SAC Minutes Wednesday, February 13 2013

SAC Minutes
Wednesday, February 13th 2013
Meeting called to order at 3:02pm
Prayer with Katie Schad
Prayer of College Students
Elizabeth B. volunteered for next week’s prayer
Approval of last week’s minutes
LeeAnn, Kelsey K., and Abdiel were excused.
Luke S. moves to approve, Kelly Popp seconds
Public Forum
Abby Schafer from Senate came and thanked SAC for all of their
hard work with Muskies After Dark. Also talked about her urban farming
project, and recommended SAC use this for future event locations.
Questions centered on sustainability of the shelters. Jacquelyn openly
thanked Abby for her help with MAD. The board rejoiced.
Review of Budget
No budget to review—Resource Assistant absent.
Opinion Entries
No one had any pressing opinions.
VII. FAC Proposals
No FAC proposals.
VIII. Regular Proposals
Caitlyn W. proposed $1,442 for Luck on the Levee from the
Campus Tradition’s budget.
Questions: Which restaurants can Levee gift cards be used at? Is
there a way to enforce bus-riding?
Colleen motioned to end debate and discussion, Kelly K.
Keenan C. requested $2,580 from the Concert’s committee budget
for Battle of the Bands.
Questions: What creative promo will you use? What’s the
process for judging? Dustin-did you check with the theater
department? Does winner get paid at Xavier Fest? Why is this event
held at 6pm rather than later?
Morgan moved to end debate and discussion, Kevin seconded.
Elizabeth B. proposed $1,065 from the Late Night committee
budget for Late Night Movie (Flight).
Kelly Popp moved to end debate and discussion, Brian seconded.
Michael Ryan proposed $500 from the Campus Traditions budget
for NEDAW.
Questions: Why does the cost breakdown not equal the total
cost of the event? Why is promo listed as $170? Why is a comedian
coming during the seemingly morose occasion?
Tyler Sauerbeck moved to end debate and discussion, Morgan
Report of the SAC Chair
(Insert Here)
Committee Chair Reports
Late Night Committee
(Insert Here)
FAC does not have much to report. We finished our application
to the Executives for next fiscal year's Club Budgeting and Special
Request and canceled last night's meeting due to the Executive Debate.
If you have any FAC related questions, please let me know.
Concerts Committee
First of all, thanks for passing Battle of the Bands! We have been
working on contacting high schools and preparing for canvassing this
Saturday. Just a reminder we have Katie Schad, Kelsey, Elizabeth, Matt,
LeeAnn, and Tyler down for canvassing from 12-4pm this Saturday. If
any of you can't come or now know you can come - let me know after
my report! Also, Sam and I will be canvassing this Friday around 12pm let me know if you can come! Also, we have 829 tickets sold for major
Campus Traditions
Hi SAC! Thanks for passing Luck on the Levee today. We're really
excited to continue the Xavier tradition. This past week, Traditions had
a great meeting where we mapped out our vision for Spring Week. This
week will be sending emails to various clubs and organizations asking
how, where, and when they would like to get involved. A few highlights
for the week so far are a sand volleyball tournament, puppies on the
Xavier Yard, Xavier Showcase, a multicultural cook-off, an outdoor
candlelight mass with the CFJ, a movie on the Xavier Yard, and lots
more. We'll be sure to keep you updated as the schedule begins to fill
up. Publicity, we would also love to meet with you soon to discuss some
of our promo ideas. Thanks, and have a great week
Hey SAC. Events that need to meet with us this Sunday are the
Late Night Snack/Concert collaboration, XU’s Got Talent, and Luck on
the Levee. Again, we meet at 7pm on Sunday’s. Thanks!
Life and Culture
No Report to give.
Space Exploration Committee Report
(Insert Here)
XII. Executive Report
(Insert Here)
XIII. Dustin’s Report featuring Dustin Lewis
Hey SAC,
I want to start off by commenting on the Executive Elections. It takes a
great deal of courage and guts to run for office and to stand up in front
of your peers - those that support you and those that do not - the way
Matt, Keenan, Colleen and Katie did the other night at the debate and to
share your hopes and dreams for the student body. I want to
congratulate them on a job well done and wish them all luck tomorrow
with the conclusion of the election. Out of curiosity, how many of you
have voted already? (show of hands)
For your Senate Minute, the Senate had three staff members from
Athletics this week delivering their report of the administration: Tom
Eiser, Brian Hicks, and Brett Sanders. While the report ran a little long
with three speakers, they shared a lot of great information and
answered many questions related to potential division changes, athletic
marketing and also announced that they will again be offering special
rates for graduating seniors to purchase season tickets for next year. I
am passing around a flyer with more information. Senate also passed
IDEA @ X this week - a club supporting Deaf Studies majors, as well as
approving X-treme Fans as a University-Affiliated Organization. Just a
reminder that UAOs are like a super club and receive line item funding in
the SGA budget, versus applying for a club budget.
To be a UAO, you must be a current club that has received a minimum of
$10,000 in funding each year for the last few years, you must have a
dedicated advisor from the university (not just a volunteer faculty or
staff), and you must provide a level of service or programming that if
absent the university would be lacking a great deal of service or
programs. An example would be X-treme Fans; if they did not exist, we
would be missing a major piece of athletic support and school spirit.
Glenn Arnold contacted me to see if anyone from SAC is interested in
participating in the intramural basketball championships coming soon. I
will communicate back with him those of you who are interested. This
could be good exposure for SAC and a good way to promote XavierFest
and the Concert.
Senior Week packages launched today and are now available for
purchase online. Please share with seniors that they can go
to for more information.
SAC Applications will be coming out this week. LeeAnn and I have been
working on the applications and just so you know, each of you who wish
to return to the board will need to reapply and reinterview. Applications will be due the week after Spring Break and
interviews the following week. Please let us know if you have any
questions. We will be emailing the board to let you know when they are
online (OrgSync) and available.
I have been working on a preliminary calendar for 2013-2014 that I'll pull
up on screen. In preparation for NACA, we will be taking this calendar to
be able to book artists for events this fall. I also recently went through
and selected dates for SAC to use the GSC Theatre. As you can see, there
are 7 MAD dates on this calendar. Before everyone panics, I want to
note that I believe whole-heartedly that SAC can execute this many MAD
events next year. I plan on continuing more conversation with the NEW
Late Night Committee in April about this.
Finally, NACA attendees don't forget we are leaving on Friday at
9:30am. Please bring your SAC binders!
XIV. Report of the Resource Assistant
No Report—Absent.
XV. Blast from the Past
Chanessa—Hip Hop Symposium had 42 people and was great!
Jacquelyn—Mad had 475 people and was equally as great!
XVI. Here and Now
Late Night Movie—Skyfall. Need volunteer to count Friday.
XVII. Meeting Adjourned
Luke S. moved to adjourn, Michael Ryan seconds. Kevin Tighe
votes “Nay”.