the specifics.
This is our last report for the year! Thanks for a great start to what we think will be a great
term here at SGA. Good luck to everyone on exams, and if we don’t see you before, have a
great summer!
Is the DVD Kiosk going to replace Flix?
Bike program short term?
Can check out bike for a day, something like that.
How much will be the total rollover for this year?
Not sure yet.
Was there a project where senate bought printers for dorms?
There has been in the past, part of our platform to make it more efficient and available
Will you be investing in better bikes for BikeXU, had complaints.
Think the bikes are fine, investing in a repair station.
SGA is big on not funding departments. How would extending Hoff dining hours not be that?
Students want it, it would be to supplement for this year until they can make change.
Have you talked to Flix, I thought they had an idea to get a box?
Joe Christman was on board, if they are planning on doing that, will be part.
What would you do if the rollover will only be 20,000?
These are only estimates, will take that in account.
Report of the SAC Chair, LeeAnn Scherbauer
--Thanks for being so prepared for Planning Day through your efforts to meet prior to today
and even on Workshop.
--We have several proposals today which I’m very excited about that we will have a full
calendar of events for the students right when they come back to campus or just as they enter
as first years!
--I have a couple of events that I’m going to place on the calendar today for SAC bonding and
Fall Workshop!
1) Workshop Potential Dates: September 1st, 2nd, 8th, or 9th.
2) SAC Bonding: September 16th
3) SAC Bonding: October 27th
4) SAC Bonding: November 10th or 17th
--These are a few goals that I surmised from all the goals ya’ll came up with on Sunday:
1) Teamwork, support for all committees, and combined SAC efforts
2) Listen to students and gather student input
3) Attract new students to events
4) Collaborate with clubs and organizations
5) Establish SAC’s brand further on campus and initiate in other promotional efforts
6) Be efficient in all that we do and follow through on all parts of events
7) Work hard, play hard—Have fun!
--I’m excited for this upcoming year and I hope all of you are as well!
--Good luck on exams this coming week!
Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis
For your Senate Minute today, the Senate had Dave Johnson present their Report of the
Administration this week in the meeting. Dave addressed the Sexual Assault/Harassment
Resolution that recently passed through the Senate and reassured that the University will soon
be making more announcements related to the work they are doing to prevent and handle
sexual assaults. He also discussed that the realignment for the Provost’s area is coming soon.
The senate voted former SAC member Pat Schlembach to be the new Student Conduct Liaison
for SGA.
This past week I facilitated a Safe Zone 1 pilot with Deanna Martin. I hope this fall that the
LTSI, Sarah Ciabotti, will be offering sessions open to students and that SGA will be at the
forefront of interest in attending. The session went well and we gathered a lot of feedback
that will be shared with Sarah and with Matt Morefield.
This summer, Needom, Drew, Emily, Adam and Kristin will represent Xavier at the Student
Government East Institute. Blake, Becky, Joe and Ryan will represent SGA at the NJSLC.
Congratulations to the selected attendees!
This fall, the Spirit Celebration is looking to be revamped and developed as more of a
celebration of the start of the year. How many of you have attended Spirit Celebration in the
I’d like to take the rest of my report to collect suggestions from you on how Spirit Celebration
can be redeveloped to be more enticing to students and to draw together our entire
community in an inclusive way, beyond just the Mass of the Holy Spirit.
Good luck to everyone with Xavier Fest and have a great summer!
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey
Opinion Entries
Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)
FAC, Jim Reitenbach
Open Executive Session
South Jordan (Featured during Cincinnati Night)
Date: August 22nd, 2012 7:30-8:30
Location: Husman Stage on the Xavier Yard, Rain Site: GSC Theatre
Est. Attendance: 350-400
Event Description:
South Jordan was a boy band booked at NACA Nationals. The will be playing out on the
Husman yard, for about an hour, as a part of SAC’s Cincinnati Night. They are a pop/rock band
from Indiana University (some of the band members are from Cincinnati originally though!)
Budget Requested From: Concerts Committee
Cost Breakdown:
Lighting and Sound
Item Description: We’d like to do fliers and some other creative promo for the event!
Contingency Amount (5%):
Total Amount Proposed:
(Initial Questions)
Do you want to split promo?
Friendly amendment - $30 instead of $60
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Concert at Riverbend or Bogarts
Date: Unsure (Schedule isn’t out yet)
Location: Riverbend or Bogarts
Est. Attendance: 90
Event Description:
We will be taking 2 buses full of students to a concert within the first few weeks of school.
The schedule isn’t out; therefore we aren’t able to access a lot of information. However, we
want to propose for the money now so that when tickets become available we can buy them
ASAP over the summer. We plan to sell the tickets for $10.
Budget Requested From: Concerts
Cost Breakdown:
2 Buses (250 x 2)
Item Description: 2 buses for 4 hours.
Concert Tickets (90 x $35)
Item Description: Tickets will most likely cost less, however, depending on the concert
they can range from $20-$35 for general admission. This is the price we will need
before ticket sales. After ticket sales we will only be spending $1850.
