L.A. PLC Meeting Minutes 1-14-15

L.A. PLC Meeting Minutes
Present: Tonya Edwards, Lori Houchens, Alicia Judd, Beth Davidson,
Kelli Barrett, Heather Gardner, and Lori Downs
Main topics of discussion:
 Curriculum for next year = Discussion included possibilities and
ideas for next school year…such as dividing grammar, reading, and
writing into different classes (or some new combination). In an
effort to improve deficits, opinions were heard concerning the
pros and cons of the above proposal/idea. More discussion will
continue at a later date.
 Edgenuity = While we view this as a useful program, we discussed
ways to make it more practical and beneficial for individual
teacher use. Some of us feel we need more training to utilize it to
its full potential.
 Score Analysis = Copies were made to distribute to the L.A.
department. Discussion followed.
 Writing samples of high, medium, and low will be turned into the
office. Essays, open responses, and emphasis on paragraph
development are three major writing areas in which we are