LIBRARY LEADERSHIP COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 17, 2013 Present: Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Timothy Mullin, Jennifer Wilson, Eric Fisher and Jan Renusch Minutes: The May 6, 2013, minutes were approved electronically. Dean’s Report/Announcements: Connie reviewed an email from Samantha Hartman, Housing and Residence Life, regarding student staff workers engaging in multiple service projects around campus on August 13. Discussion on the libraries needs followed. Connie will follow-up on the project. -Homecoming - Connie will appoint a committee for a Library open house to take place on Saturday October 26, at 10:00 am in the Commons at Cravens. Department Heads will submit names for the committee to the Dean. -Wilson Storage Task Force – Connie will appoint a task force consisting of Bryan Carson, Chair, Alan Logsdon, Janice Haley, Suellyn Lathrop and the new Periodicals Assistant. Connie will prepare the charge. She would like the task force to have structure and an action plan by mid-September and the project completed by December. -Courier Service Study Group – Connie asked Deana and Brian to revisit using the campus courier service for deliveries to the regional campuses. Deana will talk with Janice Haley and will keep Brian in the loop. A study group will not be appointed at this time. -Library Kick-off – The kick-off will take place on Wednesday, August 21 at 10:00 am in Helm 100. There will be two guest speakers, group photo, and lunch. The Library faculty will meet at 1:00 pm in Cravens 111. The staff will meet on Friday, August 23 at 10:00 am in Helm 100. August 14 is the deadline for highlights being sent to the Dean. Library Systems Office: Eric reported that a demo of the STimaging scanner is scheduled for July 3rd at 10 am Helm 2nd Floor to compare to a ScanPro Scanner. -Nelda Sims, David Runner and Eric Fisher attended the 2013 eBug Conference at Georgetown College that covered various ExLibris topics. -A meeting is scheduled for June 18th to discuss possible hardware solutions for recording and setup for the Cravens 900 project. -Transfer of the Soky Book Fest website is still ongoing. Other items: The LSO staff photographed and created the blog and podcast entry for the Undergraduate Research Award event; assisted a user with a Twitter account issue; installed PDF creator software for one user; encrypted an image file that was saved onto a DVD; corrected Outlook data file for user that was unable to open Outlook to view their email or shared calendars; installed flash and other updates on three staff PCs; fixed a monitor power problem for one staff member; installed needed Windows and other updates on frozen staff PCs; troubleshot a problem with the ABLE bindery website that was returning a drive error; created instruction sheet on how to change email listings to show the sender in incoming email list for users; installed two temporary 2nd monitors for two faculty members until their new ones arrive; troubleshot problems with documents not opening correctly in PDF format for two faculty members; gave a demonstration of the KIC scanner to one of the DELO employees for Accessibility use; instructed a staff member on how to add flicker photos to the blog; updated AD databases with new students and removed all students who have graduated and are no longer employed with the library; uploaded the quarterly data updates for S&P's Research Insight; reinstalled and updated CS5 for one faculty member; installed needed updates on one student PC; setup WKU email on one staff members phone; troubleshot an internet access problem for one staff member; corrected login issues for the KY building laptop; reinstalled one Zebra label printer and added a ribbon and labels to another; installed new batteries in the wireless mouse at the Reference Desk to correct a connection problem; assisted a faculty member with reloading archive emails to be able to access a needed email; copied a website from one faculty member’s page to another site; uploaded award information to the blog; assisted a staff member transfer files; uploaded Podcast & RSS Feeds for the Al Baker's A Century of Excellence Commencement to the Blog and website; ran scans on one staff PC for popups & Malware; installed a 2nd monitor for a staff member to increase workflow; assisted a staff member accessing the binder budget; replaced a damaged keyboard; setup audio/video for two candidates presentations for the Glasgow Librarian position; collected PC information on the KY Building PC for inventory purposes; corrected a printer problem for the Reference desk printer; unfroze and installed updates twice on the PCs at the Reference Assistance desk, the Writing center desk, the Circulation desks in The Commons, VPAL and the ERC, and the PCs in Gov/Docs, Periodicals, Helm 201 and Java City; checked the login of the circulating laptops and installed needed updates; installed Abode Dreamweaver for one staff member; updated AD users’ status; tested and installed new print key software for two staff members that are currently testing it; assisted a staff member with uploading an Excel file related to the Gov/Docs repository. Marketing: Jennifer reported that the Marketing Department is working on several different projects this summer. -Jennifer circulated the latest