Item Description: As of now we just plan on using fliers to promote the event.
Contingency Amount (5%):
Total Amount Proposed:
Total (after ticket sales):
(Initial Questions)
When will this take place?
Within first 3 weeks of school
Did you know, their concert season end before Sept.?
Considering other venues, do not know schedule yet
(Debate and Discussion)
Sounds like an awesome events, students want it, liked Lupe Fiasco concert.
Debate Ended
WEBN Fireworks
Chairs: Kelly Kleier and Colleen Reynolds
Date: September 3, 2012
Time: 7:30pm – 11:30pm
Location: Downtown Cincinnati (River Front)
Est. Attendance: 675-700 Students (45 Students/Bus)
Event Description:
We will be getting 15 buses to transport about 700 Xavier students to downtown Cincinnati to
enjoy the WEBN Labor Day fireworks.
Budget Requested From: Campus Traditions
Cost Breakdown:
Buses (15) - $3,750
Parking - $270
Security - $550
Promo - $60
Total Amount Proposed: $4,630
(Initial Questions)
Looping or drop off?
Drop off.
What is the security?
Security charge of $500
On Monday? Was on Sunday last year?
Taste of Cincinnati (Skyline, LaRosa’s, Graeter’s)
Chairs: Becky G.
Date: Week of Welcome August weeknight, Aug. 22nd
Time: 7:00 pm with South Jordan
Budget Requested From: Life and Culture
Cost Breakdown:
$1200.00? for food, Promo: $30.00
Total Amount Proposed: $1230
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Late Night Snack: Montgomery Inn
Chairs: Rob & Whitney
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2012
Time: 10:30pm
Estimated Attendance: 350
Event Description:
Snack provided by us for the students after 10 pm. We will be getting pulled pork sandwiches
and ribs along with kettle chips.
Budget Requested From: Late Night
Cost Breakdown:
Food: $520
Promo: $60
Total Amount Proposed: $580
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Late Night Laser Tag
Chairs: Elizabeth and Jacquelyn
Date: September 5, 2012
Time: 8pm-12am
Location: Greenspace, Rain Location: GSC Atrium
Estimated Attendance: 100
Event Description:
Bringing opportunity to play laser tag to Xavier’s campus. The game will be provided by
Preferred Entertainment. It will be set up, obstacles and all, on the Greenspace
Budget Requested From: Late Night
Cost Breakdown:
Laser Tag: $1, 295
Travel and Lodge: $361
Promo: $60
Total Amount Proposed: $1,716
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Sounds like a great event, I'm super excited for it.
Debate Ended
Date: August 23 – 25, 2012
Time: 11pm each night
Location: GSC Theater (Thursday, Saturday), Xavier Yard (Friday)
Estimate Attendance: 150 per show
Event Description:
First Late Night Movie of the year will take place on August 23 – 25. The movie will be
determined at a later date when we have a better idea as to what we have access to.
Budget Requested From: Late Light
Cost Breakdown:
Movie Rights: $1,040
Theater Costs: $200
Promo: $60
Total Amount Proposed: $1,300
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Reds Game **Communicate with RSA
Chairs: Kelsey K.
Date: Friday September 7th
Budget Requested From: Life and Culture
Cost Breakdown:
$8 each x 120= $960
[Bus$600.00, Promo: $75.00]
Total Amount Proposed: $1635.00
(Initial Questions)
Have you talked to RSA, they will be doing a reds game next year.
Have not, but want to open it up to all students.
Are you going to charge?
Yes, but not much.
Is this the same game?
Haven’t contact them yet.
They are going August 24th.
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Kiosk project
Not Emailed
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Ride the Ducks
Chairs: Tiffany
Date: Sept. 14th?
Budget Requested From: Life and Culture
Cost Breakdown:
$15.00 x 37= $555.00
[$250 Looping Bus, Promo: $75]
Total Amount Proposed: $875.00
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Twitter prizes
Not Emailed
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Bengal’s Game vs. Miami 7th
Chairs: Becky
Date: Sunday 7th or 21st
Budget Requested From: Life and Culture
Cost Breakdown:
$35.00/40 x 40 = $1400.00/1600.00
Total Amount Proposed: $1600.00
(Initial Questions)
Bus proposal?
Will be proposing for buses next semester.
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Blue Man Group
Chairs: Tiffany
Date: Friday October 21st
Budget Requested From: Life and Culture
Cost Breakdown:
$ 32.50 x 40
Total Amount Proposed: $1462.50
(Initial Questions)
Do we have to buy these tickets in the summer?
Yes, ticket sales open.
Worried that this is Halloween weekend?
Wrong date, it is the 21st
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
MAD: Carnival
Date: August 24, 2012
Time: 9pm-1am
Location: Greenspace/Xavier Yard, Rain Location: Gallagher Student Center
Estimated Attendance: 600
Event Description:
Muskies After Dark with a Carnival theme. We will be having games, inflatables, balloon artist,
prizes, and music. Late Night Movie will be shown on the Xavier Yard as well at 11pm.
