Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing Form 040 - SBA OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 1. Agency Name State Board of Administration (a component unit, not a State Agency) 2. Contact Name 4. Contact Title DONNA SENN 3. Contact E-mail 5. Contact Phone Number Accounting Manager 850 413-1462 6. Impact to agency if request is not approved: Expenditure Reporting Business System Impact - Names of System(s): Other – Please explain: 7. Impact Statement (Explanation of Impact to the agency include any concerns on timeline) 1. We only learned of this project May 8, 2014. SBA does not need FLAIR object codes at all, but because DFS requires one for revenues and expenses in FLAIR, we accommodate that when sending monthly transaction files to FLAIR. SBA uses a mapping table that basically converts the GL codes that SBA uses in our own PeopleSoft system to the FLAIR GL codes DFS uses to prepare statewide reporting. For FLAIR GL codes that start with a 6xxxxx or 7xxxxx, SBA also sends an Object code and Category code for no purpose other than to get the FLAIR transaction to post. SBA does not use either the Object code or the Category code for any purpose. As far as we are concerned, we could use a single object code for everything. 2. SBA has the ability to use the same Object code for multiple GL codes, but SBA does NOT currently have the ability to use multiple object codes for the same GL code. We currently have a one-to-one relationship between object codes and GL codes in FLAIR. SBA has several codes in FLAIR for “other expenses” that are used only at fiscal year-end when we move balances to GL codes required by DFS for either governmental or proprietary funds. These codes could have balances for a variety of expenses. In most cases, the original expenses were recorded by SBA in GL 771-773, and the fund is either a governmental fund or a proprietary fund, so we move the balances to either GL 711 or GL 783 or GL 785. We don’t move every individual expense, we zero out the original individual expenses in GL 771-772, but we move them to a single GL code starting with “711” or “783” to accommodate your year-end close needs. SBA has interfaces with several investment management systems that affect the posting of investment transactions to SBA’s General Ledger, which in turn, are later converted to FLAIR. None of these systems is set up to distinguish between the “type of fund” meaning that they cannot post to different GL codes depending on whether a fund is “governmental”, “proprietary”, or “fiduciary”. So, SBA uses the same GL codes throughout the year and then moves the balances (if necessary) to GL-711, 783 or 785 at fiscal yearend MANUALLY. We may have originally recorded a variety of expenses in GL-773xx, but when we move the balance to GL 711, we move the balances of all the 773xx codes to GL-71161/OBJ-899052-Other Nonbudgeted Expense (Gov). We do have a separate code for Salaries & Benefits GL-711 OBJ-110003 and Other Contractual Svcs GL-711 OBJ-139913. We do not want to have to set up new 711 GL codes to reflect every single code that was originally posted in the 773 range during the year. Ditto with the Salaries and OCS codes. We do not want to set up 6 different Salary codes in GL 711 to reflect each individual salary expense that was posted in GL 771, we roll them all into a single GL 711 OBJ 110003 at FYE. For OCS, we roll them into GL 711 OBJ 139913 and for other budgeted expenses GL 711 OBJ 499003 and other nonbudgeted expenses GL 711 OBJ 899052. 1 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 3. In my review of SBA’s existing object codes and your draft files for expense object codes (e.g. 1xxxxx through 8xxxxx), it appears that there are quite a few SBA object codes that would need to be changed to fit into your object code template. For example, SBA has a lot of object codes starting with 8990xx, but these object codes are mapped to “operating expense” GL codes, so if you want correct reporting, SBA would need to either use a different proposed object code (one that you already have), or set up new ones that would correspond to GL codes that are “operating expenses”. Several (but not all) examples are object codes 899020, 899023, 899025, 899026, 899029, 899031, 899040, 899027, 899053, etc. Response: Please refer to the Statewide Object Codes for appropriate codification/crosswalk of agency unique object codes. 4. SBA could use object codes that you have already proposed, instead of setting up most of the new codes that we list at the bottom of this form. I am attaching a SBA crosswalk file with a list of SBA’s existing expense object codes, what you have proposed to map them to, what would be the preferred correct object code to map them to. If you would like SBA to use object codes that are meaningful, then you might want to consider adding the proposed SBA new codes. However, if the object code detail is not that important to DFS, SBA would be fine using an already existing code. For example, for the INVESTMENT EXPENSES listed above, SBA could use 461000-FEES-GENERAL or 899100-NONOPERATING EXPENDITURESOTHER for all of them and we could operate okay, because we do not use object codes for our reporting (we use GL codes). Response: See #8 below for the response to each requested object code. 5. Someone needs to look at certain debt service fiscal charges and determine the correct object code. We have all debt service fiscal charges coded to object codes 6xxxxx. Your proposals move them. Please see the attached file where I have included SBA’s current GL to FLAIR mapping table. Out to the right in columns N, O, P, Q, R, S I have listed all our existing expense GL/object codes, what you have proposed, what we think the correct object code might be, and my proposed object description. Green means no problem, Yellow means we believe the object code should be different and Orange means we may need to add a new object code. There are a couple of Purple lines. Those are codes where SBA manually recodes a variety of expenses to for statewide reporting, and we could not find an exact match in your proposed object codes file. 6. We have not yet looked at our Revenue Object Codes because my understanding is that you are currently only looking at expense object codes. Response: This impact statement is to address the standardization of the expenditure object codes. Revenue codes will not be standardized at this time. 2 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 8. Request for Statewide Object Codes (if applicable) Object Code Short Title Long Title Definition Justification 1xxxxx or 4xxxxx INV EXP-SBA INVESTMENT EXPENSES-SBA SVC CHGS Used to record payment of SBA investment service charges. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. INVESTMENT EXPENSESMANAGEMENT FEES Used to record contractual expenses paid to external investment managers. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. INVESTMENT EXPENSES-OTHER Used to record payment of State of Florida Treasurer investment service charges, including SPIA charges Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. INVESTMENT EXPENSESCOMMISSIONS Used to record broker commissions paid on investments. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. ARBITRAGE TAX PAYMENT Used to record payment of federal taxes as a result of arbitrage situations in governmental funds. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. Used to record broker rebates paid to security borrowers on the cash collateral put up to collateralize security loans. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. 1xxxxx or 4xxxxx 4xxxxx 4xxxxx 4xxxxx or 6xxxxx 4xxxxx INV EXP-MGT FEES INV EXPOTHER INV EXP-COMM ARB TAX PMT INV EXP-SL REB INVESTMENT EXPENSES-SECURITY LENDING REBATES Approved Y/N DFS Comments N Agency should be directed to 840004 Investment Cost ‐ SBA. Y 840100 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Management Fees is proposed. N Agency should be directed to 840006 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ State Treasurer. Y 840101 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Broker Commission is proposed. Y 899111 ‐ Arbitrage Tax Payment is proposed. Y 840009 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Security Lending is proposed. 3 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 4xxxxx 64xxxx 64xxxx 4xxxxx 1xxxxx 8xxxxx 8xxxxx INV EXP-SL FEES DS-PMT PREM DS-NOT REDEMP ACTUARY EST OCS-BEN PMT NO EXP-SEC LND NO EXP-FISCAL Used to record the amount paid to security lending agents for their share of net lending earnings. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. Used to record premiums paid to bondholders when the State of Florda repays debt in advance refundings. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. DEBT SERVICENOTICES OF REDEMPTION Used to record amount paid to provide legal notice of upcoming debt redemptions Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. INC/DEC ACTUARY FUTURE BENEFIT Used to record changes in Actuary estimates of future costs. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES-BENEFIT PAYMENTS Used to record various benefit payments to colleges and universities on behalf of Florida Prepaid participants. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. INVESTMENT EXPENSES-SECURITY LENDING FEES DEBT SERVICEREDEMPTION PREMIUM NONOPERATING EXPENDITURES-SEC LENDING FEES NONOPERATING EXPENDITURES-FISCAL CHARGES Used to pay nonoperating security lending agent fees in proprietary funds. Used to pay nonoperating fiscal charges such as bank fees related to investment activities in proprietary funds. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. N Agency should be directed to 840009 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Security Lending. Y 690011 ‐ Debt Service ‐ Redemption is proposed. N Agency should be directed to 690011 ‐ Debt Service ‐ Redemption. Y 899112 ‐ Change in Actuary Estimate is proposed. Y 421028 ‐ Benefits/Claims ‐ Prepaid College is proposed. N Agency should be directed to 840009 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Security Lending. N Agency should be directed to 840100 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Management Fees. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. 4 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 8xxxxx 8xxxxx 8xxxxx 8300xx 8300xx NO EXP-SBA NO EXP-BD ISS NO EXP-COMM NONOPERATING EXPENDITURES-SBA INV SVC CHGS NONOPERATING EXPENDITURES-BOND ISSUE COSTS NONOPERATING EXPENDITURESCOMMISSIONS Used to pay SBA investment service charges in proprietary funds. Used to pay nonoperating bond issuance costs in proprietary funds. Used to pay nonoperating investment commissions in proprietary funds. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. INV COSTOPTIONS INVESTMENT COSTOPTIONS Used to record the purchase cost of put or call option investments. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. INV COST-RE INVESTMENT COSTREAL ESTATE Used to record the purchase cost of real estate investments. Don’t see any other existing proposed codes like this. N Agency should be directed to 840004 Investment Cost ‐ SBA. Y 690012 ‐ Bond Issuance Cost is proposed. N Agency should be directed to 840101 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Broker Commission. Y 840010 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Options is proposed. Y 840011 ‐ Investment Cost ‐ Real Estate is proposed. THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE AGENCY’S DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION OR DELEGATE. I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided above is true and correct. Printed Name: Robert T. Copeland Signature: Title: Sr. Operating Officer – Accounting & Administrative Services Phone Number: 850-413-1212 Date Signed: May 19, 2014 5