newsletter, a sample poster for the new upcoming Film series partnership with International Student and Scholar Services, and one of the ads that will be in the View of the Hill magazine that is mailed out to all incoming students next month. -Jennifer is working with Timothy and Nancy Richey on a workshop in October for professionals and public interested in photograph and scrapbook restoration. The Friday session is geared more toward professionals and the half-day scrapbook session on Saturday will most likely be of interest to both professionals and public. -Following up on the spring food drive, there were about 400 items donated to the WKU Food Pantry. -There was discussion on whether or not to participate in the ROAR night with the Alumni Office. The decision was made to discontinue the evening program and make an effort to be a part of the daytime programming. -A committee of faculty and staff met to further discuss the Reference Guide. The campus map will be a separate insert in the Library guide. Jennifer has been working with University Publications to design a more professional map of the Cravens and Helm buildings, as well as redesign and new name. It was suggested to use a tag such as “Where Knowledge Unfolds” or “Your Research Partner” in place of the “Reference Guide.” The first date needed for the guides would be Thursday, August 15 at the Faculty Orientation. -There was discussion about a professional photo of all Library employees and where that location might be. Jennifer will contact University Photography and ask their opinions on location and schedule the date. Department Reports: Connie gave a summary of the CAD Retreat she attended on June 12. It included revisions to the Faculty Handbook; application for Promotion and Tenure in mandatory year; first-year reviews in March and the fall. Connie reminded the department heads to also remind faculty to update current vitas in Digital Measures. Faculty salary adjustment letters will go out after June 21. DLSC: Timothy reported that Maria Lewis has been hired as the full-time Library Assistant. -A search for the full-time Archives Assistant has begun. -The search for a part-time MSS assistant has been cancelled. -Timothy and Jan continue weeding out payroll accounting errors from the division of the Museum and Libraries. -Gordon Wilson - All Archives and Special Collection Library materials have been emptied; still in the process of cleaning out trophies. All that is left is material for shredding. -On July 1, 2013, the Welcome Center will no longer be in the Kentucky Building. It is moving to the Augenstein Alumni Center. -The HVAC will be replaced in part of the KY Building and necessitate closing to the public for at least two weeks. Appointments will be scheduled for patrons to access Manuscripts area. -A Preservation Workshop “Preserving History Photos and Scrapbooks” is scheduled for October 18 & 19. It will advertised statewide. DLTS: Deana discussed a new product for shelf reading and library inventory: Shelflister, a free, open software that runs on e-devices. -DLTS faculty retreat will be at the Warren County Public Library on August 22nd. -Bib Access Coordinator search committee is preparing to submit paperwork to begin the search on July 1. Applications will be due Sept. 1st with start date of Jan. 1 2014. -Now that Bib Access student assistants catalog the DLC books, Laura Bohuski, Crystal Bowling, and Jeannie Butler have been trained to catalog the member level books. DLPS: Brian reported that Owensboro Campus Librarian Rob Harbison died unexpectedly from heart complications on May 12. He began his career in DLPS as a student in the DLPS office before working in Extended Campus, Periodical/Microforms, and Owensboro. Among his many accomplishments included the planning of the Owensboro Library and the creation of the WKU Libraries’ Blog. -202,261 patrons visited the Helm-Cravens Library between January and May, 2013. This total represented an increase of 6% over the same period in 2012. 60% of patrons entered through the Helm Building, 31% through the Cravens fourth floor and 9% through the VPAL second floor. -Brian and Peggy Wright have completed plans for the fall series for the Far Away Places and Kentucky Live series. Six programs are planned for Barnes & Noble with an encore program on KY Barbecue at the Glasgow Campus Library in November. Highlights include famed editorial cartoonist Marc Murphy from the Louisville Courier Journal and violin virtuoso and holocaust survivor Samuel Marder from New York. -The Leisure Magazine committee met and approved thirteen new titles. Ten of these will be ordered immediately and three deferred. The ten include: American Bee Journal, Bicycling, Clean Eating, Essential Homme, Game Informer, American Songwriter, Source, Uncut, Shopsmart, and Wine Spectator. Deferred to the fall: Climbing Magazine, NME, and Tropical Fish Hobbyist. Eight titles were transferred from Helm 2 to the Leisure Reading Area on Helm 1 and three titles were moved to the VPAL magazine area for greater exposure. -The Glasgow Librarian Search Committee, chaired by Charles Smith, invited two candidates for on campus interviews the first two weeks of June. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm. For the Council, Jan Renusch Approved electronically June 25, 2013