Budget Requested From: Late Night
Cost Breakdown:
Booths and lights – $600
Ring Toss – $375 (2 liter prize)
Fish Bowl Toss – $200 (fish for prize)
Cookie Wheel – $300 (Cookies for prize)
Crazy Ball Board – $200 (Candy for prize)
Milk Can Toss – $300 (Prize TBD)
Balloon Darts – $300 (Prize TBD)
High Striker - $175
3 in 1 Sports Cube - $350
Slip N’ Slide - $350
Criss Cross Collision Course – $800
Juggler – $350
Balloon Artist – $350
Corn Dogs – $360
Funnel Cakes – $300
Cotton Candy - $120 (looking into buying premade)
Inflatable Screen for Movie - $500
Wax Hands – $400
Promo - $150 (flyer within Manresa folders)
Total: $6,480
Contingency - $520
Total Amount Proposed: $7,000
(Initial Questions)
Told RSA this is the same night as MAD? I know RSA is geared toward MAD.
Out of my hands.
What time will they be back?
Probably 7, so will be back in time to go.
What are you doing to address safety with these activities?
If we need liability forms, I will have them available. Will take the correct safety previsions.
(Debate and Discussion)
Moving the date is not an option?
Not going to move the first MAD from the week of welcome.
Have everything reserved in case we need to move inside.
Do not think the Reds will be a problem, they get back in time.
RSA will be telling them to attend MAD
Debate Ended
Blast from the Past
Melt: was last Thurs, 252 people, DJ awesome food was great.
SustainabiliTEA: miscommunication with professors. Students were in different place than
Missing green easel, if you see it around campus let LeeAnn or Crystal know.
Here and Now
Xavier Fest: if you can still help volunteer please do.
Everyone should really help come clean up.
Committee Reports
Publicity, Ian Kerley
Publicity has just been wrapping up the year promoting for Xavier Fest. Also, Blake has really
hit the ground running since becoming a member of Publicity. He has gained 50 new followers
for the SAC Twitter account, organized deals with Subway and Currito (10% off Subway and
free fountain drink at Currito upon proving they follow SAC on Twitter) and he has also worked
with admissions to have our social media information posted on Road to Xavier so all the
incoming first years can see it.
Our committee will not be having a meeting Sunday night but everyone who proposed for an
event within the first 3 weeks of the next year needs to complete the promo checklist and
leave it in my mailbox, preferably by Monday morning. Promo checklists are on the T-Drive
and there will also be blank ones in my mailbox. Good luck with finals!
Late Night Programming, Jacquelyn Reineke
Thank you for passing our first four proposals today. Late Night will be working hard over the
summer to get everything ready to go for the year. Whitney and Rob will be securing
everything for Montgomery Inn late night snack, Elizabeth and I will be working with Preferred
Entertainment to get Laser Tag to campus (which is something that I am extremely excited
about), and I will be putting a majority of my time into planning MAD and securing some other
things for the rest of the semester. And every night from London I will be praying for good
weather August 24th! That is all for me. I hope you all have an amazing summer and I am
excited to see another great year on SAC.
Concerts, Morgan Zuziak
Proposals: First, I would like to say thanks for passing South Jordan and our
Riverbend/Bogarts event – we will keep you updated on when the schedule comes out for
Riverbend/Bogarts and when/if we choose a concert; we are excited to start planning these
events over the summer!
Major Concert: Also, we will begin planning the major concert over the summer as well. We
have already started working on the major concert, which I want to thank you all so much for
helping push out our survey!! Also, a big thanks to Collin, Kate, Keenan, Margaret, and
LeeAnn for passing out the survey in front of the Hoff on Monday to get even more of our
fellow students input. (Fun fact: Blake, your dad suggested we book you as a concert. Also,
Joe Christman said if we need any help with promotions to let him know. And finally, Scott
Chadwick said if we get Shinedown he would be more than happy to introduce them.) As of
now we have 630 responses and I’m sure we’ll have more by the end of tomorrow, which is
when we will be ending the survey after Xavierfest (which we will have a table at) and
collecting all of our responses from surveymonkey, twitter, facebook, and our paper survey to
see the final count on what Xavier’s thoughts are regarding the concert! We are already
talking to Mike Dunn in Cintas to get a date for the major concert and we have been in contact
with Ari (our agent) just letting him know we are starting to plan the concert.
Campus Traditions, Colleen Reynolds
Hi SAC! Thanks for passing our proposal for WEBN Fireworks! Campus Traditions is really
excited about all of our fall events. Also, thanks a bunch for all of your feedback about
"Homecoming Week" next September. Be sure to let me know if you would like to be a part of
the planning committee, and keep brainstorming ideas for a different name rather than
homecoming. Thanks again, and I hope everyone has a fantastic summer!
Life & Culture, Katie Keller
Congrats to all of the new SACers who were sworn in today. Thanks for passing all 5 of Life
and Culture's proposed events (Cincy Night, Red's Game, Ride the Ducks, Blue Man, and
Bengals) . I look forward to ordering tickets over the summer and I am really excited for next
Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to LeeAnn, Number of exams you have next week?
Adjourned: (5:20PM)